i struck lottery! yea, right!

You struck lottery, Elisia! At 10.35pm, a sudden realisation that I messed up the deadlines for my Rhet paper. All along, I kept thinking the second draft was due on Thursday. Nope, it’s due TOMORROW and I have 5 more pages to go.

I’m a little on page 8 now. I’m sure I can hit 9 pages, but 10 worries me. Oh well…

A photo for Per…coz deep bowls excite her. :laugh:

I should stop doing ooh eh boh eh things and get down to finishing that damn draft. *sigh*

One thought on “i struck lottery! yea, right!

  1. Omg! Yeah! I was staring at the bowl even before I read your entry, muahaha~~

    You should totally cram all your work now since Winter Break is almost here… Jia you!

    elisia says: Ya, I’m like cramming a lot coz of the finals and stuff. I managed to hit the requirement of 10 pages for my Rhet essay. Went to my TA’s office hours today. He looked through and said it looked good. YES! I’m so so happy! The cramming was worth it afterall.

    My TA’s like the nicest guy. He treat the whole class to doughnuts yesterday since it was the last lesson. I wrote him a thank you note. I think he really helped me a lot. 🙂

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