Happy April Fool’s!
It’s April! My birthday month! Hmmm…till now I have no plans whatsoever to celebrate my 21st. Someone please surprise me. HAHA…
Last day of March was spent ktv-ing again. With Per and Sis. We overstayed again. HAHAHA… I think Kbox should change their lunch menu. Everything is spicy. The last time we went there, the choices were laksa or curry chicken rice. This time it was laksa or nasi briyani. Thinking that nasi briyani would be non-spicy and safe, we went for that. Then it came, with a piece of fish on top. Bite into fish. Hot. Hot. HOT!!! It was coated with some sauce that was spicy. Even worse than the curry chicken rice. This one really irritated my throat a lot.
Don’t they know that spicy stuff ain’t good for the throat when you’re singing?