Haha…have been busy managing and joining fanlistings that I haven’t sat down to blog.
Friday…met up with the girls after work. Yep…and they told me all the funny stuff I missed. Apparently, there were these girls walking around Orchard, promoting the new fragrance by Tommy Hilfiger. Per decided to inform each promoter that Tommy Hilfiger is racist. Imagine someone coming up to you…”Try our new fragrance.” And you just look at the card she’s holding, realise it’s a Tommy Hilfiger fragrance and just point to it saying “He’s racist.” and then just walk off. Well, just the picture I had in mind when they told me what happened.
And Nad couldn’t resist taking neoprints again. Hmmm…but we haven’t taken neoprints in a long time. Thus…

Then comes the ultimate funny.

There’s this other issue that I’m quite puzzled over. Now ‘fess up. Which of you guys *friends of course* has membership at California Fitness Centre? That’s not all…and entered my name in some guest list? Coz this fella from the fitness centre called me to say I won 2 weeks free membership there. I was like “what? how did I win it?” coz I’m not the kind who would want membership in a fitness centre. Gawd…I haven’t even exercised since Secondary school. He rattled on about one of my friends entering my name in some guest list. And that they picked “lucky me” coz they wanna get more teenagers to walk in. I turned down the offer. DUH. Do I look like the kind who would go workout in the gym? Haha…probably at the most I might push myself to exercise like the way Mr Quah used to make us do those morning runs and stuff. Hmmm…but I’m thinking that one or 2 people I know might like to have the membership though.
Saturday…ahhhh…finally a Saturday where I don’t need to wake up early coz of meetings or other activities. Rare.
Sunday…watched “Yesterday Once More” with Sis and Desmond. Sis’s treat. It’s a mandarin film starring Andy Lau and Sammi Cheng. We wanted to watch “2046” but there wasn’t a good time slot.
Today, well, I’m a happy person. Coz I managed to pick quite a bit of saga seeds. The tree is within the office compound, near the toilet. Usually you can pick quite a few whenever it rains. These few days has been raining so there’s quite a number of fallen pods.
Keera’s a naughty boy. He bit Nad. Just gotta say, the cat’s got some attitude. He’s got a cute face that makes you wanna hug him but I don’t think he’ll let you. Probably will turn you to shreds.