I just completed my readings for Rhetoric. Reading for Rhetoric class makes me feel like propelling myself into the air and then crash headfirst onto a hard concrete floor.
So much for being enthusiastic about class or keeping an open mind about class. I’m just getting more and more confused. Let’s hope I survive tomorrow.
The lunar eclipse issue is making me go all excited. But, 3+am is an unearthly hour! It’s not the holidays where I can stay up (like I did to catch NDP online). And I still have to worry about surviving Rhetoric class tomorrow. ARGH! :angry:
Think I’m going to crash (go to sleep)…
hey good to know tt u are settling well in the US. ok so classes are a drag what else is new..but hang in there boss u can so do it…since u’re in a single room dorm does tt mean i can crash over when i visit..talking as though i got the money to fly like that…nvm crash with pwen then she can drive ahahaha
take care of urself boss – n let em americanas know that small ppl are feisty like chili padi
elisia says: I miss you all~~~ Sure, you’re welcome if ever you come over here. Yea, I like being small coz the small sized clothes don’t run out here like they do back home.