I just sealed my fate. No more GPA 4.0 for this semester. I haven’t gotten that before, but am trying very very hard to reach it.
Well, my Japanese Literature Prof made an irresistable offer which was the choice to take the final exam. If we were happy with our current grade from all the activities so far, we could be excused from taking the exam. As always, I’m like an inch away from the next grade – I got A-. At first, Deary urged me to take the final exam coz “it ain’t over till the fat lady sings.” But, I did some calculations of my own and realised the only way my grade could move up to an A would be to score at least 96/100. Quite impossible for me in my opinion. I’ve been doing ok in the quizzes, but the free response quizzes and papers, I’ve only been able to get around 85%. Moreover, the format of the paper has 2 essay questions. I can only imagine myself getting around 90/100 at the max. So, techinically, my grade would not change and might only drop down to a B+.
I tried pushing my luck and asking if there was anything else I could do, but Prof said there was nothing. So, I opted to be excused for the exam. *sigh* Oh well, at least that gives me time to study for Meteorology and Econs. Just hope I don’t screw up anything else and manage to get into Dean’s List again. The fortune cookie had better be right that luck is coming my way.
Ah well, as always, can only blame myself for not opening my mouth more often in class.