a little more sunshine

“ね、さくら満開~~~ ね、さくら満開~~~” <<モーニング娘。 さくら組 - さくら満開>>

Finally I get to settle down to writing a entry. It’s Spring yo. Warmer weather, flowers all bloomin’…I like~~~

I got the post of Web Director! :heart: I know I didn’t give a very convincing speech, but trust me, I’m very thankful I got the post.

Although there are just those few times I wish I didn’t get that post… It means greater responsibility. Sometimes I get scared I won’t be able to live up to people’s expectations and I’ll be so ashamed of myself. Also, this is something which comes between deary and I. I don’t want to give this up coz it’s something I like to do, yet if it’s going to hurt our relationship, I’ll rather not have it. Although whatever has happened has passed now and we sort of settled it, I really hope things like that won’t have to happen again and again. I don’t want to have to keep feeling like I’m losing myself coz I’m trying to make the relationship work at the expense of my own happiness and my own true self.

I spent a quiet birthday with deary. Although the weather was kinda crappy, deary managed to make me feel special. We had dinner at Olive Garden and later he spent some time with me.

I got a shock when I returned to my dorm. Jordan, Xincai, and Kang Jie came out of nowhere with a cake to surprise me. Hehe…deary planned it. Thanks for the cake and sweet gesture, my friends~~~

My RA got me a slice of cake too. 🙂

And to all those who left me birthday greetings, thanks! To 7ners: I miss you girls!

I couldn’t get into Japanese class…again. I’m so sad. 🙁

There was an earthquake on Friday. 4+am I woke up to a mildly shaking bed. In my sleepiness, I was wondering if I was just imagining it until the creaking of the wooden frame of my bed and the swaying of my bathrobe ties confirmed that it was real. Haha, finally something “happening” for boring ol’ Urbana-Champaign.

Yes, there are sacrifices to be made. It’s kinda hard at times, but I believe we’ll overcome all obstacles together. For once, deary actually told me how he really felt. I felt kinda proud that I am a positive influence in his life. I also felt really blessed.

CJ said to enjoy the “honeymoon” period while it lasts. Yea, 3 months of honeymoon sweetness and we’re already passed 2 months. It kinda scares me a little. I don’t want to quarrel with deary and hurt each other. I think we both don’t want to lose each other.


I think it’s kinda impossible not to quarrel, but I pray to God that we’ll both be fine at the end of the day. I have faith in God that if he made us come together, he will help us grow as a couple and strengthen our relationship a little more each day. I also have faith in deary that we’ll treasure our relationship and work together to strengthen it.


[edited on April 10, 2008 @ 12.25am]

To self: お誕生日おめでとう!!!

Hmmmm…ok, back to being a muggertoad. Yea, why do I have an exam on my birthday? 🙁


Elisia is soon to be 23.

Damn…I’m old.

PS: Did you see ロリータ姫 around the Quad today? She was happy to be in the dress, but it was cold~~~


My sis just started a little “online business”. Check it out here.

Do you see a cdjapan button at the sidebar? If you’re thinking of buying something from cdjapan, please help me by ordering through the click of that button. Yepz, I’m in some program of theirs. Thanks!

spring break almost over

Spring break is almost over. I’m back in Champaign. It always feels like time flies so fast when you’re having fun. I can’t believe that school will be starting in 3 days time. Back to mugging like shit and having only Saturdays to spend with deary (and still mugging).

Welcome Spring!

Good Friday. Remember, Jesus died for us.

one hell of a week

[edited @ 10.29pm]

*sings* ジン! ジン! ジンギスカン! Hey brother, ho brother, nice brother, go brother!

I hate it when I have to study and that Berryz工房 song is stuck in my head. It has been like that since I woke up from my nap. I was actually dreaming the song for gawd knows what reason. 

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/eu93rxTiSUk" width="400" height="325" wmode="transparent" /]

The song is actually a remake of a 1970’s german song.

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/9pcIe5ViSoE" width="400" height="325" wmode="transparent" /]


I’m having one hell of a week. I just handed in 3 assignments today. Let me complete my mid-term tomorrow and then I can catch my breath. Uh…I still have tons of reading to do, but at least it’ll be a little more relax.

My happiness was shortlived. Mushroom broth was on the menu for today. Had it for lunch and took a chance for dinner. Crapz. They didn’t have it for dinner. They should have mushroom broth on the menu EVERYDAY.

I hate it when I wanna be there for deary, but I can’t coz I have homework and studies to see to. 🙁


[edited @ 11.37pm]

I’m such a genius. :woot:


I am going to attempt the impossible soon. Moving my blog to the main page. Hope the procedure is what I think it is, if not haha…

*crosses fingers (and toes…just in case…)*

great ads

[edited @ 10.06pm]

Something my cousin shared with me…

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/Ci5pibnBgt8" width="400" height="325" wmode="transparent" /]

I think only the first one is damn funny…the office one.


My professor wasn’t around for class again today, so we watched some award-winning advertisements.

Sometimes advertisements are really really so bad or corny that you cringe when it comes on tv, but for some reason, they also end up having the highest viewership rating and people actually remember these advertisements. In a way, it is good for the company selling whatever product isn’t it? Well, unless you argue from the point that people remember these advertisements, but don’t exactly end up buying the product.

Anyway, enjoy the advertisements I picked out.

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/ETrWZsYYJOQ" width="400" height="325" wmode="transparent" /]

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/LR5mZqeDNtg" width="400" height="325" wmode="transparent" /]

[kml_flashembed movie="http://www.youtube.com/v/D49C4K1Y1Iw" width="400" height="325" wmode="transparent" /]