the best dream yet

They said dreams are actually a reflection of your subconcious mind?

Then this has gotta be the best dream yet. Although it lasted only for about an hour, I really appreciated it.

Coz in it, you came up to me and said you were sorry. You finally understood how I felt and you didn’t want me to continue feeling rotten about myself and everyone else.

And for once in a long time, I finally felt happy around you guys.

Then, I had to wake up and bounce back into reality. The one where you refused to even actually find out what happened. Now you know why I love sleeping so much. Coz then I can escape reality for awhile.

No, I did not force myself to dream up stuff just coz I like you. Coz it really happened just like that. Perhaps at the far end of my mind, I’m hoping you would talk to me like you did before.

never forget

Have you ever felt like you wanted someone to know you. The real you but it never happened? Instead he/she chose to believe other stuff?

I can’t forget how you never liked me calling you “oei” coz you said it was unladylike. I can’t forget how you sing the Bob The Builder song. I can’t forget how you helped me flip my fringe to one side. I can’t forget the times you helped me with some computer stuff. There are so many things that make you special. An individual.

But no…you will never feel what I feel. Neither will I feel what you feel. Coz I’m not you and you’re not me.

Life can be so horribly unfair. But I have to learn to accept it.