
Yesterday, supposed to meet Per and James for dinner. But dear Per fell asleep so ended up James, Sis and I had dinner at Pasta Mania. After which, James and I headed for her house. Going there to install some stuff in her computer. Decided to walk there since James wanted to grab something from Subway which is near the stadium. Bad idea. HAHAHA…coz I’m lousy at directions. We got lost. Till now, I cannot really picture how we can get lost. In my mind, everything is set out in blocks so I really can’t understand certain parts unless someone tells me that the path we walked was a bend. It just looked like a straight path so I really have no idea how we ended up near the police post. Shall consult the street directory later. No use in someone telling me.

Anyway, this really confirms that I cannot learn to drive. Coz I will end up getting lost. The kind where this situation might just pop up…

Me gets lost and calls friend.
Me: I’m lost.
Friend: Where are you? Which area are you in?
Me: I don’t know.
Friend: Describe to me the area. Any landmarks?
Me: Ehz…I don’t know. Just trees and blocks. *pause* And a road ahead.
Friend: How I know where are you? *pengz*

Finally Per met us and brought us to her house.

Went home really late. Sis and I couldn’t sleep and ended up talking all the way till Mum came to talk about the Japan trip. So we finally got the tickets. Then Per asked whether we wanted to have breakfast since we weren’t asleep yet.

Had breakkie at Mac. Hung around till around noon then went home to sleep. By then I was really tired and well, just wanted to go home. Had things on my mind.

Never thought I would sleep till 6pm. But it felt good to escape reality for awhile. And now I’m back.

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