Couldn’t make it for the make-up IN3D lecture at 8am coz I was really very tired. Thanks Xiu Wei!
Went to school a little later to help out with the JCG drama screening. Poor response once again. Only me, Qi Yuan, Shi Ming and Darwin. Heh…all JCG members. I left at 1pm…a little earlier.
Met Sis, Da Ge and Zhi Hao. All meeting up to go to the IT Show. At the bus stop, Raynor, Cas and Xiu Wei joined. At the interchange, Sis left to meet Mum for lunch. I went on.
Met Yingwei and Clare at City Hall MRT station. Whoa…the crowd moving towards Suntec. All going to the IT Show. At the IT Show, worse. Met Shaz halfway. Thought I saw Meliza helping out.
After about 2 hours at the IT Show, I left while they got a drink. Going to ACS Institution at Dover Road for S.H.E’s mini concert. Thought there might be a really long queue. Not too bad actually when I reached there.
The concert lasted for about an hour. Managed to take a few shots and 2 short video clips. Yay!

While walking to Taka, at the carpark outside Somerset MRT station, saw this couple. The guy was holding the umbrella *it was raining*. Suddenly, must be some dispute, he just let the umbrella fall to the side and he started pulling the girl by her hand.
I hate guys who get violent with girls. What the hell. Just coz males are the so-called stronger gender, that gives them the right to get violent? That’s why girls cannot be too girly. Must be able to fight back to protect themselves. Must be able to stand up for themselves.
Reached home feeling tired and achy all over again.
My grandparents are staying in our house till Wednesday.