I was watching some clips, trying to clear the unwatched stuff in my folder this afternoon. Started watching this clip of Arashi performing on Music Station sometime in 2003. Performing a medley of Hanasanai, Koi wa Breaky and Kimi no Tame ni Boku ga Iru. Lo and behold…I spotted some familiar faces behind them. One of them got me rather excited. No prizes for correctly guessing who.

Dear dear Massu, forever so genki…
Frankly, I don’t really care about Koyama.
Watching seniors’ performances can be quite entertaining as you can also spot familiar juniors dancing for them.
Oh oh…I got the recent Shounen Club that Massu produced. *dances around*
I’ve decided to reply to comments by directly editing them instead of adding a new comment each time. So now, my reply will be in italics.
Need to find the time to change layouts…hmmm… :/
heh. i need to change mine too…