can you see?

I think I can understand a bit of the lyrics without searching for the translation. I’ve been listening to the song over and over again. At first, I just enjoyed the tune – emotional. Then, I tried listening to the words. Got most of it but didn’t think much coz I always listen to it before I drift off to sleep.

Now, I listen to the song again. The words hit me. I could just cry coz the lyrics are pure and emotional.

The song is OLIVIA inspi’ REIRA (TRAPNEST) – Shadow Of Love.

Oh ya, I read Chloe’s blog and realised I have yet to thank Yui for helping me get Tacchon’s uchiwa and NewS photo album. I spent most of the time squealing over the photo album last night. The old man is wise for choosing what I call the “wedding pic” for the photo album coz everyone is so 帅。Sankkyu! Chu! :heart:

Sis and I were discussing over the uchiwas we collect. We’re puzzled over why I never collect aho Maru’s uchiwas. I thought about it. Answer: I like his aho moments which will never be captured in the uchiwa.

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