Slept pretty early yesterday. Midnight. Well, I normally sleep around 2+am so midnight’s early. Was tired. Had a long day with no nap in between.
Was in school till 5pm. Finishing off the ER diagram. However, I think some parts we did wrongly. It’s more like a mind map than ER diagram. My group members don’t seem to realise it. And I find it difficult to explain. Oh well…we’re approaching our tutor so I guess she’ll point that out and have a better explanation.
Had Shrooms burger for dinner again. Sis wanted to eat that. So KFC again. In a hurry anyway.
Got ready to go to the Shakespeare play. And then the most terrible thing happened. Sis took out the tickets to check and to her horror, it was for 3pm, not 8pm. Apparently, Mum did ask for the 8pm show but the Sistic counter girl made a mistake. Mum didn’t check the tickets. So there. Desmond called up Sistic to find out if there could be any exchange or refund.
Had to settle for a movie instead. Wanted to watch “My Girl” at TM at 9.10pm. Whoa…long queue at the cinema. Ended up watching “20 30 40” at Century Square at 9.15pm.
Okie dokie…need to get work done.