Saturday…managed to go to the Shakespeare play after all. Mum bought tickets again. Still love the play. It’s so hilarious. Of course they changed certain lines to suit the current situation.
After the play, went shopping with Sis and Desmond. Had dinner at Sento.
Sunday…had ORDS group meeting at 3pm in school. Finalise the ER Diagram plus ER Mapping. Although I still feel there are a few errors. Maybe coz I’m not too sure myself.
Left about an hour later. Went to see some houses near Changi Hospital. The one that we all like has finally been sold off. Yep…Mum is pretty much deciding to buy a house if possible.
After that, went to my grandparents house. My grandfather’s 80th birthday. Simple meal.
And there goes my weekend. Didn’t do any work. Dead…so dead…
The good news. Our 7ners blog is up! Thanks to Nad for her designing skills. If the rest of the 7ners are agreeable, I’ll link it up here.