japanese stars in singapore

It has always been a mystery to me how the group’s name is spelt. Biyuuden? Viyuden? V-u-den? Vu-den? Anyway, they are like the answer to my non-stop grouses on why no Japanese singers are willing to come to Singapore. Of course, I know that Singapore has a very small market compared to Taiwan and Hong Kong for Japanese music.

So finally! V-u-den (shall go with whatever’s on the poster) has reached Singapore. They are here for the Japan Music Fiesta 2005 Singapore. It is held tomorrow at Mediacorp TV Theatre. And we’ve got tickets!!! *waves the tickets in the air* Saw the advertisement in i周刊 about a week or two ago. Quickly emailed to try to get tickets and we (Sis, Joyce and I) got a pair each!

Someone in the Jpopmusic forums posted up photos and clips of them in the airport. Only thing was that the person filming sounded like she was having an orgasm. I guess she was just too excited. Haha…she should have watched the clips and edited out the embarassing sounds before posting them up.

Even if the whole of MM aren’t here, I think I’m contented. Oh really? Haha…I hope that one day NewS or Kanjani8 will come to Singapore. Yea…and I will probably be trampled by a million fangirls. In the meantime, I can just dream on…

The day’s activities for me was just going to a cooking class. Actually I’ve been to one before but I sort of wasn’t interested in cooking then. Now’s different. Anyway, please do not ask me to cook for you yet. Let me try out first…I don’t want to poison anyone.

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