OMG…I’m going to pengz here…OHKURA SMOKES??!! *image of Ohkura crumbles*
I know I shouldn’t be too surprised that a JE boy smokes since it’s common for the Japanese to drink and smoke. And you’ll be raising an eyebrow, asking how come they don’t die of lung/liver cancer and still live to a ripe old age. But c’mon…TACCHON??!! Nice, handsome TACCHON??!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO…
If Massu smokes too…that’s it. My heart is so gonna bbbbbuuuuuuurrreeeeeekkkkk…
You very boh liao leh….so what if they smoke…Hyde and Gackt smoke too what~~~~! And you don’t see my heart break…XD
elisia says: You know I cannot stand people smoking. Even if it’s my friend. Smoking is a bad habit to cultivate mahz. So if my 心目ä¸çš„完美å¶åƒ picks up smoking…sigh…
Maybe for you, you can tahan it more than I can. But I see whether your heart will buuuuurrrreeeekkkk if your dear Jin Jin or Kame or Uchi-kun picks up smoking. Ohohoho…skarli Jin Jin does smoke…
hi, i happen to stumble here and this really SHOCK ME.
my tacchon smokes!!! m(T_T)m
but come to think, what else can happen since kusa and uchi were caught underage drinking?
btw, where did you see the picture of tacchon smoking ne?
elisia says: I saw it on an lj site. But Tacchon isn’t going against the law since he’s already 20.
i’m still sad! he’s not taking care of his health!! >_
elisia says: Well…that goes for most JE boys. Sad but true…