Supposed to have a birthday post but was too tired after all the celebrating and all. Anyway, happy belated birthday 剛ãã‚“ã¨Mandy Mooreã¨ç§. I share the same birthday with a few stars. Hahaha…
Dinner with 7ners at Ramen Ten in Far East Plaza. Luckily no showers of blessing again.
People expect 21st birthdays to be celebrated in style. Throw a huge party, invite almost every friend you know, have a blast. But I chose to have a quiet one. Same like the past 2 years? I don’t want to invite people and then they turn up just coz but after that, they probably don’t even remember when’s my birthday anymore. It’ll be even better if someone just surprises me by remembering my birthday and call me up to say “hey, let’s have lunch or dinner together to celebrate.” But I think what makes this year’s birthday all the more memorable would have to be the cake.

Per baked it. :heart: :heart: :heart: So sweet! Both the thought and literally. Hahaha… Sof told me, but she didn’t need to tell me coz I could guess from the Japanese words on the cake. It was pretty sweet so some of us had a hard time finishing their slice. I personally thought it was a little sweet but fine if I had some water to down after eating it so I won’t get a sore throat. Anyway, I told Sis that even if it tasted way horrible I would still eat it. Coz it’s the thought and effort that went into baking it. :love:

Me doing the famous “手越ã§ã™!” handsign with my present from the 7ners. It’s a Fossil watch. Photos of the watch further down. The box was specially chosen by Per. :heart: She was asking me to guess why she chose that box. I stared at the picture on the box for awhile…rollerskates… Then I figured out why. Confirmed it by asking her whether it had something to do with Massu. Yes. Massu is like a famous rollerskates/rollerblades boy in JE. Thanks Per for putting in so much thought even for the box. *big hugz* Oh…the little tiara is supposed to be passed down to each 7ner for their 21st birthday. Jo having received it first.
My presents for this year’s birthday. It began with the 2 pendants from my grandma. I’ve been wearing one ever since it was bought, weeks before my birthday. It’s a heart-shaped case with a movable diamond inside. The other is 2 dragonflies. Red packets from my aunt and Mum. Mum also topped up my bank account so it would not hit danger zone. Hehe…

Pooh bear! Another tami from Xianglin! She couldn’t get the one from Tomy coz it was sold out. This one’s from Sega but it’s just as cute. Sorry, my fascination for tamis will never die. Thanks best friend!!! *big hugz*

Closer look at the Fossil watch from 7ners. Gotta go remove some links though. My wrist is small. :rofl:

A pretty handphone strap from Joyce. It can be removed and used as a pendant as well. I was thinking what to remove on my overcrowded handphone but I guess I could also remove each heart and use it as charms for my charm bracelet? Thanks Joyce for the lovely present. *big hugz*
Thanks to Pwen, Cas and Cheng Huat for birthday wishes via sms. Pwen being the first one and all the way from Australia. I :heart: you!!! Thanks to Melanie for her birthday wish via friendster. Thanks to Ling for her birthday wish via her blog. Thanks to my family for making sure I had my blackforest cake. HAH! Sis and I won the battle of whether the fruits in the blackforest cake are blueberries or cherries. Check here if you don’t believe it.
Happy Belated sweetie 21st bdae! May all yr wishes & dreams come true..:)
elisia says: Thanks dear. 🙂
haha no problem abt it, really hope you like your pressie!
perrine is so sweet! I dun think I can ever bake a cake. hah. oh.. so it’s cherries and not blueberries?
elisia says: Yea, :heart: it. Neither can I. I can’t even cook…hahaha. YEA…it’s cherries!!! HAHAHA…
So sweet of per to bake you a cake. That lil tiara of yours is so cute.
elisia says: The tiara is going to passed down to the next 7ner who turns 21. That’ll be Nad.
fwah! haha, luckily i wont hv to wear tt tiara… 😛
elisia says: WAHAHAHAHA…trust me, you’re not spared. :rofl: