Friday…went down to PS for that YES 93.3 event. Actually I was a little sianz to go all the way down since Lucify wasn’t going to perform a song. All the SuperBand finalists just performed the SuperBand theme song. They weren’t even singing. They all looked damn paiseh, just moving onstage and trying to look happy.
And we made uchiwas! Haha…mine looks like this.

Sis’s is just the word “Lucify” on one side and the other side is blank.
Per made one to support Tank. Yep, that was also one of the reasons why I was there. To keep Per company. But I think she succeeded in making me a Tank fan. Wait, I’m not a huge fan lahz.
Saturday…went to Tank’s autograph session at TM with Per. We met some nice Tank fans who offered to get us in for the Tank music showcase at Kbox later.

PK, hope you’re not regretting now. I did call you to ask whether you wanted me to help you get the cd…
Tank overdose. Tank songs have been replaying over and over again in my mind. Especially those songs he kept singing at all the events.
Today…no tickets for the SuperBand recording but still went down to Mediacorp. Vics went home early. Maybe he was sick… Haha…but had to fill the six photo slots. So I took photos with Ishi from Soul and Brods. *mutters* I’m so short…

I’m running out of creative captions. I’m running out of things to say. I still haven’t done a million things. Like upload stuff for people, blog about Da Vinci Code (SO overdued), pick up the Japanese mags, go shopping for a dress to attend Yingwei and Clare’s wedding etc.
And please excuse me now for I have to go drown in the bathroom…
Wow, that’s cool to find another person who is crazy over the same things as you =D. right? Per/Elisia..
I prefer J-Rock.. haha.. i prefer to head-bang?? lol. I found this passion for it last yr when my friend intro X-Japan to me =D