Moments ago, I was enjoying my beef horfun from Golden Wok while watching a documentary by History Channel on 9/11. Yea, weird mix…I was feeling sick halfway through my dinner watching raw footage of the World Trade Center towers from a dozen civilian phone cameras. Anyway, the horfun from Golden Wok is by far the best horfun. Tastes just like horfun back in Singapore. I was halfway through the horfun when I realized something. Something’s missing…
I have started blogging for It’s more of a themed blog where I discuss about life in general in CU occasionally making references to life in Singapore. By the way, I’ve not moved, this blog is still functional.
Now, on to Perspectives…
seeing underwater
Muahahaha…soon I’ll be able to do that and I will be able to see those fishies when I go snorkeling again during Winter break. Of course, that comes with a massive price tag after I went to the optician today. I had to go through an eye test and fitting of contact lenses and all that jazz.
No, that does not mean I’m going to permanently ditch my glasses for contact lenses. You must understand, I started wearing glasses since I was 8. I’m too used to wearing them. I tried switching to contact lenses when I was 19 (I think), but it just felt too weird. Nobody understood when I said things seemed to be bigger. Felt really weird.
Anyway, I told that to the optician and he explained that it’s not that objects are bigger. It’s the glasses that makes things seem smaller. I kinda of figured that out since contact lenses are directly on your eyeballs, but glasses are a distance away. Just needed confirmation from someone and not have people think I’m crazy saying that things seem to appear bigger.
Another reason why I will not ditch my glasses. If you look carefully, one eye is smaller than the other. Glasses kinda hides that and doesn’t make it obvious.
I had no idea that different brands of contact lenses have different curvatures. I was given a trial pair to put on while at the optician’s and was having a hard time getting them in. Ok, I admit perhaps I need to get used to putting on contact lenses again, but don’t get me wrong, I know how to do it unlike the first time I got contact lenses. After what seemed like forever (and two teary eyes later), they were in. However, the left eye was really uncomfortable. It felt like there was something in my eye and whenever I blinked, it made my eye tear. The optician thought I had put it on the other way round. Doubt so since I know how to see which way is the correct side…the whole bowl shape thing. I had it on the right way. He went into the store and got out another brand of contact lenses with a greater curvature. This time it felt perfect. No discomfort. He told me that my eyeballs were more curved.
Oh, and damn was I impressed that they actually have trial pairs in their store that were my degree. As most know, I’m as blind as a bat and not many people have that high a degree. Most who have it probably have gone through lasik to correct that. The only people I know who can match that are my sister and Ling.
fixed problems
Ok, I managed to fix some problems.
- Found out why external links to my blog were redirecting to a suspicious looking site. Removed rogue script and now everything should be fine and dandy. Re-installed plugins.
- Realized why I wasn’t getting any comments (even spam ones). Fixed the problem. So, comment away~~~ 🙂
- Got TweetDeck to work with my Facebook account. So, I removed the Twitter application on Facebook and now I can manage everything through my TweetDeck desktop application.
something funky’s going on
[edited on June 8, 2010 @ 11.36pm]
Ok, it seems that any external link to my blog has this problem. Going to get to the bottom of this matter. This sucks manz.
Recently I’ve been having some problems with my WordPress plugins, especially Wordbook and WP to Twitter. The links post fine on Facebook, but when you click on them, they get redirected to some suspicious looking site. Trying to isolate the problem, so bear with me if you come here and find something funky going on. I’m just deleting and reinstalling files.
singapore has come to chambana
After almost a week of being back home in hot and humid Singapore, I arrived back to an equally hot Chambana. No kidding, we’re having a heat wave here. The days can get up to 31 degrees celsius. Deary and I have been trying to survive on opened windows and a small fan. So far we have been successful despite my many complaints that it’s just TOO hot. Well, until we caved in tonight and turned on the air-con for a short while.
And of course…
Last semester’s results:
ADV400 – A
ADV450 – A-
ADV483 – A-
EALC464 – A
JAPN204 – A-
Total GPA = 3.78
Cumulative GPA = 3.73
*sigh* I missed the A for ADV450 by 4 points. If only I had studied a little harder for the first exam… Such is life. JAPN204 was hard. I can only blame myself for not having the guts to speak up more in class. On a happier note, I’m glad I did well for EALC464. It sure was a tough class.
Oh, by the way, I updated the page of links. 🙂
the flowers made me sick
The past week has been hell for me. It started out with a bad runny nose/blocked nose and teary eyes. I thought I had fallen sick, but strangely though, I did not feel one bit tired or lethargic. After 3 days of taking over the counter medication and not feeling any better, I decided to make a trip down to the school clinic. The doctor took one look at me and said I was having an allergy.
I have never suffered from hay fever and the only thing I knew about how bad it is is from watching a red, puffy-faced Takuya Kimura talk about it on Music Station yonks ago and seeing Chun Ming suffering from it last Spring. The doctor told me that some people only get it after they’ve been in Champaign for 2-3 years. Right, that’s me.
Miserable Elisia is miserable.
Just after that trip to McKinley, my right eye decided to get infected with conjunctivitis. I had been dabbing my eye the whole afternoon and by evening, my eye was tearing so badly and I was feeling pain. I stared into the mirror and realised that my eyeball was swollen on the right side. It felt squishy like there was a sac of liquid. I had no idea it was conjunctivitis then and was panicking. I did a search on the internet and found out I was suffering from conjunctivitis and that it could be due to hay fever. Wow, added problems on hand.
If you can’t tell, I’m suffering from conjunctivitis.
That night was the worst night ever. The medicine I got from McKinley was hardly working. My nose was still blocked as ever and runny. My eyes were tearing so badly, especially the right eye. I could hardly sleep. I got out of bed in the middle of the night to wash my eyes and put more eye drops. I was frustrated and miserable. I didn’t know whether to throw a tantrum and cry because I knew that even if I cried, the problem was not going to go away. For the first time in a long long while, I actually prayed. I prayed that God would bring me relief of my pain for a while so that I could actually get some sleep. It must have worked because I actually got some shut eye after that despite the discomfort.
From then on, out of all the medicine I got from McKinley, it seems that the eye drops worked the best. By last Sunday, the conjunctivitis had almost gone away. Monday, my eye started to itch pretty badly again. I could only pray that my eye was not about to get bad again. Last night, both eyes started itching and teared quite a bit. I woke up to put eye drops and prayed yet again that the conjunctivitis had not spread to my left eye. Thank God the eye drops worked.
I never thought the masks my mum gave me would come in handy one day. She gave me about 20 pieces to use last Fall since H1N1 was still going around. I had not used any of it then since I was not sick and I felt it was stupid to use one even when I wasn’t sick. I started using them last Friday. Screw looking normal and feeling uncomfortable of people staring at me. I am not about to let myself suffer further. At least it acts as a barrier between the air and my nose and I won’t have to breathe in the pollen-filled air.
I’m still not totally well yet, but I’ve improved quite a lot. I still have a bit of a runny/blocked nose and my eyes itch and tear sometimes, but I’m feeling a lot better.
Stupid pollen. Stupid flowers. Stupid (male) flowers.
poupee girl
After a long long time, I decided to do something on my poupee girl account. Finally got round to taking a few pictures and uploading them. I need ribbons so I can get my poupee girl some nice clothes. I created her in my likeness. Though she doesn’t look quite like me without specs and as much as I’ll like to wear high-heels like her, my feet just won’t allow it. My feet chooses the shoes, not the shoes choose the owner. I often get blisters with ANY type of pumps. Sneakers are the only comfortable shoes I can wear without having those shoes bite at my feet. I think it’s the shape of my feet and the way I walk. Hmmmm…
jelly beans with underwear
SoftBank released a new series of handphones called “Jelly Beans” and the mascot for that are jelly beans. *DUH* But wait, they are jelly beans with UNDERWEAR and their rears resembles butt cheeks.
Is it me or the jelly beans and logo resemble the Jelly Belly beans?
I guess the Japanese live up to their name of being “perverted.” To think they can even adult-ify jelly beans?! What with the pulling off of underwear. Good grief.