she cried rape and no one helped

Where is justice in this world when you need it?

Yes, she should have known better than to ride the train alone at 2am. At least get her boyfriend to wait at the station for her and call him already when she felt something was wrong.

However, to have the stupid MTA staff not do anything but just push a button…unforgivable. And the judge…speechless. I know, they must be MEN WITH THEIR STUPID EGOS. They probably thought it’s her fault because her dressing was provocative…yada yada yada. Ya, wait till it’s their daughter getting raped, I see whether they can still say the same.

saving the world with (RED)

Quote from an 11-year-old African boy. This is what I call smart. Not even those stupid ang mohs who think they know so much about the world could beat him.

“‘We know about AIDS,’ he said, ‘much more than the uncles who are supposed to care for us and try to teach us about it. But if you don’t care about yourself,’ he went on, ‘it really doesn’t matter how much you know about HIV and AIDS, you are still going to put yourself in situations where you will probably get it.'”

Taken from the article “Product Red: The Marketing of African Misery” by Teresa Barnes.

Ok, we had better stop thinking so highly of ourselves just coz we donated some money. The money will help a little, but it will not save the world.

newbies and elitists

So I have a new assignment for Journalism class which is to interview a professional journalist.

I spent a night scouring online newspapers and plucking out names. I was wondering whether what I was doing would be fruitful at all. Suddenly I had a brilliant idea to look for an LJ community for Journalism. Was thinking that maybe professional people lurk around such communities to have an idea of what people are talking about. It would certainly be easier to post my question there and have people respond, rather than emailing people I don’t know and having my email not being answere.

I found one and posted my request, crossed my fingers that either someone who worked for the newspapers/tv/radio or someone who knew someone else who worked in that line and could sort of introduce that person to respond.

Well, a few people responded. Of which, one was working for a newspaper. She PMed me. The first reply on my post was by someone who sort of chided me for not doing my own research. Ok, I did. It’s not like I didn’t do my research and then just came round for easy answers. And I thought what I did was perfectly fine. I did that for my first story. I wanted to interview a certain group of people, I emailed them and they didn’t respond. However, I knew someone who might know them. So I asked my friend for help. She became sort of like the middle-man.

Just today, I checked back on the community and saw an angry post by someone who said that he was tired of high-school kids/young adults posting their request and then not bothering to thank everyone that replies. He said that some people had to spend time looking up the answers.

The point is I get rather annoyed when people act like they are elitists. You help because you want to, not because you want something in return. What makes you think that just because the kid didn’t say thank you means he is ungrateful? Yes, even if the kid is ungrateful, that is his loss. With that kind of attitude, he may not get too far in life.

I can’t stand it when people who have been in something for so long, think they are elite and go around jumping on newbies. I’ve seen that in other communities too. If you think a newbie is on the wrong track, point it out nicely. Don’t be so mean about it. You were once a newbie too right?

By the way, a word for elitists. If you want people’s respect, you have to be humble yourself.

love candle

We went to Wal-mart yesterday for our usual grocery shopping. After the whole rotting watermelon episode, it was time to get some air freshener. Well, we did get the air freshener, but we got something more…

Cute candles! No prize for correct guess which one is mine. 🙂

you da suck lahz

I HATE it when customer service staff give that kind of attitude like you owe them a living. I just got off the phone with the guy at the post office. I called to ask if I could reshedule delivery for some packages since Deary would be mostly at home tomorrow. The guy who answered my call was rather curt and I would say…rude. He asked me what kind of packages they were. I thought it would be easier for him to find the packages by the article number so I asked if he wanted them. He replied rather rudely that I just tell him what kind of packages they were. He asked for my name, address, and number (in case he couldn’t find them). After that, he said bye and hung up.

WTH. I’m trying to make your life easier by giving you the article numbers since that’s the way everyone tracks their packages. You don’t want them and you still have the DAMN CHEEK to be rude. KNN. FUCK SIA…what happened to “service with a smile”? Anyway, he called back a few minutes later and said I had to come collect them at the post office since the postman tried to deliver one package twice and no one was at home to receive it. He said “we can’t be trying to catch you all the time, young lady.” NAHBEH! Can’t you be nice about it even if you can’t redeliver it?

Waste my time talking to such people. This kind of people deserve to be scolded with Shine’s personal message. That is “lu banyak cheebye punya lahz.”

year of the moo moo

Happy Chinese New Year!

Well, it’s almost here. Year of the moo moo, my year! Which sadly means I’m 24 this year. The years just fly by.

Opened one of our prized cans of abalone yesterday. Savoured every bit of it. We even saved the brine to use in my cooking.

colourful candy

Thung Han came home from California and brought some candy for all. I was attracted to the colours and had a tough time picking out the ones I wanted. After I was down to 10 (6 brightly coloured ones, 4 dull), I couldn’t decide which 2 I wanted. Thung Han said I could have all, as in all 10. Yay! I gave Deary the dull colloured ones…heehee…I couldn’t help it. :laugh:

school is almost starting again

My bad for the no-update. I’m currently enjoying the last few days of winter break. Come Tuesday it’ll be back to being a chao mugger. I already received some not too good news regarding one of the subjects I’m taking – ADV410. Prof Olsen emailed to “warn” us of the schedule which includes lots of presentations and projects. “Presentation” – I cringe when I see that word. My first reaction was to check whether MS317 is still available. No such luck. Ok, I’m stuck with this. Well, although ADV410 is just one of the courses I can take to fulfill the 5 required, I should think the material presented will be useful in the long-run.

I’m kinda lazy picking out nice photos for my blog, so just check out my Facebook page ok. I uploaded most of the photos from the winter trip. The ones in Las Vegas are not up yet.  It was an ok trip. I got to fulfill one of my wishes which is to see an aurora. Yay! Don’t think I’ll ever go back to Alaska. It is unimaginably COLD. 40 to 60 degrees below.

Speaking of cold, the heater in my apartment isn’t working too good again. I hate Ramshaw. I’m so glad that I’m moving out of this place in the following semester. :angry:

PS: I have good mind to yank open my window and cut off that stupid branch that keeps scratching on my window. :angry:


I know this is kinda late, but 明けましておめでとう! I ushered in the new year in the hotel in Anchorage, eating Nong Shim (super spicy cup noodle), and watching the countdown at Times Square, New York on tv.

I am now at Fairbanks. I pray that the new year starts off good. Please let me see an aurora. I don’t make new year resolutions coz I probably won’t keep them. I do have a few hopes though. One being reaching GPA 4.0, even if it’s just once.

I can’t believe I’m still blogging. I’ve been blogging since 2003? Although my archives show 2004 as the oldest date, I remember using one of those other free blogs before Diaryland. I didn’t backup those entries. It’s quite amazing to read my super old entries and feel like I’ve grown up and changed a lot over the years. I was 18 then, I’m now 23 (soon to be 24). I didn’t really give a damn about studies then, I’m now a kiasu Singaporean when it comes to grades now. I was single and hoping then, I’m now attached for almost a year and finally understand that love isn’t just a feeling, it’s so much more. As much as I dream of fairytale relationships and perfection in everything, it isn’t real. I’ve learnt that a relationship isn’t always a bed of roses; it can be pretty trying. There’s a bit of loving, a bit of giving, a bit of taking, a bit of patience, a bit of understanding, a bit of tolerating, a bit of reasoning, a bit of learning, and the list goes on and on.

have a moose in your backyard

Welcome to Alaska! The land of below freezing temperatures, knee-deep snow, and moose in your backyard.

No kidding. We just saw one outside the hotel next to ours. It was happily munching on the vegetation just outside the back door of that hotel. Imagine someone goes out through the back door and…WHOA. :woot: I spotted the huge animal while we were making our way through the snow to the restaurant to have our dinner. Deary said it was fake, a mechanical one. Then, the animal moved one foot forward. Haha, it was REAL. Luckily no one went near to check out if it was real. The receptionist at our hotel says that although moose looks cute (for a big animal), they can give people nasty kicks. Unlike horses which can only kick forward or backward, moose can kick sideway.

Too bad no one took a photo.