stuck at kansas city

Right now, am at Kansas City airport. Hooray for free internet! Not all US airports offer free Wi-Fi. Listening to Ayu’s “Days”. I could put that song on repeat mode. I love the lyrics, especially certain lines.

Anyway, trying to get out of a VERY horrible start to my Winter break holiday. We were supposed to be in Seattle on 21st. The night before, we found out our flight at 8am was cancelled due to the weather. We decided to drive up to Chicago anyway and get the next flight out. Alaska airlines told us the next flight out would be on 23rd. Alright, no way were we going to take that. Managed to get another ticket with Southwest airlines to fly out from Midway airport instead of O’Hare. O’Hare is FAMOUS for cancelling flights anyway. The flight was at 5+pm, so mind you, we had already wasted almost one day in the airport.

No thanks to the weather, our flight at Midway airport kept getting delayed. Finally, they announced the Seattle airport was closed due to bad weather. They hadn’t expected that much snow to be dumped on them and they didn’t have the equipment to clear it on time. Our flight was via Kansas City, but it was obvious we would be stuck in Kansas City since Seattle airport was closed. Decided to go ahead anyway.

Reached Kansas City at night. Checked into a nearby hotel. Called Southwest airlines to check when we could fly out to Seattle. Next flight out, 23rd night. Yes, that’s why I’m here. Our flight is at 7pm. Hopefully nothing goes wrong and we finally get to Seattle. Apparently, it’s going to snow again tonight. 🙁

So, how did we spend our time yesterday? With no car, we had to walk in the cold to nearby attractions which included the Harley Davidson factory and a doll museum. It was FUCKING cold. Don’t tell me 10-13 degrees Celsius is cold ok? These few days it has been in the MINUS range of FAHRENHEIT. That’s WINTER in USA (Northern part) for you. Haha, and we’re still going to Alaska. Yes, as if winter in Urbana-Champaign isn’t cold enough. I wish the weather wasn’t THAT depressing. STUPID LOW PRESSURE SYSTEMS. :angry:

I got some cute earmuffs. Hello Kitty ones, though I wish they were My Melody. It’s kid size, but WTH it fits my head. I found something that looked ok on the Target website, but when I saw it at the store, it really didn’t look as great as the website picture. Found the Hello Kitty ones so got that instead. It was bought last minute, so I’ll probably get something better later. Anyway, thank goodness I bought them. At least my ears don’t feel frozen anymore.

new queen of angst

Move over Avril Lavigne, coz Kerli Koiv is the new queen of angst. Oh well, I forgot that Avril Lavigne is no longer an angry lil’ teen. She’s now all pink and happy. Anyway, I was checking out Youtube for Kanon Wakeshima’s PVs when I happened to stumble upon Kerli’s MTV for “Walking On Air”. Some googling around and I found out that Kerli is Estonian and her album contains songs which were written when she was sad and depressed and songs which were written after that angry stage. So, back to Youtube and I found another one of her songs – an angsty one, titled “Love Is Dead”.

Anyway, the point is I think her MTVs have a certain kind of morbid creepiness. Just check out “Walking On Air”. It starts of rather cool with Kerli in what resembles ero-lolita outfits. Wooooo…I love her little black crown…and the doll. Then, the MTV ends off in a rather creepy way. I’m not telling how, you gotta watch the video for yourself.

pink hued rainbow

[edited on December 2, 2008 @ 1.50am]

This is deary’s rainbow…

Your rainbow is shaded white.


What is says about you: You are a contemplative person. You appreciate quiet moments. People depend on you to make them feel secure.

Find the colors of your rainbow at


Your rainbow is shaded pink and yellow.


What is says about you: You are a joyful person. You appreciate everyone around you. You’re good at getting people to like you. You are a good listener and your friends are glad to have you around in difficult times.

Find the colors of your rainbow at

Hahaha…I’m a PINK (and yellow) hued rainbow. 🙂

Just a thought, would kid earmuffs fit my head?

present for me

Ok, shall post up those long-awaited photos.

“Autumn is upon us once again…” This was what I had in mind when I saw the tree with its flaming leaves. (I think the tree is botak now.)


My room at Stoughton St.

Deary had a surprise for me yesterday. There were 2 parcels from Amazon waiting for me to open them. I knew one of them was the magazines I ordered, but I wondered whether the other huge box was Shine’s since I asked him to get my stuff for me using his free trial of Amazon Prime. Yea, we’re all making use of the free 2-day shipping by signing up for a one-month free trial of Amazon Prime. I contemplated opening it for a long time. Well, it was addressed to me, but just in case it isn’t mine… Ah, heck, I’ll open it since deary did leave a note saying “SURPRISE!” TADAA! Klipsch Groove PM20 speakers! So, they are supposed to be my advanced Christmas present (and possibly next birthday present). Thanks deary! :love:

Recently, I received an email about Fujitsu’s new products. THEY HAVE A NEW LAPTOP WHICH COMES IN PINK! Why didn’t they have that earlier?! It’s the Fujitsu L1010.

Tomorrow is Halloween. Got my lolita dress ready. Ki-san asked me whether I’m going to wear it to class. I said if she did wear something, I’ll wear it. Thus, we both agreed to dress-up for class. SSA is going to have a party at Yongji’s apartment at night. I guess most of us will be avoiding Green Street since campus police sent out an alert coz they found a note saying that someone will be shot on Halloween night on Green Street. Whether it’s a prank or not, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Last, but not least…check this out. Do you see my name? Do you? Do you? Hahaha…

farewell again

So, it’s farewell again. 9 months till we see each other again. Met up with the friends I wanted to meet up with.

Poly mates had a farewell gathering for me on Sunday.

They gave me some farewell presents designed by the one and only, Xiuwei aka Mrs Wee. Thank you guys!

More stuff to decorate my room with and serve as motivation for me to work hard. Gonna be busy again when I get back. Moving into new hall, getting some groceries, attending meeting for the food festival, going to corn festival, preparing and helping out at Quad Day…then school starts on Monday. One last thing, cross fingers that there are still slots available for Macroecons.