brrrr cold

It’s going to be freakin’ cold from now on… *sobz*

Click here to see the weather forecast…

When is my dorm going to on the heater for the rooms? It’s fuckin’ cold lorz.

Just when I start complaining and making hell a lot of noise about the air-con/heater in my room, I on it and OH YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! THE HEATER’S FINALLY ON! *dances around*

shopaholic demon unleashed

9pm = late night = りんご! Nahz, I think I’ll pass today. I feel like I’m so kiasu, rushing down to the late night just to get cut apples. If I don’t rush, usually in half an hour, the apples are gone, leaving me with only the mixed fruit cup as fruit choice. I don’t really like the mixed fruit cup coz the melon is not sweet.

The purpose of this entry is to report my crazy shopaholic ways for the past 3 days. Maybe it’s coz my exams have just ended so I really need to unwind and go for retail therapy. I don’t even want to comment on the damage done… You have no right to reprimand me (except for Mum) coz I seldom buy a lot of clothes during the year. Note that certain items are not in the photo coz I forgot to put them in.

The breakdown of 3 days…

Last Friday:
2 pink long sleeved tops
American Eagle
1 grey long sleeved thermal top
Wet Seal
1 pair of black pyjama pants (for Sis)

Kohl’s –
2 pairs of jeans
1 red hooded long sleeved thermal top
1 black turtle neck long sleeved top
Hot Topic –
1 black Hello Kitty jacket
1 red and black striped long sleeved Skelanimals top
1 red plaid skirt (returned today)

Claire’s –
2 punk leather bracelets
1 pair of black and white striped long socks
Target –
2 bottles of nail polish
1 bottle of nail polish remover
3 pairs of underwear (come in a pack)

I also recently ordered some Emily Strange stuff online. A red plaid newsboy cap, a pair of red plaid long socks, a red plaid skirt, and 3 pairs of underwear (come in a pack). Kinda disappointed coz the skirt is too huge (and it’s small size!!!) I doubt even Sis can wear it. Probably going to sell it. The underwear wasn’t spared too. Small size but still freakin’ huge. Talking about underwear, the ones I bought from Target are actually kids size 10. No offence but people here are generally bigger or something…even their butts are bigger. Oopz…

The pink long sleeved tops from Aeropostale seem to be a little too thin for really cold weather. If it’s moderately cold, I can still wear them under my sweater, but these days are getting a little too cold to wear them. Probably have to layer them with a tank top or something coz they are a little too thin and see-through.

I love the red hooded thermal top from Kohl’s, but due to the V-neck opening, I need to wear something inside. Trying to find a black tank top to pair it with. The black turtle neck top is to pair with a red plaid overall dress I got way earlier. It’s rather thin so I would be able to wear it in Singapore too.

I got a pair of jeans earlier coz I only have 2 pairs with me and I don’t find that enough especially when I’m constantly wearing jeans in the cold weather. Wanted to get another pair but ended up getting 2 more pairs. Reason coz it’s really hard for me to find jeans that fit due to my huge hips. Moreover, certain brands have short cutting which is not too long for me. They are not too pricey too!

I nicknamed Hot Topic our (Sis and I) favourite store. It has lots of punk rock clothing which kinda fits the Japanese fashion image Sis and I usually dress in. I wanted to get this red plaid skirt I saw but ended up with other stuff as well. Oopz… Anyway, I returned the skirt today. I got small size thinking that was the smallest size available which was still a little big but not that bad. Went back and saw from their online store that the smallest size is extra small. So I ordered it online.

The good thing about stores here is that you can return stuff as long as they are in good condition and with the tags still intact. Not like Singapore where there’s the no return policy in most stores.

There’s just so many cute and pretty stuff around. :heart: Claire’s has these really cute Hello Kitty long socks and arm warmers. Trying to restrain myself from buying them. I still am finding a good and moderate priced pair of boots for winter. Oh, and a nice scarf. I saw a red plaid one in the display for Victoria’s Secret, but I doubt it’s for sale. Yes, I love red plaid, red and black striped, and pink stuff. 🙂

Ok, I need to restrain myself for the next few months. Already wondering how I’m going to pay Mum back for all this stuff when I go home next year. Die liaoz

After this entry, I expect Mum to be calling me coz Sis is probably going to report to her on my great spending… Oopz…

chotto sabishii

I finally got to go to the night-time observation after 2 cancelled dates coz of the weather. It was a little disappointing though. Maybe I had too high an expectation. I expected to see Jupiter really close-up but all I saw was a dot with 3 smaller dots in a row next to it. The 3 smaller dots are Jupiter’s moons. The moon wasn’t a disappointment though. It was nice, big, and full as it was 中秋节。I got to see the dark spots, Maria, and craters a little clearer. As for the star cluster, I spent too much time at the smaller telescopes that by the time I got to the big telescope, the clouds had moved in. So, I went back the next day. Another little disappointment. The star cluster wasn’t super bright. Kinda faint. A fact for everyone: Contrary to popular belief, Polaris (the North Star) is not the brightest star.

This is probably my second time saying this but…God, where’s my boyfriend who drives? I walked all the way back to my dorm from the Assembly Hall after the Weird Al Yankovic show. I couldn’t see a bus stop and I didn’t want to be left alone at that place so I just walked. I think if anything at all, I wasn’t afraid that I would be assaulted but more afraid that I’ll get lost and there’s no one around to help me. The whole time I was telling myself not to get lost or I’ll cry. I had the bus guide in hand but not all the roads are clearly marked out, only the main ones. Guess what I did? I used the moon to guide me. Don’t laugh ok. I remembered from the night-time observation which direction the moon was in relation to where my dorm was. So as long as I follow that same direction, it would lead me towards my dorm.

天下大乱。本来安慰我的人,现在反而变成我安慰他。*sigh* Kang Jie somehow reminds me of sensei. Maybe it’s coz he listens to what I have to say and doesn’t judge. 哎哟,好丢脸。还要一个年级比我小的人来安慰。Rhetoric seems to be a pain to everyone. *sigh*

This week has been a rather hectic one. From completing assignments, studying for an exam, Psychology studies, to running around helping friends. I haven’t gotten enough sleep. I completely nod off one Astronomy lecture. Not good. Moreover, I missed a grade by 2 marks for my Psychology exam, earning me a C. Super not good. However, I also did last minute studying so if anything at all, I’m the one to blame. On the brighter side, I hope my second Rhetoric essay will earn me a better grade. I put more effort into it this round. I need to buck up. Elisia will keep trying to do better!!! *nods*

At times I feel a little lonely…

it’s a cloudy day?

[edited @8.25pm]

The post made after this is password protected due to certain views which I think will not be too safe to be made public. Friends who want to read it, please email me for the password. Thanks.


The night-time observation session got cancelled due to cloudy weather. I scrambled to sign up for next Tuesday’s session. I really hope that next Tuesday’s session wouldn’t be cancelled. There are other sessions after that but next Tuesday is the last day to be able to observe Jupiter.

Blah…this sucks.

I checked out the laundry area. All the washing machines and dryers are working hard coz everyone’s making use of the free laundry day. :laugh: I will do my laundry at midnight I guess. Should have less people by then. 

My fringe is getting long; need to cut it.

recent happenings…

Went for the J-Net Fashion Show meeting. I signed up to be in the yukata and modern fashion segment.  Hmmmm…makes me feel I should have brought my lolita dress and yukata over. Anyway, I bought a top and rocking shoes from a online seller, Jennifer recommended. Jennifer is the girl who’s in JAC and J-Net and is always dressed in lolita fashion. She sews her own dresses and comes up with the patterns herself. すごいね… I’m waiting for the items to arrive…so exciting…

Tomorrow is supposed to be free laundry day. I shall be kiasu and make full use of the washing machines and dryers since it’s going to be free~~~

Waiting for 9pm to arrive so I can get my fix of apples at the late night. Recently, I don’t feel hungry in the evening so I skip dinner. Ya, maybe I can go on an apple diet. But there are times when I can’t resist food too, so I check out what the dining hall is serving for lunch and dinner and decide which one I should go for. Anyway, I won’t starve to death coz I have a stash of food in my room. Hehehe…

how cold it is

I never really knew how cold it was until I came over to my aunt’s place for the weekend. Wow, it dips down to an all-time low of 50 degrees fahrenheit (about 10 degrees celsius) at night. And I was walking back to my dorm from Daniels Hall on Friday night. Woooooo…

J-Net was having a movie screening on Friday night. Had it not been for the movie, I would have gone over to my aunt’s place earlier. Luckily Man Ling agreed to drive me over. I think the girl was sleeping later when it was time to leave coz she asked Dominic to drive me over instead. Thanks to the both of them. I really owe you guys one.

Today, I walked out to Savoy to check where the bus stop is and also to go catch a movie before it closes, “Becoming Jane“. Armed with a printout map, I managed to walk out to Savoy without getting lost (a big feat) or panicking. The movie was kinda emotional but nicely done. It’s about the author, Jane Austen. If you had studied literature, you most likely would have read “Pride and Prejudice“. It was quite likely she styled the characters in the image of herself and her lover.

After the movie, I tried to find the bus stop as stated on the bus guide but couldn’t really find it. I saw another one, not sure whether that’s the one though. Good luck to me tomorrow.