yes yes

Oh hahahahaha…my blog is back. I’m wondering whether I’ve hit the bandwidth limit everytime my site is down. Oh well…as long as nothing’s missing from my blog.

I finally met Ling yesterday. Passed her her rather belated birthday gift. I’m so glad she loved it. I feel that’s the only consolation I can give her over the “poster got thrown out” incident. *hugs Ling*

I’m supposed to take a nap…so what the hell am I doing here?


the hair issues

This is too much. My dear God up there must be poking fun at me. Here I am, staring at the mirror, wondering why some days my hair is straighter and some days it’s crap. And then now, Melissa is talking to me on MSN about how she wants to rebond her hair and stuff.

This is one of the days where my hair dries into crap. Apart from the fact that it is less frizzy now (very little) but it is still naturally wavy. So now part of the hair is wavy and part of it is straight…weird combination I know. I swear my hair HAS a life of its own. I’m dead sure…

The only person I know who has an extensive network of friends is Nad. Now it seems Raynor is another one. Ok…’fess up. Who else knows Raynor? This is going to be fun…*trails off*

The coughing has left my throat a little sore. *sigh*

*sigh* Ling told me some bad news. Her mum threw out the NANA poster I gave her. Girl ah, don’t cry too much. I know it’s heartbreaking news but it’s already been done. *thinks* If my mum threw out my Massu uchiwas and posters, I think I’ll scream blardee murder. Alright Ling, *pat pat* I can understand how you’re feeling.

I’m sighing too much these days.

naming the character

*sigh* I wanted to create a new character for Maple Story under Bootes channel. Desmond said there’s less people in that channel and besides, I wanted to create another character for fun. I already have one under Aquila channel. Name’s “Miuna”. Wanted the new character to be named “Yurina”, which is the name of my favourite Berryz Koubou member, Yurina Kumai. Actually Miuna is the name of one of the Country Musume girls. Not that she’s my favourite but just thought the name is unique and nice.

So anyway, the name “Yurina” has been taken up. Until I think of another name, I don’t think I’ll be creating a new character. And the fact that I suck at naming things, it’ll be a long long while.

On MC today. The sore throat got worse yesterday. I woke up with no voice, headache and a clogged up throat. Not to mention that I felt warm. Checked my temperature…no fever. Well, it’s like this. If I don’t get a fever, I get a headache instead. I absolutely HATE losing my voice. That means I can’t sing along to songs when I’m on the computer. Luckily my voice came back somewhere in the afternoon. Went to see the doctor at night.

I’ll be going to work tomorrow…or rather in about 16 hours time. Mum asked whether I wanted to take another day off. Apart from the occasional cough, blocked nose and clogged up throat, I’m quite fine. My voice still sounds weird but not coz I lost it but rather it’s clogged with phlegm. Of course, taking another day off is a tempting offer but I don’t think the people at work would appreciate it and Sis is already making a lot of fuss that I don’t look like I’m sick coz I’ve been at the computer the whole time and not sleeping the whole day off like she did when she was sick. Alright alright, I’ll go to work (and spread my germs).

it begins with…

The time bomb has finally gone off. So I’ve fallen ill. Everyone around me is like taking turns to get sick. I knew it was only a matter of time before I too will catch the flu bug. It starts with the sore throat. Hate it. Now having a sore throat and a headache. I’ll really hate it if I lose my voice too.

We’ll see how it “progresses”…

The sore throat came on Friday night. The day of the meeting which was at 8 (freakin’) am. Obviously I did not get enough sleep coz as everyone knows, my sleeping time is like super late. Caught me on my most “vulnarable” period. So there…*sigh*

friendship, purity, youth

*sings* Whoa oh oh oh yuujou~~~ Whoa oh oh oh seishun~~~ Whoa oh oh oh junjou~~~

This Berryz Koubou song is now stuck in my head.

HAHAHA…I finally got the last episode of Ganbatte Ikimasshoi downloaded.

So much for the randomness. I’m going to sleep now. Have to be up in a few hours time for the (stupid) meeting at 8am. *grrrr*

*sigh* Have the feeling to go create a new layout for some of my webpages. Where is time when you need it most?

how nice

How nice it is to be doing an earlier shift after a long while. I absolutely dislike doing till the late hours which includes lobby closing. Coz we NEVER close when the others do. Like the shops on both sides are cleaning their equipment and we’re still taking orders. *sobz*

I finally get to watch the 7pm drama on tv at the exact timeslot and not the taped version. I don’t have to bathe at midnight. I get to relax a little…

This evening when I came home and checked my email, I saw friendster request. I was about to grumble about how some annoying bugger is trying to add people to his friendster list for the fun of it or he has some motive. Hmmm…upon checking. *gasp* It’s Yew Seng. OMG…I have to be careful what I post here now. *thinks* Freakin’ hell…this is MY blog. I think I have the right to post what I really think here. People have to be careful not to piss me off then. *evil laughter*


i am not 12

Just read Nad’s blog and the part about her being mistaken as a 12-year-old. I had my fair share of that at work today.

This lady customer asked me how old was I. I told her I’m 20. She thought I was 12 and how come someone so young could work already. 12?! 12?! *blink blink* And when I told her I’m 20, she like didn’t really believe. Why would I lie? It’s not like I’m going to get money for lying or something.

12…is that some sort of consolation for me? To tell myself that I look young?

Hmmm…another thing that irritates me a little is that everyone at work pronounces my name wrongly. I know I shouldn’t pick on such little things but I think I have been rather sensitive about the pronunciation and spelling of my name since young. The next person at work (excluding Sis) who pronounces my name correctly is going to get a megawatt smile from me and a mention here. Think about it!

Or else they can all follow what the aunties call me, which is kinda playing safe…小妹。Of course, only those older than me are entitled to call me that. I can’t stand it if someone younger calls me that.

i want to die

Don’t be alarmed by the title. I am not about to jump off a building or get myself knocked down or something. It’s just something from my dream.

I dreamt that Sis got scolded by Dad over something and I felt it was unreasonable of him so I helped her by saying something back. In the end, I got scolded as well. And it was really really bad coz I was crying really very hard and suddenly started yelling repeatedly “I want to die”. I swear if I didn’t make myself wake up from the dream then, the next moment I’ll actually wake up and find myself in tears. Which is usually the case when in the dream I’m crying, I really am crying in real.

I don’t know what could have been so bad and gone wrong that I would say that kinda stuff. I think probably I felt useless that I couldn’t help Sis in any way and Dad was just being too unreasonable. Whatever it was, it was really scary.

download freak

OMG…why is the forum still down… *bangs head*

I am suffering from withdrawal symptoms of not being able to get in and download something.

Recently I noticed that clubbox is also rather slow at night. Afternoon’s the best but most of the time I’m at work during the afternoon. So…yea…*sigh* Still got a whole load of D no Arashi waiting.

I’m dying to go shopping as well. *sigh* But I need to save money so I can pay up for this place in November and still have a bit of savings. Per asked whether I’ll be able to save up enough to go to Japan so we can go watch some concert there. Hiromi also asked when we’ll be going to Japan again then maybe we can go to some concert. *sigh* You think I don’t want to? I have no money that’s all.

Actually I could go get a permanent job so as to secure at least a thousand per month. But WHAT JOB? Everyone seems to want me to go try some designing job since I have a teeny weeny interest in it and afterall I did graduate with a diploma. But I don’t think I’m up to it. Just look at all the stuff I’ve done…not impressive. All so…NORMAL.

Anyway, I am thinking of sitting for the SAT test early next year. Checked the site already. There’s one in January. I think I’ve talked too much already and there’s still no action so time to get my lazy ass to it.