thoughts on a sunday morning

I can almost hear myself scream “fuck, I wanna bathe!” I feel grimy as I sit in my chair, trying very hard to concentrate on the Psychology text I’m reading. Half the time I’m thinking of having a nice hot bath coz I’m feeling a little cold. It doesn’t help that it’s raining outside which lowers the temperature further.

I learnt at about 10+pm that there’s no hot water coz there’s some trouble with the Champaign power plant. The hot water is supposed to be back by about 4-5 hours. I can feel myself almost desperate to the point that I wish I had a huge pail where I can boil water and fill it for bathing. Hahaha, I remember the times when we had those emergency exercises where they cut the water supply for almost a day. My nanny would boil water and fill pails before they cut off the water supply so we could all still have a bath. How smart, although it was totally off the point of the emergency exercise in the first place.

Stupid Sis said I could bathe quickly with cold water. That’s absurd. Hello, I’m not in Singapore where the temperature outside is 20+ degrees. It’s about 1-2 degrees outside, no joke ok. You want me to fall sick ar? (Which is kinda stupid coz I’m supposed to not fall sick after taking that flu shot.)

Alright, I’m going to check whether the hot water’s back now.

*after 5 minutes of running off to check the showers*



Don’t you dare tell me to calm down and not bathe. I will blardee slap the daylights out of you. I CANNOT don’t bathe. :angry: It’s disgusting ok.

love sky

I really really wanna watch 恋空! It seems like it’s one of those very emotional movies. I need to watch something that will make me cry.

Here’s the trailer…

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="400" height="325" wmode="transparent" /]

But, it just sucks coz I’m sure the Japanese dvd release will not have English subtitles. Unless Cathay shows it, then there will be a local dvd release with the English subtitles. Else, I can just wait for someone to rip it out, subtitle it, and upload it.

MM’s new pv is out. I :heart: Ai-chan’s short hair! Ermz…I don’t quite get it why the title of the song is “みかん”. What has it got to do with oranges?

I can’t stand Koharu. She has this very kiam pak face. Even the pandas are more tolerable.


Was a little upset at first that I had to miss a karaoke session with the J-Net Fashion Show Yukata group people. I really really want to go to ktv, but I already paid for my ticket to watch Cirque du Soleil’s Saltimbanco.

Well, paying $55 was definitely worth it! I enjoyed the show even though I was watching it by myself.

Anyway, about the fashion show, I managed to get myself out of doing the para para. :laugh: *phew* So currently, I’m just going to be walking down the catwalk in yukata and lolita outfits.

new layout in the making

[edited @ 8.11pm]
Back from the fashion show meeting. Now, for the little introduction on the new layout. I’ve been wanting to do a layout featuring Olivia for quite some time but never had the time or inspiration. All the time, I was just searching for images to blend. Blending, blending, blending…that was all I had in mind. Until last night, I was looking through all the images I collected and suddenly, the idea came into mind.

I initially wanted the header to be sort of like a wave, but halfway through the designing, I changed it. Well, I really don’t know what else to say, but this layout was designed according to how I felt when I was listening to Olivia’s “Color Of Your Spoon”.

[edited @ 5.29pm]
It’s up and running! I still have one or two little things to tweak with the code but other than that, it’s fine now. I will do a little introduction later, but for now, do give some comments! :laugh:

Oh, oh! If you noticed, the background changes colour with every refresh of the page. Surprise~~~ :heart:

I am mighty pleased with myself. I started to design a new blog layout while I was writing the introduction for my Rhet paper. After I went for the fashion show meeting, I thought I wouldn’t have time to complete the designing coz I would be spending the rest of the night working on the introduction for my Rhet paper. Turns out, I finished it faster than I thought and I could continue designing.

I completed the design! It’s rather late now so I’ll leave the coding bit for later. So happy~~~ :heart:

disgusting creep

Boy, you chose the wrong time to mess with me. You chose the time when my alter ego comes out to play and you pissed me off…not too badly, but good enough for me to rip you apart.

Who the fuck cares if you’re 43, 1.7m tall, 65kg, and in an unhappy marraige? Facebook is not mIRC where you go “intro? a/s/l?” Like piss off you creep. I am not going to get to know you better even if we both work (or worked) in the same company.

Oh, and UNCLE, I don’t do flings.

virus? trojan?

[edited on November 4, 2007 @ 7.48pm]
It’s fine now. I checked with Netrillium and got the problem fixed.

[edited on November 3, 2007 @ 1.32am]
Fuck. It didn’t work. I need to get help.

[edited on November 3, 2007 @ 12.01am]
I’m not sure if it works but I’m testing something out. If it works, it means I found the cause of it and hallelujah! If not, then I gotta get help. *crosses fingers and toes*

I’m having some problems with my site. Something is attacking all the index pages. It adds on some code to the files which either gives an error, prompts to pop-up a window or makes my antivirus software alert me that there’s a virus. I have tried re-uploading all the index pages but everytime I check back after some time, the files seem to have been rewritten. Anyone knows what’s going on?

lolita hime is back

[edited on November 2, 2007 @ 12.16am]
How was everyone’s halloween? I saw some people in really crazy outfits like a milk carton, Hershey’s kisses chocolate, teletubbies (eh oh!) etc… Our own SSA members had some great costumes too. There was Garfield (Yongji), a chicken (Joshua), a squirrel (Lin Yan), Mr Ghostface (Dominic), Hangman (Terence), Bart Simpson (Ui Aik), Ah Beng (Shaun), Bad ass cop (Aileen), Fairy (Fiona), some characters from one of those RPG games (Daniel and Wei Hong), some anime character (Esther), schoolgirl (Jeri), Bo Peep (Jun Wan), graduate? (Dian Hua) etc. Sorry if I missed out anyone. あたし? ロリータ姫です :heart: 。

I’m sure Chloe wants to see some photos…

I think the photo doesn’t do much justice to the outfit coz the room wasn’t bright enough and I had to balance on the edge of the bed to take the photo coz the mirror is not a full length one.

I’ll see if I can kope some photos from people and post them up later. My digicam batteries are seems to be dying soon from overcharging. In fact, one has already died and the other one doesn’t give me much time to take loads of photos. Ok, I’m just finding excuses for myself coz I didn’t start camera whoring at the party.

あ!時間切れ。Need to go do some homework…

ロリータ姫 is back! She went to the halloween party by SSA in her punk lolita? outfit and rocking shoes. For the first time in ages, she put on make-up. Ever since she arrived in USA, the times she has put on make-up can be counted on one hand, unlike back home where she puts on make-up everytime she goes out. Her sis, the other ロリータ姫, should be proud to know that she can now put on mascara a whole lot faster and that she tried putting on eyeliner for the first time. Hmmm…but the eyeliner got smudged a little from a not-so-steady hand and from tearing. :laugh:

More later~~~

halloween night

So, I already thought of what I want to wear: punk lolita. I thought I had it all planned. Get someone to drive me over to the party so I don’t have to worry about how to keep myself warm. Suddenly, it struck me. Wednesday = J-Net fashion show meeting. I’m back to square one.

1) Need to worry how to keep myself warm. I don’t want to wear my pullover sweater coz it’s very troublesome to take off and put on over my top. Also, I will look damn kuku lahz. I do have a black jacket but it isn’t very thick and won’t keep me really warm. How?!

2) Skipping the meeting is out of the question. We’re going to actually start practising walking and stuff this week. Which also means that it’s going to be difficult to get off early. I don’t think the fashion show committee is going to postpone the meeting just coz it’s halloween.

Sidenote: Sometimes I really wonder what I’m getting myself into. Modern fashion group is planning on doing a little para para. Good grief. I can’t dance and have lousy coordination skills. If I can’t nail this, it just proves that I am super duper lousy.

empty list

[edited @ 6.37pm]
Wooooooooooooooooooo…I got an A for my Astronomy mid-term exam!!! I need to buck up and study earlier for Psychology though. Been missing the B grade by 1-2 marks. Crossing my fingers for Econs. I need to get an A for my final Rhet research paper to probably secure an A for my final grade.

Whoa…this is scary. My MSN friend list looks so empty coz almost everyone is offline. All the SSA people have gone to Indiana for Mid-Western games. Man Ling is driving me and Kaoru tomorrow morning.

I couldn’t get more gyoza today coz it was raining and J-Net couldn’t set up the booth. They got the tent shade thing but coz of the electric cooker and the fear of getting electrocuted, they couldn’t start cooking. They couldn’t set up the booth inside Union coz Union doesn’t allow any cooking inside for safety reasons. In case you’re wondering, this whole gyoza sale is a J-Net fundraiser.