keeping warm

I was just about to blog when the fire alarm went off. Thank God I didn’t decide to go bathe after dinner like I usually do. Julliane said they do this fire drill at odd times. Once, they set the alarm off at 2am in the morning.

Anyway, back to the purpose of this entry.

The stupidest thing to do when it’s cold outside is to wear slippers. Ya, my toes got frozen. I learnt my lesson and wore shoes since yesterday. I also discovered that my OP jacket/windbreaker is not enough to keep warm on cold mornings. Out came the pink Illinois(ssssss) sweater. It worked but I don’t think I can wear black tees underneath it coz the inner lining is fluffy and the lint gets stuck on the tee, making it look like I just rolled around in dust. Well, just 2 days of wearing the sweater and I fell in love with it so I got another one at Follett’s. The new one is orange (school colour). šŸ™‚ People wear their school colours proud here. The bookstores sell tons of school memorabilia. From lanyards to mugs, stationery, sweaters, tees, track pants, pyjama pants etc. I’m just jumping on the “I love school” bandwagon.

The transition to autumn is beginning. It’s rather cold in the morning now. Not like super frostbite cold but definitely much much colder than the lowest temperature back home. Some students can tahan the weather coz they still walk around in tees and shorts, but I don’t think anyone from Singapore can do that. Afternoons are a little warmer with the sun out. You can afford to take off the sweater but I keep it on coz I’m just too lazy to keep taking it off then putting it back on.

I went to the planetarium at Parkland College yesterday. It was part of my Astronomy class syllabus. I sort of expected to have a view of the night sky through telescopes etc. Didn’t get that. I got the view of the night sky through this machine projecting images on the dome ceiling. But, it wasn’t that bad coz the guy gave a very good and fun explanation to the night sky. Of course, it’s not an excursion…it comes with a price, in the form of homework and a 150-200 word essay.

Before I sign off, here are some cam-whoring photos…

This is my first time in ages, tying up my hair. After doing that pose, I realised the Massu board was just behind me, so…

Last but not least…

PS: If you’re wondering what’s with the Illinois(sssss) thing, it’s a joke. The ‘s’ is meant to be silent when you pronounce the word but students like to emphasize the ‘s’ as a joke. Learnt that on Convocation Day while singing the school song.

stupid machines

I want toĀ let out all the frustration…






Just when I happily decided to try washing my clothes in the dorm laundry room, the change machine had to be spoilt and the front desk doesn’t want to change notes to quarters. The front desk girl kindly changed a dollar from her own wallet. That was enough for only one wash. Heard from another girl that the drinks vending machine could give change. Feeling all smart, I decided to do that to get some more quarters. Damn it. The stupidĀ vending machine refused to spit out the coins. So I ended up with a very expensive, SMALL bottle of apple juice. WAH LAU!!! :angry:

Now, I can’t even use the dryer to dry my clothes. Have to hang them all around the room. WAH LAU EHZ! :angry:

drawing blood

Let me tell you a secret. My blood is green coz I’m actually an alien in disguise. The real Elisia got kidnapped a long time ago that’s why everytime you ask me (Elisia) what I remember about my childhood before 4-5 years old, I have no recollection…

HAHAHA…kidding. But I seriously would like to answer that when those security officers ask “Where are you from?” at the airports. C’mon, that’s such an open-ended question. Be more specific manz.

That’s beside the point. I just had a blood test. I’m not going into the long explanation of why I went for a blood test. Contrary to what I thought, it was ok. People keep scaring me with stories that the needle is freakin’ huge so it’s painful and the blue-blacks I see on people’s arms are just the proof of the hell they went through. Not that I’m afraid of needles. If I need to be poked then of course, I don’t really have a choice do I? Just make sure that the nurse is an experienced one. No poking more than the required number of times and no hesitating which reflects badly on your experience and career.

The needle used was certainly larger than the usual used to administer booster shots. But I liked the way the nurse did the whole procedure professionally. It was quick and I didn’t feel a thing. Even when the needle punctured my skin, it just felt like a pin prick.

Hey, now I can seriously consider donating blood…

everyday is reading day

I wonder how my neighbours seem to find the time to watch tv. I seem to be doing my readings everyday and find like I only have about an hour or so for leisure. One hour to play games, watch dramas, update blog etc…where got enough?!

Trying to keep on top of things. Astronomy is interesting but it’s getting difficult. The text is dry with a number of terms and concepts to understand. I just read up about eclipses and thank God I remember how Dad used visuals (his fists) to teach me about them when I was young.

Anyway, I missed out on the lunar eclipse. 3+am, didn’t think I could handle that. But I woke up a few times at night wondering if the orange light pouring in from the window was from the eclipse or the street lights. I bet it was just my imagination. Per caught it. I’m so jealous~~~ Now, I’ve got to wait till next year. Was chatting with CJ sometime in the afternoonĀ and she said we could exchange information on astronomy. Here’s what she also said…”Boss, you are such a geek.” Well, that statement certainly meant no harm. I think it’s sort of true. My aunt has made the observation that my uncle and I share an interest on IT stuff. We could run wild in Best Buy. And here I am, interested in astronomy. HAHAHA… :laugh:

Just for the curious, I survived Rhetoric class. Turns out I’m not the only one who found the readings tough. We got our first assignment which we can begin on after the trip to the school art musuem on Thursday. *nods* I will try my best to analyse my chosen topic so I can write a good paper.

Our floor had dinner together today. As usual, I’m so quiet. But I guess most people do know already that I have a talkative side which is displayed to people whom I’m very familiar with. The girls are nice. Some gave me advice on school and stuff.

Tomorrow night is Open Doors Night. We leave our room doors open so the other girls on the floor can visit and we get to know each other. My room isn’t that interesting coz it’s kinda simple and bare. I put up all those farewell gifts on the wall since I don’t have posters. They are also there to remind me to study hard and that you guys are always with me. I also moved the 2 cork boards since they kept falling off the wall. Double-sided mounting squares are supposed to be invincible. I never tried tack (it’s not blue so can’t be called blu-tack) coz I believed it wouldn’t hold. In a last resort, I used just that. Well, what do you know? It worked. The cork boards are now on the side wall.

rhetoric makes me go dot dot dot

I just completed my readings for Rhetoric. Reading for Rhetoric class makes me feel like propelling myself into the air and then crash headfirst onto a hard concrete floor.

So much for being enthusiastic about class or keeping an open mind about class. I’m just getting more and more confused. Let’s hope I survive tomorrow.

The lunar eclipse issue is making me go all excited. But, 3+am is an unearthly hour! It’s not the holidays where I can stay up (like I did to catch NDP online). And I still have to worry about surviving Rhetoric class tomorrow. ARGH! :angry:

Think I’m going to crash (go to sleep)…

i miss home

I got a printer. It’s a HP All-in-One. I like how it’s all compact unlike the all-in-one I have at home. It even has card slots so you can print photos directly. Also has a small coloured LCD panel. So cool! šŸ™‚

Unfortunately, I won’t be able to bring it home to use after my 4 years here are up. šŸ™

I miss home~~~ šŸ™ Rhetoric is hard. I still have readings to do and the preparation questions for discussion sound so cheem. How~~~ My Engrish no good lahz… šŸ™

If I didn’t have Rhetoric tomorrow morning, I would wake up at 3.30am tomorrow morning to see the eclipse of the moon. At least there is flat, unlit, unblocked land here.

an apple a day

So far, we were more than delighted to find an oriental supermarket next to the regular supermarket. It’s more of a Korean supermarket but you can still find most Asian stuff there. Oolong cha!!! å¤§å„½ć!!! :heart:

There isĀ a restaurant next to the supermarket – also run by the same Korean family. At last! Food that actually tastes like authentic Japanese and Korean food. Even so-called Chinese food here doesn’t even taste anything like food back home. Except for the little restaurant opened by a Malaysian guy.

Ethan took us to Hometown Buffet for dinner yesterday. I’ve been there last year. The buffet spread is nothing like back home. I’m not complaining about the spread but how the most of the food here tastes a tad too salty. And the dessertsĀ are too sweet and rich. Sis was whispering to me to take a look at the people around. Most tables had either one or all customers being big and overweight. With all that rich food, it’s not surprising…more of scary!

Anyway, I think at the end of the day, it’s not like Hometown Buffet is THAT bad. Just that one has to watch what he/she eats. Just pick out the milder food.

Ā Just now, we went to Curtis Orchard to pick apples. Perhaps it’s just not the season yet. Although there were 2 rows of apple trees for people to pick the fruit, most of the apples were still half ripe. Very different when I was there last September. Anyway, it’s just for my family to experience apple picking. Imagine the thrill of eating the apples that you plucked off the tree.

To end off, photos! šŸ™‚

desperate times call for desperate measures

Desperate times call for desperate measures. I am blogging fromĀ the basement of my aunt’s house. Hahaha…no bogeyman in sight, only junk and invisible cobwebs. It is also much cooler underground than on ground level as it is still summer. My cousin, Ethan lost the paper with the network key written on it so I can’t connect wirelessly until my uncle comes home on Sunday. My uncle is in charge of all the IT stuff around the house. Their modem/router is in the basement so I’m connecting via the good ol’ wires.

I’ve pretty much settled in. Already familiar with my aunt’s place as I’ve been here last year. 四姑 and Uncle Weng will be back from Hong Kong on Sunday. Amee, as usual is everywhere – heard from Ethan that she is now in Philippines. But anyway, she lives in Boston. Ethan is almost done with school, I think.

I think the only reason I’m so-called feeling settled in is coz my family is still around. Once they leave for home on the 20th, ohohoho…I think I’m going to start missing them. Especially Mum, since I rely on her for almost anything around the house. šŸ™

Let me give you the first photo taken in the States.

Hahaha…instant mee from the States. Check out the brand…the name of my laptop. :love:

PS: Per, Nad and James…sorry I can’t post the photos taken at the airport. My mum didn’t bring the cable to transfer photos from her digicam to the computer. :sweat:

more farewell prez

I met bestie on Saturday. We wanted to take neoprints so I could bring them with me to the States. Obviously we’re stuck in the past. We were still thinking that neoprints cost around $7-$8. Ya, right. It’s $10-$11 now. WTH! $10 can almost buy me a good meal. So, we decided to save the money and take our own “neoprints”. We sat in one of the neoprint booths and whipped out my digicam.

Had my little farewell party yesterday. Went CS-ing with Sis, Per, Mea, Jiemin and Carol. Olivia’s songs are nice but I guess they just don’t suit me. I sound very very weird singing them. Only “A Little Pain” sounds ok. Unfortunately, they didn’t have “Shadow of Love”.

Grace joined us for dinner later at Spageddies. And they all presented me with a handmade board with their little messages.

Massu~~~ :love: Thanks, girls!

Today, Chloe gave me a farewell gift. I couldn’t go down to town so Sis received it on my behalf. Chloe gave me a very pretty dress. Thanks, Mrs Nakamaru! :heart:

I think I should let everyone know this. Yes, I love the gifts. They have been done/picked out with love. However, for those who didn’t give me anything and feel bad about it, don’t be. Meeting you guys was good enough. It isn’t about gifts but more of how we feel about each other. I know I have a lot to say to you all but sometimes the words just escape from my mind. What matters is that when I see you all and we talk to each other, I can feel you care.

the wonders of the webcam

A few days ago, I was telling Per I got my hair dyed again and it looks very golden. She got all excited wanting to see how I looked like. Thus, we began webcamming. And of course, it ain’t fun when you don’t do stupid things. :laugh:

Per took the screenshots. Captions are the original filenames.

I don’t own those shades. It was given freeĀ by Style magazine which belongs to Sis. Picture quality is quite lousy since my teeth look like one big sheet of white. :sweat:

Luckily the stupid eraser wasn’t a picture of a snake…

There goes my reputation. Bah, what reputation?