i love xmas

“Miso sooouuupu I feel lovinnnnn’~~~”

My first presents (not counting the bag from Sis) are from my office colleagues. Today, I come to work and find 3 more presents on my table. The christmas bauble (I suspect there are chocolates in it) from Roseleen is KEEEWWWTT!

*twirls around*

I know there’s a lack in updates. I’m often too tired and lazy to upload pics and all. I promise I will try to get that long awaited post up soon. I need to get the new blog layout up before christmas. I’m so happy just thinking about it. *beams*

I :heart: x’mas!

work, school, my life

Few things to address…

realistic-soul.net is 2! I don’t remember the exact date I bought this domain but since my site went down for awhile coz it was time to pay up then I knew. I downgraded my webspace plan. Over-ambitious me bought quite a huge amount of webspace only to let it go to waste for over one year. I don’t think I’ll ever get round to fixing all my photos for uploading so yea, the space will only be used for my blog, tcg post and fanlisting site. Not forgetting my 2 hostees. 🙂

I’m praying hard that I’ll get a better score for SAT. It went ok. Maybe coz I’ve experienced it before, this time round I was more concious of the time constraint. I managed to finish each section on time. Didn’t stumble over any Math question which is like a miracle.

I wouldn’t say I was totally serious about studying, laziness still got the better of me. My preparation was just all the exercises in the super thick preparation book and 3 full papers. Anyone could say that that wasn’t enough studying.

Kinda did the whole comparison thing when I found out that Shaz and my cousin would be taking it at the same time. I started to feel that I couldn’t match up to others. That I would be the lousiest in terms of grades. I know I shouldn’t be doing this but I can’t help it. 😥

Other than the SAT, I need to pick up my referral letter from Mr D and to actually get cracking on those essays. Kinda rush I know but if I don’t start, I never will.

Although I don’t really like what I’m doing now, it’s not like I hate it to the point I’m going to breakdown any moment. For the sake of the pay, which is quite good for a temporary job, I wanted to stick it out for the 6 months. Quitting now would mean that I’ll have to go through the hassle of looking for a job and in that time, I would have lost some income. Besides, this job is at prime location, within walking distance from home. I can wake up at 7am and still not be late.

Alas, it’s not to be. I just went through appraisal. Firstly, they think I’m doing fine. Phew! Then, they dropped the bomb. There are too many inbound call agents. After the peak period, each team would be rotated to do outbound calls aka telemarketing. Frankly speaking, telemarketing is not my cup of tea. Not that I’m writing off the job without even trying but I know that it’s just not the job for me. Even as an inbound call agent, there are times where I struggle to be firm when it comes to requests by customers. I can empathise with some of them and want to accede to their requests but I know I can’t coz I’m not in that position to do so.

I refer to the comment that Pwen made a few entries ago on how to be firm yet able to empathise. She said I could try repeating the fact that it’s the company policy. But if you were to put yourself in the customer’s shoes, there are times where this simply wouldn’t work. I end up trying to put myself in both positions – as the call agent and as the customer and end up feeling more miserable than ever. I don’t think I can block out these thoughts and just be thick-skinned and more persuasive, something which telemarketeers should be.

The only other way would be to request for a change in job within the company. A change to something more of data entry/admin nature. But DUH…we all know that data entry is like a no-brainer job for me. No challenge at all since I know I can handle it. The last time I worked in a data entry job, everyday was just keying in data into those same fields that I practically became a robot. I could type at super speed without even reading those fields coz I could remember the order. There was even once or twice that I fell asleep at the keyboard and if not for the loud beep from the computer that I’m holding on to a key for too long, I would have just slept on.

Anyway, there are very few data entry positions in this branch. Even as we speak, there’s an application waiting for a data entry/admin opening that has been there for some time already. Might have a higher chance in HQ but that would mean I’ll have to spend on transport and wake up much earlier. No more free ride to work since Mum has retired from her job.

No hard feelings if I want to quit though. Although it is said that it is a 6 month contract, there are no conditions that bind me to the company. We can still part amicably even before the term is up. But…but…but…I NEED THE MONEY!!! I’m putting aside $300 each month I get my pay for my Japan trip next year. If I give up the job, there’s no guarantee I’ll get another job of equal pay or higher than that of now. Worse, what if there’s nothing available for some time.

Went to the concert sponsored by ABC Stout yesterday. A concert with Chen Sheng, Pin Guan and Mayday. Went with Sis, Jiemin and Angeline. Enjoyed myself though the concert ended quite late thus I had to take urgent leave today.

I wanted to post this earlier but didn’t have the time to and my site was down for a day or so. Per gave me the link for DBSK’s clips on Youtube. Xiah is just too cute! :rofl:

getting round to those things

I’m FINALLY getting round to those school applications. Emailed Mr D to ask him to write a nice recommendation letter for me. *beams*

Received XW’s wedding invitation. *sniff* Forgive me but I can’t help but wonder…so soon? But I’m happy for you! Now, I’m just wondering whether to wear that sparkly black dress to your wedding dinner. Black is like inauspicious right? But it’s sparkly and pretty and I haven’t got another nice dress. Oh…and I haven’t got it stitched up at the front. Bleargh.

I feel like falling off the chair now coz I’m tired. Ok, that’s too random.

the smell of home

“Chou ii kan ji~~~”

I finally remembered to check out Tego and Massu’s “Miso Soup” on youtube last night. Ne~e…I wasn’t really paying attention to the meaning of the song though I caught it coz I was busy trying to figure out what both of them were singing. English version. So, trying to make out their “engrish”. Ok, I’m exaggerating a little. I could hear some sentences.

The familiar taste of Mum’s miso soup. The taste of home. All the little things that make you think of home. I always smell my jacket coz it has the smell of the fabric softener which reminds me of my mum and home.

I think the song has similiar meaning to Sankyoudai’s “Onigishi”.

Apart from that, Per was supplying me with all the youtube links to DBSK’s clips. Xiah is so cute! :rofl:

The weekend flew past quite fast. Saturday, Sis and I went to Lucify’s concert at Dbl’O. I think all the magic from SuperBand is wearing off. Heh…Singapore NEVER had a market for singers. And the attitude of the singers matter a lot. Most of them I’ll say have this snooty attitude after the competition. I know that life has to return to what it used to be but don’t forget that you wanted to choose this path and with it comes other “responsibilities”. When you wanted those votes, you pleaded with us and were so friendly. Now that you’ve got that little recognition, you ignore us. Where’s the logic in that?

Anyway, Sis and I agreed that the concert was a little of a disappointment. It didn’t feel like a concert at all but another MediaCorp recording. Host was the same one from the competition. The songs they sang except for 2 Japanese songs were all sung during the competition. Afterall, Lucify started out being a J-Rock band, so we expected them to sing more Japanese songs. I even imagined that I’ll be going to watch Blackstones or Trapnest. OMG…Ling, it’s all your fault now that I’m stuck on NANA.

SAT this coming Saturday. I can’t believe I’m going through this another time. That little bit more confidence I had was kinda wiped out yesterday when I was attempting a paper. I ALWAYS seem to run out of time. And I hate this fact when I’m happily working on the maths problems. It’s not that I don’t know how to work it out but I need more time to attempt the problem. Bleargh.


[edited on 22 Nov @ 12.35pm]

Okie, now that I have the time to dig out the cards for CS…

Cash Studio Family Karaoke Box

Address (1): 2 Havelock Road #02-10/11 Apollo Centre S(059786)
Charges: Mon-Thurs 1pm-6pm (Happy Hour) 3 pax or less, any 3 hours: $30+
                                                                 Additional person each: $5+
                              6pm-2am 3 pax or less, any 3 hours: $35+
                                            Additional person each: $10+
              Fri & Sat 1pm-6pm (Happy Hour) 3 pax or less, any 3 hours: $35+
                                                                 Additional person each: $7+
                           6pm-2am 3 pax or less, any 3 hours: $48+
                                            Additional person each: $10+
             Sun 1pm-6pm (Happy Hour) 3 pax or less, any 3 hours: $35+
                                                      Additional person each: $7+
                    6pm-2am 3 pax or less, any 3 hours: $35+
                                  Additional person each: $10+

Address (2): 21 Cuscaden Road #B3-00 Ming Arcade (Opp Hard Rock Cafe)
Charges: Mon-Thurs 1pm-6pm (Happy Hour) 3 pax or less, any 3 hours: $30+
                                                                 Additional person each: $5+
                              6pm-2am 3 pax or less, any 3 hours: $38+
                                            Additional person each: $10+
              Fri & Sat 1pm-6pm (Happy Hour) 3 pax or less, any 3 hours: $38+
                                                                 Additional person each: $7+
                           6pm-2am 3 pax or less, any 3 hours: $58+
                                            Additional person each: $12+
             Sun 1pm-6pm (Happy Hour) 3 pax or less, any 3 hours: $38+
                                                      Additional person each: $7+
                    6pm-2am 3 pax or less, any 3 hours: $38+
                                  Additional person each: $10+

No compulsory fruit plate, towels or snacks.

People, please say you’ll go CS-ing with me~~~


“chimata de uwasa no sekushi ue! ue!”


Finally! Went CS-ing (Cash Studio-ing – as what Yui aka Mrs Ueda calls it) on Saturday. The whole gang – Jiemin aka Mrs Jae Jung, Sis aka Mrs Koichi, Chloe aka Mrs Yuichi, Yui aka Mrs Ueda and me aka Mrs Masuda. :rofl: Ryoko aka Mrs Akanishi joined us later…the 高手… Why? Coz she can rap like nobody’s business. Psst…thank God for being half Japanese.

Sis’s member card got us two and a half hours of FREE unhappy hour. Yes, the beauty of the Cash Studio member card. You get to stay on for free if nobody books the room. Anyway, even after almost 6 hours of CS-ing, I don’t feel it’s enough! I’m like dying to go CS-ing again!

The opening quote. Jiemin was so tickled by MM’s “SEXY BOY~そよ風に寄り添って~”. It’s contagious, you just have to do the whole “ue! ue!” thing.

Ok, to cut the story short (coz I have to scram from the study room already), I’m hoping I can get my poly mates to go CS-ing soon too. Told Ling already. Just need to gather the rest.

Cash Studio has just opened their new branch at Ming Arcade (just behind Forum Gallaria, near Hard Rock Cafe). The original branch is in Chinatown. They offer relatively cheap rates plus with Sis’ member card, I say it’s a good steal. Party World used to be quite cheap but they decided to charge for their drinks and tidbits now so it’s getting really pricey. I’ll post up the rates soon ok? Need to run now…

cars and the insurance

Any Singaporean who doesn’t drive would also know that owning a car in Singapore is a killer. Most would say it’s the COE that’s the killer. I would say it’s the whole package.

Ever since I started dealing with motor insurance, I must say I’ve learnt quite a bit. I’m even itching to churn out a quotation for myself with the scenarios of me owning a car or scooter now.

Firstly, the law requires every driver to have at least third party motor insurance. And DUH, you have to pay road tax as well. The premium for the insurance is based on both the driver and the car. A young driver (of 21 years) and with little driving experience. Let’s not be too ambitious, say this young person drives a normal saloon car. The premium would be around $1000+ already. If this young person decides to drive a high performance car…woohoo…lagi best.

$1000 every year for at least 3 years. I don’t think I want to spend that kind of money on a car. Cars are afterall a luxury. Convenient but I don’t think it’s a total necessity in such a small country.

Now, we talk about how one should go about buying the insurance. Usually, dads wouldn’t want to put their children as named drivers so they can escape the high premiums. That’s like the stupidest (is there such a word?) move. If your son is now 21 years old and has less than 2 years of driving experience and he manages to get your car all banged up in an accident, there’s going to be an excess of $2000+. $500 more to get your son to be a named driver or bear the $2000+ excess when he gets into an accident?

NTUC Income offers 2 plans for Comprehensive cover. The one with the lower premium has an excess of $500. The one with the slightly higher premium has a waiver of the excess and a courtesy car benefit. Putting the issue of the courtesy car aside. Paying about $200 more for the waiver of the excess or bearing the full $500 excess? I think if you’re the kind who hasn’t got lady luck on your side or isn’t too confident a driver yet should go for the one with the higher premium.

I almost had one closing for motor insurance today. Unfortunately this wife of the policy holder does not know her husband’s credit card number. With that, I broke the chain of good luck I had for the past 4 days. 6 closings in 4 days…and a long list of logins and logouts. There’s the pros and cons to everything. I may have had the luck of 6 closings when another newbie has none to his name, but my call volume has dropped tremendously. Due to the many times of logging-out to finish up the paperwork, my average call volume of 50+ calls has dropped to 40+. And my table is awfully messy with papers. I’m annoyed at my disorganised self. :glare:

connect with me

Shall make this clear. Please do not send me any requests to add me as a friend. No, I will not connect with you, friend you or whatever with you unless it’s friendster or myspace. And that does not mean I accept anyone and everyone. Terms and conditions still apply.

Please do not clutter my mailbox. Yes, I know gmail is “invincible” with 2GB+ of space but imagine 10 such emails sitting in your mailbox everyday (ok, I’m exaggerating). Anyway, it just isn’t a pretty sight.

my absence

Absence. Can’t remember how many days already. Can’t be bothered to check the dates.

Work is becoming overwhelming. No time to even surf blogs. Motor insurance is a killer. But on the brighter side, I managed to have 5 closings within 3 days.

Year-ends are cursed.

I’m tired. :sleep:

mentality of a child

Coming from an English-speaking family, speaking in Mandarin is quite a hassle for me. But…QUICK! Congratulate me now. I managed to answer a phone call with a Mandarin speaking customer. It’s not the usual call-in to activate a policy. She asked about the terms and conditions so the phone call was slightly longer. I managed to answer her questions mostly in Mandarin with just a few English words.

Sure I can read Mandarin, I’ve just finished reading a Mandarin book by the way. But reading and speaking the language is totally different. I can always feel myself grasping for the right words when speaking in Mandarin. And when I can’t find the right words, I have to go one big round to explain something simple and most of the time the other party ends up getting more puzzled.

Continuing from yesterday’s post… Another thing that makes my grandparents’ stay quite unpleasant for Sis and I is the fact that grandpa does not know the meaning of privacy. I caught him opening and rummaging through the tray of pens in my drawer in the study room. Fine. I have nothing super secretive in that drawer so I just tolerate it. Next, I saw him touching Sis’s things at her computer. Now, Sis is VERY particular about people touching her things and putting them back in the EXACT position. I couldn’t tolerate it anymore and told Dad. Dad told me I have the right to tell him off but do it in a nice way.

I went to grandpa and told him not to touch Sis’s things coz if she found out, she’ll scream at him. Guess what he said? He just mumbled that he didn’t touch her things. DIDN’T TOUCH HER THINGS! WTH. I just saw him touching her things and he just denied it…or rather lied about it.

That’s why we dislike grandpa touching our things. Not being selfish or disrespectful. When we catch him doing something wrong, he usually denies/lies about it. Not only that, we dislike him touching our things coz USUALLY he spoils/breaks it. To support my statement…

Later on, Sis checked the stuff on her table and found that her pen had leaked and there was a small pool of blue ink on the table. Now, the pen always had the cap on and it wasn’t faced down coz using one’s common sense, you wouldn’t leave it uncapped and faced down coz the ink will leak. WHO ELSE? Sis started screaming at grandpa and what did he do? Just gave a little laugh. WTH. It’s CERTAINLY NOT FUNNY ok. If she didn’t discover it, the ink might have permanantly stained the table. :angry:

To think that an 80 year old man would have the mentality of a child and the lack of manners. Hmph.

Recently, somebody pissed me off bigtime. I never really liked her in the first place. I mean, there are times when she is nice but it irks me that she thinks she is so damn matured when she’s not. Worse, she went to brag about going clubbing to someone younger than her. For what? You want that younger person to praise you till the sun don’t shine? Is going clubbing such a BIG DEAL? Is being able to consume alcohol such a BIG DEAL? Tell me it’s such a big deal after you have to face the toilet bowl and end up almost puking your guts out.

Please love yourself a little more. Dress decently. I have never come across anyone who thinks her great assets are meant to be shown off like that. Even Ling complained to me about having to wear shirts coz there’s a gaping hole when she lifts her arms. Everyone is so afraid to expose themselves while you are wanting to expose yourself. Sure, guys may be attracted to such things but you’re also inviting the wrong kind of attention.

Bottomline: You were given a brain. Use it wisely.

one quick post

Making a quick post as it is already late, my grandparents need the room to sleep. I’m not being disrespectful or anything but with them around, I can’t seem to finish what I want to do on the computer. I don’t have much time in the week. After work, I only have a few hours minus doing all the daily necessities like bathing and eating. Weekend, I go out on Saturday and much of the daytime on Sunday is spent studying.

I have yet to change some stuff on my blog, upload and send photos etc. Still haven’t made a post on Wawa’s birthday, Chloe’s birthday and the KDF charity concert yesterday.

Let me just make a few brief statements on S.H.E coming to Singapore. I was to tired to go to their autograph session on last Friday coz it was at IMM. That’s to freakin’ far. Sunday, they were at TM but needed a pass to enter. I checked out TM’s site for information on the pass and I almost cried. Spend $30 in TM to redeem for a pass! 😥 Too late…by then, all the passes sure snapped up. Anyway, to console myself, I told myself that at least I got the concert ticket for their concert next year. 🙂

Embarking on a new week. Motor insurance training on Tuesday and Wednesday. *sigh*

And now, my computer is being a bitch. Getting kinda retarded…