i can afford it

Something’s different about today. While everyone is blogging about how they spent Mother’s Day, our family did nothing. As in, we went about doing things like it was just a normal day. I haven’t asked Dad why we didn’t celebrate since the past Mother’s Days we go out for a meal at a nice restaurant.

Hmmm…I didn’t buy Mum anything. Or maybe I haven’t really gone out to look for something. No effort being made? But of course I don’t believe in buying something for the sake of it. It must be something chosen with much thought.

I went to Per’s degree show instead. The last 20 minutes of it. And helped her take down everything. After she had a small celebration with her friends, we went down to Mise to collect Sis’s magazines that she reserved. Walked down to Wheelock to have dinner at Nooch. But the place was gone so we settled for this Japanese restaurant.

I don’t know if I’m being too sensitive but sometimes I think some service staff look at us differently. Like stereotype. Just coz we look like students, they think we have no money. They have this “are you sure you can afford eating here?” kinda look which irritates me a lot. If I can’t afford it, I wouldn’t be stepping in here already. I would have chosen to eat at Mac or something. :angry: :angry: :angry: By the way, the food at Mac isn’t getting cheaper. So don’t think you’ve won or something. *rolls eyes*

Makes me feel like taking a wad of $50 bills and slapping them in the face with it. Except that I don’t have that kind of money. HAHAHA… But the point is, whether I look like a student or not, I’m still your customer.

Thinking about it. My sense can’t be wrong. Just like the time I asked sensei about something to confirm that I’m right about it. He said that I might be wrong but time proved that I was right. It’s just women and their “sixth sense”.

easy on the eyes

Ah. I like this little change. The colours. Not too bright, more soothing. I wanted to change the layout totally but then I saw this set of photos and fell in love with it. So I guess I’ll stick to this format for one last time? :laugh:

I haven’t been sleeping properly. Sleep at weird hours. Get woken up pretty early, try to go back to sleep but can’t. I’m annoyed with myself now coz I’m trying to clear some stuff in my harddrive but I’m feeling so sleepy and can’t really concentrate on what I’m watching. :glare:

I hope Sis comes home soon. If she doesn’t, I think she’s trying to run away from her problems. 逃避。:angry:

our little adventure

Sis and I went to the airport (really really) early this morning to see 2 friends off. They were going to Japan. Being out so early, we had to fulfill the unspoken rule of having a Mac breakfast.

Common sense would tell one to take the skytrain to Terminal 2 where Mac’s located. Wait for skytrain. Wait…and wait…something’s wrong. How come we have wait so long? Decided to check the board whether they changed the route or something thus the long wait. That’s when I saw it. The skytrain service does not start until 6am. At that moment, it was only 5.40am. So, the whole crowd of people standing there were just oblivious to the fact that they were going to have to wait a super long 20 minutes for a skytrain. Haha…felt so evil… :tongue:

There was an alternative walking route printed on the board but it involved walking on the outside. Sis and I decided to take the lesser known route which involved walking through the offices upstairs. It was like an adventure for us since we haven’t used that route in a very long time.

Walked in and out of doors. Sensing the quietness around us. The last stretch was pretty scary but I forced myself not to think about it coz I had company and it’s really no point scaring yourself for nothing. I noticed that Sis was blabbering a little but didn’t think much of it. Came to the last door. Uh oh. It says “no entry”. But there’s no other way! Can’t be coz we remembered the route was just to go forward and soon you’ll reach the other terminal. Looked at a wall map. There was no mistake, we were going the right way.

Suddenly an office lady appeared from one of the doors behind us. We asked her how to get to the viewing gallery, she pointed us to the opposite direction which was the way we came from. Gut feeling told us not to trust her so we just went out through a walkway to the carpark. That was when Sis admitted that she was blabbering so much coz she felt scared. Haha, knew it. Took the lift down one level and finally managed to get into the main area of Terminal 2.

Not admitting defeat, we tried to trace our steps to see where we gone wrong. We discovered that they changed the viewing gallery a little. It was pretty much gone coz they extended the transit area to house more eateries. This meant that the old route had been blocked off. Ah…now we saw why.

Anyway, we still had that triumphant feeling since it was just past 6am. Haha…that meant we still beat those people back in Terminal 1 waiting for the skytrain. :laugh: Then we settled down for our Mac breakfast.



Was supposed to meet Per to go to the Japanese dolls exhibition but the bad weather spoilt everything. And I was late. Then we couldn’t get a cab coz of the bad weather so in the end, Per, Cindi and I went to Uma Uma Men.

Cindi’s friend, Julia joined us later and we spent the whole evening just talking about JE boys…especially Kanjani8…it being Yoko’s birthday and all. By the time we actually left the place, it was already 10pm. Cindi really wanted to have some Yoko birthday cake so we went hunting for cakes – specifically green cakes coz that’s Yoko’s colour. But as you know, all cake shops are closed by that time. Then we saw this ice-cream shop still open and thought “why not have green ice-cream instead?”

Told the girl to press down 3 scoops of ice-cream into the cup so the surface is flat. Asked for some chocolate sauce to write Yoko’s name but the nozzle wasn’t a fine one so it came out pretty splotchy. Thank God for Photoshop coz I decided to make it look better…hehe…



So I guess the day didn’t go that great coz…

  1. I was late.
  2. Bad weather
  3. Bad weather = lack of cabs
  4. Bad weather = lack of cabs = can’t go to the exhibition
  5. Couldn’t get green cake coz it was so late already.
  6. I forgot and left my umbrella in Uma Uma Men.

I was replaying the day’s events in my head while in the shower. Per trying desperately to flag down a cab. Us trying to be sheltered under my umbrella while running across the road. Wait a minute…pause thoughts. My umbrella. Shit. I’ll hate to part with my beloved umbrella coz I love its colour – light green. I asked Mum to get me a uniquely coloured umbrella after someone mistakenly took my previous silver umbrella at my then-workplace and she got me this one. 🙁

PS: You can see that this entry isn’t well-written. But that’s coz I’m tired… :sleep:

never be the same

I updated my version of WordPress. I’m actually quite proud of myself that I managed to do something without having to consult Nad. Well…that is if nothing weird pops up these few days…

I was waiting for the last day of April to come but suddenly it’s May. Coz 30th April means the end of NewS’ concerts and the beginning of their hiatus. There have been many reports of the last day of the tour. Even before they performed at their last venue, there was big news. While the area was being constructed, some speakers fell from the top and hit a female worker’s head. Thank God it was just serious injury (DUH! 32kg on your head) and not fatal. I think NewS had better consult some feng shui master. Bad luck seems to be following them ever since they debuted. First, Moriuchi got kicked out. Then, Uchi got suspended. Then, Kusano’s incident. Then, the announcement of their hiatus. Now, this. *sigh*

Listening to “Dreams” will never be the same again. Ryo changed the lyrics while singing it at the concert. Shige changed the lyrics as well. Massu and Tego both cried when they were singing their duet. 7 months seems like a long time. But we will wait for their return. 😥 Hopefully by the time they return, NewS will be the full 8 member unit.

Ahhhhh…I just realised I forgot to wish Xianglin. Coz we celebrated her birthday on Saturday so it totally slipped off my mind. ごめなさい! So here’s wishing Koyama (1st May) and my best friend (2nd May) a very happy belated birthday! May all your dreams come true!!! Side note: That’s why I need the calendar to remind me. Haven’t got a fantastic memory. :glare:

really should be…

I really should be changing this blog layout. Getting stale… *taps brain cells* Ah…no idea at the moment. Too tired to think. I’ve been faithfully watching ブラザー☆ビート so as to clear my harddrive bit by bit. Hehe…so as to make space for more stuff… The drama’s quite entertaining by the way. :happy:

Anyway, I collected some stuff today. Bloop bloop bloop…tired…can’t think…shall go to sleep. :sleep:

four things

Something from Cas’s blog. She tagged me.

Four jobs I’ve had
– Data entry at NParks
– One-day usher for StyleAsia
– Intern at NCS Pte Ltd
– Crew at Mos Burger

elisia says: Notice the word HAD…

Four movies I can watch over and over
– A Walk To Remember
– A Cinderella Story
– 1 Rittoru no Namida
– Can’t think of another one.

elisia says: Actually I don’t really watch stuff over and over…Oh and 1 Rittoru no Namida is not a movie but this drama is so touching and meaningful…will make you cry buckets though.

Four places I’ve lived
– Tampines
– Singapore
– Earth
– See above.

Four TV shows I love
– Buffy The Vampire Slayer
– CSI: Miami
– Can’t think of another one.

Four places I’ve vacationed
– New Zealand
– Australia
– China
– Japan

Four of my favorite dishes
– Mum’s cooking
– Spaghetti
– Omu rice
– Ramen

elisia says: Thinking about food makes me hungry…oh no…I’m becoming like Massu…

Four sites I visit daily
– Gmail
– JpopMusic Forums
– Binan no Nikki

elisia says: REAL ME is my blog. Actually I haven’t visited Binan no Nikki (a Jweb translation site) for sometime but recently the updates are quite frequent so I shall stop by there everyday from now on. :laugh:

Four places I’d rather be right now
– Japan
– Korea
– Alaska or Norway
– Taiwan

elisia says: JAPAN! JAPAN! JAPAN! AT A NEWS CONCERT!!! :tongue: Why Alaska or Norway? So I can see the Northern Lights. 🙂

Four people I’m tagging
– Nad
– Pwen
– Per
– Ling

elisia says: Per, but your site is down right?

Oh…talking about 1リットルの涙… Omg, I just can’t stop talking about that drama. :rofl: Anyway, they finally published the book in Mandarin! As in the original story. It’s a true story by the way. I was so happy when I saw it in Kinokuniya. Apparently, the book was just published in Mandarin this month. I thought Kinokuniya just didn’t carry it when I emailed them about it some time ago.

pretty isn’t it?

I saw a photo of it in an Astronomy magazine in Times bookshop. Then recently, I watched Eight Below and it sort of got featured in the movie as well.

credit: jupiterimages

To be able to see this is like a once in a lifetime kinda thing. Pity, Singapore is right smack at the equator. Thank God we don’t have natural disasters coz of it but that also means we lose out on stuff like this. And I know I’ve been saying this over and over again but “why the hell didn’t TP make Astronomy a CDS subject?” I remember getting excited over it when I filled in this survey form when I enrolled as a student.

And in case you want to know more about Northern Lights, here’s a good website.

Anyway, I also learnt that not all seals look friendly and cuddly. A leopard seal looks horrendous when its mouth is opened wide. The one in the movie reminded me of Alien. 怖い…

one word: fugly

Take a look at Samsung’s new phone. P300.

No, your eyes are not playing tricks on you. It does look a lot like a calculator. *sarcastic* Might as well just pick up my calculator and pretend it’s a phone. And I thought PDAs which double up as phones were bad enough.

What a fugly phone.