the best one yet

I’ve seen chatlines use MM girls, Ai Otsuka, Kyoko Fukada, Misaki Ito, Ueto Aya in their pathetic advertisements in the newspapers or magazines. I’ve seen one use a JE boy…Jin. But this has got to be the best one yet. In today’s Newpaper. I didn’t even notice it at first coz I was reading the article above. Caught sight of it just as I was going to turn the page. Picture’s too big…click to see it.

OMG. They used Ryo. If JE knew about this, JE would have sued their asses off. Even official drama sites aren’t allowed to have pictures of the JE boys. Next who would I see? Massu? :rofl:

Dinner was at Curry Favor. I think this celebration is going to be an unforgettable one. Haha…showers of blessing. The waitress spilled a whole glass of water on me. Which soaked the right side of my top, the back of my skirt and…ermz…my un…ok never mind. Luckily my bag was just behind me so I didn’t sit right into the seat or else…my whole back might have gotten wet.

I think after working in the service line, I’ve changed a lot on how I tolerate such things. I wasn’t angry or anything. That’s precisely why I don’t really want to work at a restaurant. Accidents like that can happen and when it does happen, not everybody is that forgiving. Working in the service line makes you see things from the server’s point of view. I bet she would have wanted to dig a hole right there and then to bury herself. And having served all kinds of customers, I tell myself not to be one of those irritating/inconsiderate/rude customers.

Anyway…I got my blackforest cake. Haha…


I know this is quite boliao to talk about especially when it’s 4+am in the morning. I changed my wallpaper. It’s similar to the previous one. I guess coz 10 April is coming and I wanted to do something for myself. So yay. :heart: Per and I were talking about Miyabi just now so I thought why not. She has some pretty photos but I gotta say that Risako’s one looks better this time. In case anyone can’t figure what the hell I’m rambling about…

And I finally got the PV for Berryz工房’s “ジリリ キテル”. They are growing up and Tsunku’s definitely marketing them as young ladies and not kids unlike what he did to Kago and Tsuji for at least 5 years. :whistle: I think Yurina’s having a growth spurt coz I don’t remember her being that tall. She’s 13 afterall…puberty. She is tall but didn’t think she was THAT tall. She’s really towering over everyone. 友理奈,你到底吃什么长大的? Poor Saki. Captain of Berryz工房, oldest but smallest in size.

Before I forget. It’s P’s birthday!!! And they are in Hokkaido. Still in the midst of the concert tour. お誕生日おめでとう!!!

Omg…it’s raining AGAIN. Yes, complete with thunder and a little lightning. And I should be sleeping. Alrighty, off to bed.

another JE dream

Yea, you guessed it. Another JE post.

Recently I had my third JE related dream. Before I plunge into the story, let me do a little recap.

My first JE related dream was (for some weird reason) running away from Massu. I KNOW! I don’t know why I did that TOO! :tongue: He kept chasing behind me asking me to stop but I kept running and yelling at him to stop following me coz I won’t understand what he’s saying and neither would he understand what I’m saying.

The second was just too weird. Well, it involved Per and I watching a NewS mini concert. And halfway this crazy man telling everyone to go home and stop wasting our parents’ money. Told you it was too weird. :rofl:

The third was well…weird too. We were in Japan and Per was with us. See Per, I never leave you out when it comes to anything JE related. :rofl: We went to this 1 Rittoru no Namida exhibition. *tsk tsk* Must have been discussing the drama too much in the forum so ended up having a related dream too. Anyway, the exhibition had like 3 rooms filled with information and stuff. Not only that, each room, at each corner, sat an actor/actress from the drama. Yes yes…I know we’re getting excited here coz you know what that means…name starts with “r”.

And yes, we saw Ryo. Had that same “act cool” look. Ok, there should have been a million other fangirls clamouring for his attention but really, there wasn’t really anyone. We didn’t really dare go up to him. But after we left that room, we were gushing about him at a seat just outside the room. I think we were waiting for my parents or something. Per should know that when I’m high, I’m practically siao. Anyway, suddenly Ryo and Erika (lead actress) came out of the room…I presume to go to the loo? By then, we weren’t really talking about him but coz we were high, we were like practically bouncing all over which caught his eye. He and Erika stopped and came over to us saying something like thanks for coming and they wanted to befriend us.

And that was it. So anti-climax right? But yea, that was all coz I woke up. Hahaha…

Been trying very hard to watch stuff and clear my hard drive. So I finished Nurse Aoi and Kuitan. I’m sort of the disappointed to say that Kuitan had a rather boring storyline. I did enjoy Higashiyama’s and Go’s acting though. And the food really made me drool. Whether it was 麻婆豆腐 or シオドメロンパン or 雪見鍋 or コロッケor ピーマンの肉詰め… :woot:

Nurse Aoi was better. Didn’t think much of the drama at first since I don’t really like Koyama. But I’ve got to admit, I did like Koyama’s character and acting in the end. 🙂

Something random now…how come I’ve never eaten メロンパン when I was in Japan? I’m so going to eat that the next round I’m there. Yes Per, I so want to go with you to Japan and watch NewS’s concert together but I really don’t have the money. 😥 We shall save up and go together one day ok? 約束…

fooling around

Happy April Fool’s!

It’s April! My birthday month! Hmmm…till now I have no plans whatsoever to celebrate my 21st. Someone please surprise me. HAHA…

Last day of March was spent ktv-ing again. With Per and Sis. We overstayed again. HAHAHA… I think Kbox should change their lunch menu. Everything is spicy. The last time we went there, the choices were laksa or curry chicken rice. This time it was laksa or nasi briyani. Thinking that nasi briyani would be non-spicy and safe, we went for that. Then it came, with a piece of fish on top. Bite into fish. Hot. Hot. HOT!!! It was coated with some sauce that was spicy. Even worse than the curry chicken rice. This one really irritated my throat a lot.

Don’t they know that spicy stuff ain’t good for the throat when you’re singing?

thank you for your love

[edited at 4.33am]

I said I was doing this 100 questions thingy. It’s done. Got it from a lj. It’s under the cut at the end of the entry.

Oh…and birthday wishes to Ling Mei and Takki. お誕生日おめでとう!!!


That’s the line from AAA’s “Hallelujah” used in the drama. Hmmm…should be “sankyuu for your love”… :laugh:

Finished watching “ガチバカ!

I think the part where most Massu fans go “no, I don’t wanna see that coz it makes my heart break” was when 加奈 got scared and mistakenly called 木実 (Tego’s character) thinking it was 耕太 (Massu’s character). And when 木実 showed up, he hugged her seeing that she was frightened. Well then, 耕太 happened to arrive just then and saw it. WHOOPS! I covered my mouth at this part too.

You know what? I can’t stand those fanfics with memberxmember pairing. Most common are MassuxTego pairing. And it’s really M18 or R21 content, if you get what I mean. It just sounds so wrong.

I’m working on this 100 questions thingy which I’ll post up soon…

The Big 100 Questions Survey of Johnny’s Entertainment
Continue reading

sing a song

[edited on 28 Mar at 2.39am]

Upon request, I’ll add this in. At the last minute, we were furiously scanning through the Japanese song list. Then we decided to just overstay and maybe pay for an extra hour. At around 2.45pm, the guy knocked on our door and told us that we’ve stayed too long. He said that they actually extended us till 2.30pm but that’s it. We said we might as well extend till 3pm which was only about 15 minutes away and actually pay for that extra hour but he said if we did that, we had to pay for tidbits and another drink. Not a very reasonable deal. So we just said we’ll finish up the last 2 songs or so then leave.

And our last song was SMAP’s “ダイナマイト” which we became so loud and high. Talk about making a grand exit. Haha…

Random thought:
Massu lives on happy pills and breathes happy air. That’s why he’s forever so 元気. He should share his happy pills with me so I can be forever 元気 as well.


Went ktv-ing with Per at KBox. Went for the KLunch promotion. Overstayed by one hour. Haha…it was damn fun. Only thing was the selection of songs were not that great. We couldn’t search for Japanese songs by artiste. And we ended up selecting Saya’s “想念你的歌” but singing it in Japanese…Yuna Ito’s “Endless Story”.

We really should do it again. 🙂

Got this from Shaz’s blog…

  1. A song by a Beatle:
    The Beatles – Yellow Submarine
  2. A song featuring piano as the main instrument:
    倉木麻衣 – I Sing A Song For You
    Kuraki Mai – I Sing A Song For You
  3. A song with a woman’s name in the title:
    F.I.R – Lydia
  4. A song with a man’s name in the title:
    周杰倫 – 霍元甲
    Jay Chou – Huo Yuan Jia
  5. A song about money:
    ABBA – Money Money Money
  6. A song with weather in the title:
    関ジャニ∞ – 大阪レイニーブルース
    Kanjani8 – Osaka Rainy Blues
  7. A song with parentheses in the title (these are parentheses):
    関ジャニ∞ – 桜援歌 (Oh! Enka)
    Kanjani8 – Sakura Tasuku Uta (Oh! Enka)
  8. A song made by a punk band:
    Green Day – American Idiot
  9. A song with the word “song” in the title:
    NewS – Love Song
  10. A song you love so much you stop and listen whenever you hear it/ put it on repeat mode and never get sick of it:
    NewS – チェリッシュ
    NewS – Cherish

thin is the new pretty

Recently, I got the shock of my life while watching MM perform their new song on Music Fighter. Risa was soooooo thin! Gaki さん, what happened to you? 🙁 Even 愛ちゃん is looking healthier than you. You must sleep well and eat more.

And while Gaki さん is terribly thin, P is getting fat. Well, apparently he’s trying to build up some muscles so his face naturally gets rounder? Hmmm…hope he’s not joining dear Massu at buffets. :rofl:

I finished watching “シンデレラになりたい” (Cinderella ni Naritai). Tacchon’s one-episode special drama. UWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA…かっこいい!!! :love:

Proof of Tacchon’s hotness…

It’s Ming Shun’s birthday! お誕生日おめでとう!!! *twirls around* Please try to control your temper from now on ne~~~ In Cas’s words, “you have a temper, I have one too. But it’s how we keep it in check.”

I ordered more NewS concert goods. Massu’s clear file and poster and NewS group poster. Eri said that everything of NewS would be taken down at the Johnny’s shop after May. *smacks forehead* Oh ya, I totally forgot that they’ll be going on hiatus from May onwards. Was still planning on what to buy there. I guess that’s good? Coz that means there’s less to buy in Japan. Anyway, I guess this will be my last chance to buy NewS goods until they return maybe next year. *sigh*

Did this for fun. Sis got it from someone’s blog. Was saying that I hope I don’t kena someone weird…like Gackt or Miyavi. Just look at what I got. *faints* Since it’s a randomnizer, we tried again. Gackt. Tried again. Still Gackt. Why couldn’t I have gotten Tetsu (L’Arc~en~Ciel) or Jiro (Glay)? WHY?!

Your life with your Jrock Husband by keichan
You will marry Gackt
On January 12, 2008
In Hong Kong
Your combined income would be: $63,093,321
you will last for (in years) 18
No. of Children you will have 1
Quiz created with MemeGen!


NANA dvd is out in Japan. But lo’ and behold, there seems to be no English subtitles. WHY?! But the special edition looks soooooo nice. Think I’m still gonna get it.

I thought about it. Thanks to dear Ling, I’ve started liking NANA too. I still remember her trying to get me to read the manga. And well, now I’m reading it too. But I guess it’s coz of the movie as well and I am into Japanese artistes and stuff. For that, the girl deserves a nice NANA poster (also to replace the one her mummy threw out :cry:).

I did a search to confirm whether the dvd set really has no English subtitles and found out from a fansite that there will/might be an overseas version. But I know that the overseas version is not released by the same company so most likely it won’t contain the extra features.

I think I might get Pika☆nchi and Pika☆☆nchi Double as well. Even though the last time I was in Japan, I gave up buying it coz it doesn’t have English subtitles. But recently I saw some clip with scenes from the movie and it looked quite interesting. Who cares that I can’t understand what they are saying. I still watch talkshows which do not have subtitles. So what’s the difference?

THAT’S the point. It means I HAVE TO study Japanese. Isn’t that some sort of motivation?

I was telling Ling that one day I was bathing and suddenly saw that my bathroom shower brand is 707. Ok…that was so random.

i look like…

To all HMV patrons: May I know how does HMV price their items?
I feel so cheated manz. Bought the NewS singles at $20.95 each. Today I go there and I see some are priced at $16.95. I paid $8 more. Not only that. In the display, there was a stack still priced at $20.95. WTH. I did think that maybe it’s coz of the rise and fall of the exchange rates. But there have been incidences where I see a limited version with dvd priced at about $50 and then the normal version without dvd priced at about $70. Even if you keep the exchange rate in mind, this is definitely crazy. I really wonder how the HMV people price their items. Makes me think they are out to cheat us.

This is too interesting. From Pwen’s blog.
The first time I tried it with this photo and I’m said to look like this list of people.

  • Chava Alberstein 74%
  • Laura Dern 70%
  • Maggie Cheung 66%
  • Jet Li 64%
  • Kate Hudson 62%
  • Ashley Olsen 60%
  • Samuel L. Jackson 59%
  • Nicole Kidman 59%
  • Julia Roberts 55%
  • Lee Young-ae 54%

Then I tried again with this photo and I got these results.

  • Woranuch Wongsawan 62%
  • Diane Keaton 62%
  • Song Hye-kyo 61%
  • Bae Yong-jun 60%
  • Emily Browning 59%
  • Annika Sorenstam 56%
  • Martina Hingis 52%
  • Sammi Cheng 50%
  • Janie Tienphosuwan 49%
  • Ritchie Valens 48%

OMG…some of the results are so hilarious. Anyway, try it out here.

Testing the icons…
🙂 :laugh: 🙁 :woot: :tongue: :happy: :rofl: :glare: 😥 :music: :sleep: :whistle: :love: :heart: :angry:

PS: 仁, please don’t try to act smart. You’re only making a fool out of yourself. “Car shrimp” was bad enough. “Piece” and “Peace” may sound the same but their meanings are totally different. So don’t try to act smart with your “peace of cake”.