happy cny

Happy Chinese New Year to all my blog readers! The time to eat and get fat on all the goodies. I’m getting quite sick of eating after 3 days of full lunches/dinners. I bet we have tossed enough 鱼生 to ensure this year’s prosperity. Yea, I NEED MORE MONEY!!! But we all do.

Meeting all my relatives can be quite a happy yet tiring thing to do. I envy friends who are so close to their cousins. Sad to say, Sis and I are not close to our cousins. Mostly coz we don’t want to. There are the ones who simply lack manners. You don’t go to someone’s house and enter their rooms or touch their things without permission. Worse, use your dirty/oily fingers to touch things without permission.

Anyway, this CNY has proved to be a “painful” (literally) one. For the first time, I had mense cramps which refused to go away until today. What luck to get the “ribena falls” during this time. Pimples start popping out. To make things worse, I didn’t really have the time to shop for new clothes so I had to make-do with whatever’s in my wardrobe already. One or 2 pieces of clothing was new but the colour was unsuitable to be worn during CNY. So the whole time, I’m just feeling so unglamourous. Bleargh.

Now for some photos…

My uncle’s dog, Buddy. Year of the dog…his year!

Remember I posted a photo of my cute second cousin, Lee Ann quite some time ago. The little lady is now three-and-a-half and still extremely cute. Couldn’t manage to get a nice shot of her coz when Sis asked her to smile for a photo, she just said “No more photos, I’m tired.” CUTE!!!

Lee Ann, Heather and Uncle Ron. Lee Ann’s idea of a smile is to give the widest grin. So cute!

The nicest shot we got of Lee Ann.

KAT-TUN is going to debut soon! FINALLY! God knows what Johnny-san has been thinking all this while. おめでとう!!!

やばい! I forgot all about the Samsung funclub points. Today is the last day to use up the points!

I just checked. My ripway account has been deleted. So all images in old entries are now broken. Cannot be bothered to re-upload anything. Besides, some images have not been backed up.

a true geisha

[edited at 1.15pm]
More comments on the movie. Michelle Yeoh was great. Gong Li was stunning, although her hair was often in a mess and she looked like she was drunk or high on drugs. Even the okasan talks like as if she’s drunk. The child actress who plays little Chiyo is pretty. I bet someone is going to take interest in her once she watches the movie as well.

[edited at 3.44am]
Fed up of waiting for someone to upload the subbed episode of Gachibaka on clubbox, I decided to use my slower-download-rate alternative.

Can someone think of some way to finish using up my Samsung funclub points? They are going to stop the whole point exchanging thing so I have until 31 Jan to use up all 300+ points. I already did up some wallpapers and downloaded one game. Sis suggested I do more wallpapers of Massu. But I already have 2 wallpapers of Massu! I was thinking of aho Maru or Tacchon. Per, do you have nice pics of Tacchon or super aho pics of Maru?

Watched “Memoirs of a Geisha” with Sis. Nice movie (although I dislike Zhang Ziyi for her diva behaviour). It’s so interesting to get to know about the customs of a geisha. Oh no…they are NOT prostitutes. The movie was more than 2 hours long. Some people got a little bored halfway, some fell asleep I think coz I heard snorts. Then there were the ignorant few who laughed at inappropriate times.

I met Xiuwei and Paul at Ajisen. She got a haircut and now sports a dolly fringe. So cute!

Something from Pwen’s blog

Here are the regulations as passed on… The first player of this game starts with the topic “five weird habits of yourself,” and those who got tagged need to write an entry of their five weird habits as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next five person to be tagged and link to their journals. Don’t forget to leave a comment in their blog or journal that says “You are tagged” (assuming they take comments) and tell them to read yours.

1. I cannot sleep in the dark which is why I have a nightlight. (I don’t think this is a weird habit right?)
2. I have to arrange my pens to face one way in the pencilcase.
3. I make a sweeping motion on my shoulder when someone taps it. I just think it’s like bad luck or something.
4. I can’t think of something.
5. I can’t think of something.

Not going to tax my brain on deciding who to tag next. So whoever’s interested, just go ahead and fill this.

sexy island

Hahaha…if you are wondering where the hell those 2 words come about, they come from Morning Musume’s “Iroppoi Jirettai” as featured in my present layout.

Guess (from the banner) which MM girl is my favourite? I have 2…but one is not in the banner. Correct guess wins a prize of…NOTHING. HAHAHA…

the randoms

I ought to find some time to shop for new clothes and change the posters on the door (my S.H.E one has already fallen off). Oh yea…and study. Getting all lazy again. Like why haven’t we heard this same ol’ story? People are probably burning midnight oil to study and here I am still stuck at one paper with so many mistakes staring back at me. I’m not satisfied with the results but what can I do but blame myself for being so lazy?

Work was ok. My dear Aunty Hui Chuen was on MC. =( But Ming Shun (老大)let me have his crew meal so I got to eat the kakiage rice burger.

Getting hooked onto Maple all over again. Nahz, still stuck at a lousy level 14.

Gachibaka begins TODAY!!! Massu~~~

it stopped

Yay! It has finally stopped raining and I can actually see the clear blue sky. After like 3-4 days of non-stop rain, even if it stopped for awhile, the sky was always grey. So dreary. You’ll be looking up and wondering “Oh gawd, when is it going to stop?”

And each time I was walking downstairs, I had to look out for earthworms so as not to squash any. Each time it rains like that, their homes get flooded so they’ll have to come out. It’s disgusting. One day, although I told myself to look out for them on the ground I’m treading on, I decided to get a little more curious and looked for them in the grass. I saw one and got so disgusted. See no evil manz…

Everyone keeps asking me whether I permed my hair. NO, I DIDN’T!!! It’s naturally (and horribly) curly/wavy. It’s just that I didn’t go rebond it this time.

Per wanted us to go to Japan so we could take part in the adult ceremony or at least watch one since it’s our year. Anyway, P and Kame totally stole all the limelight at the ceremony. Expected. There’s quite a few 1985 JE guys…P, Koki, Junnosuke, Tacchon and Jun Hasegawa. Kame, although he’s born in 1986 but his birthday is before March so he takes part in this year’s ceremony. The whole clip only focussed on the NewS boy and the KAT-TUN boys, leaving poor Tacchon out! It’s like history repeating itself. When Takki had his ceremony, he and Tsubasa stole the limelight, leaving poor Sho out.


These few days, Crystal Kay’s “Boyfriend -Part II-” has been playing in my mind. I guess it wouldn’t have been that much of an impact had Per not told me that Ohkura cried over that song. Made me curious to know what the lyrics meant.

Just changed my wallpaper. Uchi-kun. 2 people from the forums went to the NewS concert! I’m so jealous!!! =P Anyway, Uchi hasn’t rejoined. Wonder when will Johnny-san let him return. Uchi-kun, do come back soon! Everybody misses you!

Yep, have been downloading quite a few concerts. Morning Musume, Johnny’s countdown, Berryz Koubou… Got the latest Berryz Koubou concert, the one with Maiha’s graduation. “Bye bye, Maiha ne~” Somehow this quote is stuck in my mind.

My computer only listens to me. Twice Sis touched it and the mouse hung when all along nothing bad happens when I’m using it. Haha…

I got back my cashiering test paper. Yea…*rolls eyes* the refresher course that James held. Lost 2 marks…one from a careless mistake. Damn! Could have gotten full marks…blah ah.


Met up with 7ners on Monday. Been a long time since it was full attendance.

Met up with my dear best friend, Xianglin on Tuesday. Walking around town, looking at stuff…

Air-con unit broke down. Will only be repaired on Saturday. Have to tolerate sleeping with the fan for these few days which isn’t that bad. Except that since air-con has this drying effect, my face feels more oily in the morning when I wake up.

Donald has joined the hidamari no tami gang on the table!

two oh oh six

2006. I don’t make new year resolutions coz I don’t believe in them. You’re bound to break them anyway. Well well well, spent the last of 2005 with my family and Per. Dinner was to celebrate Sis’s birthday. I think we spent our countdown in the taxi trying to get home for the countdown. Anyway, big deal.

Got a haircut and new hairstyle for the new year. Bye bye to the long hair. Shoulder-length and with highlights now. Didn’t rebond the hair this time. So with the highlights, gone a little more dry. *sigh* I’ll never be happy with my hair.

Our trip to Malaysia was a short one. Visiting friends and relatives. I got myself 2 skirts, a tee, a purse and 3 dvds. I would have splurged RM119 on this pair of black Mickey sneakers if they had my size but *sigh*…

January has begun. Which means…Gachibaka is starting soon! More Massu~~~ *grinz*

but i am…

I’m home but I spent the last 5 hours playing games and getting some stuff in order. Now that I’m done with that stuff and am ready to read blogs and update my own, I’m too tired.

Anyway, to end off this rather short entry, my long long hair is going to be “chopped” off. After a year of keeping it to this length, getting rather annoyed with it. Decided that it’s time once again for a hair cut.