kyaaaaa-ing over tacchon

It’s all Sis’s fault. She told me she was watching the clip for K8’s recent performance on MS, so I had to check it out on Youtube too and ended up watching a host of other K8 clips which made me go kyaaaa-ing over Tacchon all over again. :laugh:

This is my all-time favourite clip. It’s from the Excite! concert dvd, solo view of Tacchon during the song “Heavenly Psycho”. :heart:

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="400" height="325" wmode="transparent" /]

I found the clips for the short movie from their “KJ2 ズッコケ大脱走” album bonus dvd. I have the album but haven’t watched the bonus dvd. K8 are such ahos and of course, aho Maru is just so…aho. :laugh: It was damn funny. Although I could only understand 1-2 sentences they said, I was just laughing away. Going to pester someone to translate it for me. Some random information…they speak a little kansai-ben in the short movie. The uploader of the clips has disabled embedding so just click on the links to watch.

Part 1
Part 2

Then, there’s…EITO RANGERS!!! Fancam clips. Wahahahaha…Yoko stop shaking your butt so much! :laugh:

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="400" height="325" wmode="transparent" /]

girls growing up

It was in ‘VERY BEAUTY’ that we saw a grown up Berryz工房. °C-ute has finally reached that stage too. In their PV for their new song, ‘都会っ子 純情’, their dressing style and overall appearance does not scream kiddy anymore. Lined eyes and curled hair make them look a whole lot grown up.

I never really liked Kanna for some reason. She looked kinda weird especially when she smiled, but in this PV, she looks really grown up and nice. Maybe coz she isn’t smiling. It’s like how Per said 上戸 彩 looked weird when she smiled, but in ‘Azumi‘, she looked so much cooler coz she didn’t smile.

I like how they gave Saki a grown up look by curling her hair. Even Mai Mai looks more grown up although she’s still the baby of the group. I think she was given this look ever since she collaborated with Koharu for Kira☆Pika.

I’m trying to figure out whether the PV is shot in Yokohama as in the last scene…

I kinda dislike the monologue bits at the beginning and ending of the song by Maimi. I also realised that Airi doesn’t look cute anymore. She’s very much like Risako. Cute when young but 不耐看 when grown up.

関ジャニ∞ has a new PV too. For their song, ‘イッツ マイ ソウル’。Johnny always has the worst outfits for the groups. K8 looked so much like go-go-boys in the PV with shorts/hot pants.

Tacchon got a fair bit of solo singing but…he still looks like a se bei bei. It’s all Johnny’s fault…

food for the boy

お誕生日おめでとうマッス!!! I hope you have a good birthday with lots of food. Maybe surrounded by tons of 肉まん and 小笼包。Haha… :laugh: Although in Japan, you’re already considered an adult at 20 years of age but to most of the rest of the world, you’ve just reached adulthood. Welcome to the club. I hope with the increase of age, you’re also wiser. Please don’t go do something stupid for a moment’s pleasure and get yourself into trouble.

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NewS going to taiwan

何で?! *抓狂 mode*

NewS is holding a concert in Taiwan in October.  If I wasn’t going to study, I would have saved up to go. Afterall, going to Taiwan is cheaper than going to Japan right?

Feel like biting someone now…#$%^($#*^

can you see?

I think I can understand a bit of the lyrics without searching for the translation. I’ve been listening to the song over and over again. At first, I just enjoyed the tune – emotional. Then, I tried listening to the words. Got most of it but didn’t think much coz I always listen to it before I drift off to sleep.

Now, I listen to the song again. The words hit me. I could just cry coz the lyrics are pure and emotional.

The song is OLIVIA inspi’ REIRA (TRAPNEST) – Shadow Of Love.

Oh ya, I read Chloe’s blog and realised I have yet to thank Yui for helping me get Tacchon’s uchiwa and NewS photo album. I spent most of the time squealing over the photo album last night. The old man is wise for choosing what I call the “wedding pic” for the photo album coz everyone is so 帅。Sankkyu! Chu! :heart:

Sis and I were discussing over the uchiwas we collect. We’re puzzled over why I never collect aho Maru’s uchiwas. I thought about it. Answer: I like his aho moments which will never be captured in the uchiwa.

welcome back

キャぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁ~~~ 内くんと草野くん帰ります!!!

They will be in PLAYZONE!!! If I weren’t going to study, I might want to watch the play even though I won’t understand it. We’ve been waiting for their return for so long that I bet some of us were starting to lose hope. Now, they’re coming back!!!

Although there is still no say of whether they will rejoin NewS and 関ジャニ∞, I really pray that the old man will decide on that.

I really miss 8人 NewS

PS: Thank God for WordPress’ timestamp function. I meant to blog this before I left for Japan.

massu’s seijinshiki

Wah lau…damn unfair lahz. Just coz last year’s 成人式 had P and Kame then they made such a big affair of it. This year nothing lorz. Poor Massu… 🙁 So there I was waiting for the news without knowing that it already happened. Until I flipped through Kindai…


No that isn’t the pic I saw in Kindai but yea… I wanted to squeal and jump around the minute I saw the pic. Couldn’t. I was alone in Kino. 5 guys looking so 帅 in suits. Massu in traditional clothing (don’t know what it’s called). :love: *faint faint faint* Anyway, the traditional clothing gave it away. 成人式。

As usual, 元気 boy is so…元気。:heart: Please ignore P. Haha…


And the funny part came…

I think Shige is the kind who would just laugh out loud first and not help if someone fell down. Shige, how dare you laugh at Massu. :glare: Hahaha…