customers who need a slap

I finally got to watch Kanjani8’s Excite! concert. Went over to Per’s house on Sunday. Yes, you’ve heard this before but I’m going to say it again…Ohkura is so 帅!!!

I did this little quiz and omg…the results were making me high. There’s only one person that can make me high. Who is it? *strains to the hear the answer*

The burnt part of my hand is now damn disgusting. (Not going to post the photo in plain view lest everyone gets nightmares.) I know I shouldn’t have burst the bubble/blister but I have “itchy fingers”. Too late to regret now… It’s a little pain. But I am not going to make a big deal out of it. Hmmm…but the rest keep making a big deal out of it. Why? I really can’t understand. Ok, but they are saying it out of a good heart. Already 2-3 customers have asked about it. The really cute one being an ang moh.

Customer: What happened to your hand?
Me: Got burnt.
Customer: Today?
Me: No, a few days ago.
Customer: Oh my…it must be really painful.
Me: Not really. It’s ok.
Customer: Take care.
Me: *smiles*

If only I could serve such customers everyday instead of those really rude ones…
I can’t stand customers who:
1) Seem to have a really “black face”. What have I done to you? Nothing. Don’t make it seem like I owed you something.

2) Are damn impatient then start complaining. Why don’t you try working in my place or any of the other crews’ position? Then you will know what it’s like. Yes, we try to get your orders out as fast as possible but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be prepared at lightning speed. Unless you don’t mind half-cooked food. Get this straight. We only prepare the food when you order, that ensures the food is hot and fresh.

3) Can’t seem to understand English. When I ask “chilli or ketchup?”, don’t tell me “ya”. Does the “ya” mean “chilli” or “ketchup” or “both”? *sarcastic* I can’t read your mind ok. You are just testing my patience and I’ll just tick both. Hmmm…maybe I shan’t give you any.

4) Keep changing their mind. It’s very troublesome to keep changing orders coz of the system. Especially when I’ve already repeated your order, prepared your items then you open your mouth. You are just itching for a slap from me.

5) Don’t listen carefully when I repeat orders. Ah…don’t listen lahz. Then later when your order is wrong then come and complain. Just another one itching for a slap from me. No…this one needs to be stomped on. Doesn’t mean you’re on the phone, I’m going to wait patiently for you to finish your conversation. You will just have to tell the person on the line to hold on. I’m just going to repeat your order ONCE. Up to you to listen or not.

6) Hold up the whole queue just coz they can’t decide on what to eat. I suggest you stand to one side, decide on what you want then join the queue. You are only entitled to do that when there’s no queue, meaning you are the only customer. People might as well die of hunger while in the queue waiting for you to come to a decision.

If you are the kind of customer who falls into any of the above conditions, you had better reflect on yourself. Else, please please please DO NOT let me take your order. I will just feel like slapping the hell out of you.

can’t get enough of you

Blogging requires total focus… *proceeds to stop Tackey & Tsubasa from belting out One Day, One Dream on winamp*

Just going to share my thoughts about a certain incident this evening.

Well, a friend of mine wanted to get a present for his girlfriend to “commemorate” (did I use the right word here?) their first month together as a couple. He wanted to get a necklace. So I was on my way home from work when I passed by Perlini’s and the next moment I felt a tap on my shoulder. He wanted my opinion on the necklaces he had picked out. Another friend who was helping him out said he had gone to almost every jewellery shop on that level.

He walked out of Perlini’s and stopped at Poh Heng. Points at 2 necklaces, asking which one is nicer. So I asked him if he had a budget. Turns out he hasn’t. Well, anyway, after getting my opinion, he went back to work and I went home.

I was thinking…what’s the point of getting something so darn expensive for a first month? *touchwood* What happens if a couple breaks-up like after another month? What is she going to do with the necklace? Well, she could continue wearing it if both end up as friends. But what if both broke-up horribly and like both totally don’t wanna see each other and don’t want to be reminded of each other? Wouldn’t it be like a total waste of money?

And I feel a gift doesn’t need to be expensive to show that you care. It’s the simplest and smallest things that leave a great impact. I feel this is going to be a copy-cat-Ling-scenario-post. Haha…thanks Ling for being my inspiration.

(on a certain day)
GF: I like eating spaghetti…love lots of sauce.
*BF quietly notes that*

(special day)
*BF surprises GF with a box of spaghetti cooked by him*
BF: For you~~
*GF tastes it…*
GF: Ermz…tastes kind weird…
*although it tastes horrible, but inside GF is on cloud9 already*

Hmmm…got what I mean? I know lahz…my scenario dialogue is like shit but you should have gotten the idea. I’m not asking all boyfriends to go cook something and in the process almost burn down the whole house but it’s about noting down the little things and surprising each other. *mutters* Yea…but now you know why I wanna learn to cook and am so interested in bentos…

Oh well, I know some people are just going to go “But you haven’t been in a relationship before what? How you know?” These are just my opinions…

I’m realistic. My *future* boyfriend need not spend money on expensive gifts or flowers. If he really really REALLY wants to give me something, he can just give me cold hard cash anytime. HAHAHA… *kidding*

I suppose now is the honeymoon stage for them. But I suppose a relationship is sort of like a “can’t get enough of each other” kinda thing. So reminds me of that line in Liz Phair’s “Why Can’t I”. The one that goes…“Isn’t this the best part of breaking up, finding someone else you can’t get enough of?

Alright, I better shut up on this incident else that friend of mine gets offended and pounds me to death. If I have offended you in anyway with regard to this entry, I apologise. *bows*

Awaiting for google’s logo to change to a Halloween themed one. Livejournal’s already got theirs up…

KNCT visits

I swore I’ll get to the blogging after I came home from work today but yea…got lazy again. Watching tv etc… So here I am to blog about yesterday…hmmm…Tuesday. Kumamoto National College of Technology and TP’s culture exchange event.

Where to begin? Mariko sensei was kind enough to let Sis and I join in as we have already graduated. As soon as the Japanese students arrived, I was thinking “omg…all guys?” Then a few girls came through the door and I was kinda relieved. But well, it is a technological college afterall so one would expect more guys. You know how I love almost anything Japanese but hell, when I’m in the presence of Japanese people, I feel kinda intimidated. My Japanese is like really “cannot make it” so how??!! *breathe in, breathe out…* Well, they could speak a little English but really minimal. Now I feel so grateful that Kenichi and Shinichi are quite ok with speaking in English. They’re much better. *smacks forehead*

As usual, our students had to present about our country and school. I think overall, we did quite a bad job in presentation. Keeping in mind that their vocabulary is minimal, I think they would be scratching their heads to certain words. And the presenters flashed the slides so fast. Hello, they need to slowly read and digest the information ok. Worse still…the history bits were like crap. About how Sang Nila Utama saw the lion and thus named the island “Singapura”. The girl who presented said something like…”he saw a lion running here and there.” WTH! You don’t present history like you’re reading some kiddy story ok? Poor presentation on our multi-racial culture. They could have brought some items, the real objects so that the Japanese students can see and actually understand what you are talking about. Like red packets and stuff… *shakes head*

I feel so ashamed that the Japanese students presented their school and country/prefecture better than us. Could actually see the effort put in. *sigh* Anyhow, I hope they did learn something about our country.

Next, touring of the school. That wasn’t too bad. They were quite amazed with our 10-storied library. I learnt from Mariko sensei later that their school is a small one. Only about a thousand plus students spread out in 5 levels.

Lunch break. Haha…catered food. Sis said the food from this caterer was much better than the one during our graduation. HAHAHA…

Then it was time to interact with them. Each one of us had to pair up with a Japanese student and write messages for each other on a board. You could write/draw anything you wanted. I paired up with their leader, Fumihiko. It was kinda hell for both him and me. I couldn’t speak Japanese, neither could he express himself fluently in English. Many a time, he sort of got a little frustrated coz he couldn’t find the right words to say. Anyway, he taught me how to write my name in katakana. I MUST remember! I learnt how to write my name in katakana when I was learning Japanese in year 1, wrote it in my notebook but didn’t really commit to memory coz we weren’t expected to know katakana. *slaps myself* Even when Per leaves comments in Japanese, I have to consult the online katakana character map to make out what she’s saying. SO FREAKIN’ ASHAMED OF MYSELF!!!

So we exchanged the basic – name, email, address etc… He asked me to draw something but I’m afraid my drawing sucks manz. So I told him I will write a message instead. I’ll write mine in English and you can write yours in Japanese, then we can go find out what the message means. Heh…I kinda told him he could write his in English coz I really didn’t want him to force himself to write in English and besides, you can express yourself better in the language you are comfortable with. Ok…will talk more about this later…

After the interaction activity, we moved over to the sports complex to play games. I thought what games…ended up playing like our childhood games. 老鹰抓小鸡, blow wind blow, whacko etc. Hmmm…thinking now, they should have played “murderer” (one of 7ners favourite game during chalet stays). Hey, but they were sporting and played along. And as usual, when TP students get all excited and high, we have to do the whole TP cheer. Not much of a cheer…but someone starts yelling “TP oei!” then the rest yell in response “oei!” Then that someone yells “TP oei” again and again the rest yell “oei”. The third time that someone yells “TP oei”, we have to respond “sat sat oei!” I think the Japanese students must think we’re mad.

The whole event ended with gift exchanging. We each received a windchime. So pretty~~~

Coming back to the message board I was talking about earlier on. Upon returning home, I started to examine the message Fumihiko had written. Thank God for knowing mandarin so I can sort of guess the kanji. I think he wrote “Nice knowing you. This is my first time coming to Singapore. First time in a very English language oriented area. An area which I’m not familiar with. Glad that you didn’t force me too much to converse in English. If you visit Japan, please visit Kumamoto. Till then, I hope that my English will be much better.” The part in italics is the part I’m not too sure on. Heh…even Per said I translated only about 70% correctly on her comment on my previous post. I don’t think I translated it correctly but I got what he meant so that’s not too bad.

Now for the visuals…I know you guys are like waiting for this.

My partner for message exchange, Fumihiko

The message board and windchime present

I wanted to post this up a few days ago but my digicam was borrowed by Sis. Tried taking photos with my webcam but it came out really blur. So had to wait till now…

I made an Ayupan wallpaper for my handphone! *claps*

And I pasted a My Melody sticker at the back. Cute~~~

april snow

First of all, remember I said the first person in my workplace who could pronounce my name correctly will get a mention here? Alright everybody, applause for Yew Seng. Good enough huh…

Watched that korean movie starring Bae Yong Jun and Son Ye-Jin, titled “April Snow“. Watched it with Mum and Sis. I was sort of prepared to expect a long and draggy movie but this was much worse. It was really VERY long and draggy. The whole “when are they going to have their affair?” Then just when you thought that they would slowly come to realise that they are in love with each other, the next scene they are doing it in the hotel room. -_-||| And even that took such a long time. Like what the hell, you wanna have sex then hurry up and do it then we can have the next scene to see what happens.

The ending was rather abrupt too. Or maybe I didn’t catch the meaning? *puzzled*

Yay~~~I managed to download the first subbed episode for 1 Rittoru no Namida (1 Litre of Tears). I haven’t actually watched it…just forwarded here and there but caught the first few minutes. Already felt like crying. Especially the sentence written in her diary “お母さん, わたし結婚できる?” which means “Mother, will I be able to get married?” I think I might actually cry while watching it. It’s just so sad…

The story is about a girl named Aya. She has an incurable brain disease which slowly affects her control over her speech and body movements. In the early stages, she falls down quite often and quite suddenly. Later on, it affects her speech and writing. Her writing becomes unsteady like a small child’s, very scribbly/wobbly looking. She finally dies at the age of 25. In the beginning, she does not realise that she has this disease until her mother urges her to go for a checkup after a bad fall where she scrapes her chin but her arms are clean with no bruises or scratches. Her mother noticed that she falls quite often or drops things.

mugendai = no uchi

OMG! I’m really going to cry now. I just downloaded (ok, bad me) the Sukiyanen, Osaka singles. Listening to Mugendai…something’s wrong. The first word “友情” should be said by Uchi. But it sounds like Subaru’s saying it instead. Something sinks in my stomach as the truth hits me, they actually went through the trouble of re-recording the song.

I remembered reading about it in the forums. I remembered Per telling me. But the news just didn’t sink into me. Maybe I felt that it was just an empty threat.

I thought my ears were playing tricks on me. I had a recording of the song way before…taken from a show. Played and replayed it. Compared it to the one from the single. Really…no Uchi. My mind flashes “TELL PER NOW!” Check MSN, she’s not online. Shall I call her and risk getting a scolding? Finally decide to call her. I woke her up from her sleep. Shit. Per, I’m so sorry I woke you up and bombarded you with the obvious. At that moment, I really really wanted to cry. HOW COULD JE DO THIS TO UCHI?!

serving a star

Ok, I know it’s no big deal but I served Olinda today. Yea yea…if it were Massu or something, maybe I might just faint. Haha…and sales will increase by 50% coz there’ll be like a million fangirls following. Hey, but she was nice.

I admit I’m still quite blur about certain things. Like if you change this, do you still give set discount? And what about this? What about that? So the first thing she asked me was that we had something with curry. Croquette burger didn’t occur to me coz my brain was trying to think “Curry? What curry? Japanese curry?” I’m so sorry manz…everything is so Japanese to me. Mr D keeps joking that I should go marry a Japanese guy.

And then she spots croquette burger on the menu! She goes “Ah, there! This one!”. Me? Just feeling a tad embarassed that I should know the menu better. Finally my brain connects and I was thinking “Oh ya, croquette has original and curry flavour.” -_-||| Slow lahz…

maybe i’m just a little too paranoid

Maybe I’m just a little too paranoid or maybe I’m too much of a perfectionist. Either way, it increases the stress I put upon myself.

I was allowed to do cashier-ing today for 2 hours. Of which I made a few mistakes. Luckily the customers were nice and quite forgiving. Most of the time, the aunties and managers tell us to be careful of the soup and hot drinks, careful not to spill and hurt ourselves. But I’m not afraid of burning myself, I’m afraid of spilling and wasting the drink and then probably get a scolding for that. Actually I just burnt my hand today when I accidentally hit the hot coffee cup and a bit of the coffee spilled out on my hand. So that’s no big deal.

I spilled a bit of coke too. Yew Seng, one of the managers (the nicer one) just told me nicely to be careful. I don’t think he minded that I spilled the coke. But inwardly I was scolding myself for making that stupid mistake.

In my previous jobs, I learnt that not everyone can be trusted. People may be nice to you but behind your back, they may be saying all the bad stuff about you. That’s what I think of a certain 2 managers. I know it isn’t nice to go around suspecting people and I wish I didn’t have to feel this way. One seems to have a problem with my hair. First time he says I should tie lower so my hair doesn’t swish to the front when I turn. Fine. Today he says that I have to change my scrunchie to either a dark blue or black one. I was using a lighter blue one by the way. The next moment I glanced to the other side and I saw one of the crew used a pink band to tie her hair. It made me feel like taking a pair of scissors and just snip of my long hair right in front of him. Yes, I told Sis to stop playing with my hair before and warned her if she kept doing that, I’ll snip off my hair so she can’t play with it anymore. Don’t think I’m the kind who will cry if I have to cut off my long hair.

The other one just seems to suspect everything Sis and I do. And he doesn’t seem nice. Fullstop.

So the manager (who has a problem with my hair) was kinda angry today. Not sure over what. Maybe a customer scolded him about something. Not sure. But immediately I started to get scared whether it was my fault. Maybe I got a customer’s order wrong and he scolded the manager. Maybe I did something wrong. Maybe my fault…maybe my fault…maybe my fault…

I’m hoping I can bare with all this a little longer…already I’m starting to dread it and it ain’t good. I still think I prefer to do office/admin jobs.

back to work

So I started work yesterday. Training to be exact. Nothing much. Just preparing drinks. Hate the milk shake mixer coz if you don’t get the hang of it, you tend to splash a little.

Today, still doing drinks but learnt how to do cashier-ing at the end of the day. A bit harder. I hope customers will be more patient coz I can’t find the buttons on the cash register. I’m sure as time goes by it’ll be better but for now, still quite nervous.

Hmmm…I kinda prefer office/admin jobs. You don’t need to face customers…even if you have to, it’s once in a while and not every moment. Luckily it’s just a part-time job, so 4 hours a day. I’m trying to psycho myself that at least there’s Sis with me and that I’ll be doing till the end of the year. So just tahan a bit for now… Besides, the other crew and manager are quite friendly so it’s not too bad.

i could just cry

You don’t know how relieved I am to see my blog is back. For the past 2 days, I have gone from being puzzled to shocked to mega-shocked to angry to anxious to relieved. Was also prepared for the worst – 2 weeks worth of blog entries gone.

It all started when I went to check on a subdomain of mine on Monday. No page displayed. I thought perhaps Netrillium was under maintenance or something. Wasn’t too bothered by that. Tuesday, went to my blog. WordPress said they couldn’t find my database. Logged into CPanel to check. Biggest shock of my life. ALL MY CREATED DATABASES WERE GONE!!! Bikkurishita~~ I was cursing and swearing all the way coz that might mean that 2 months worth of blog entries might be gone.

I recalled Nad faced the same problem a few days ago and I remembered she had to go through Google’s and Yahoo’s cache to retrieve some of her stuff. Did the same thing. Managed to retrieve some stuff…which meant I lost 2 weeks worth of entries. Quite disappointed coz afterall, they are my memories. Called up Nad, complaining to her and telling her what I feared – that somebody has hacked into my account. Coz there were unknown subdomains and FTP accounts created. She calmed me down and asked me to contact the Netrillium staff for help.

The Netrillium staff found out the problem…I shall quote a little of the contents of the reply here…

I have been investigating this issue. It seems that CPanel has crossed your account with another customer’s. The ownership of files had changed which is why you were seeing some of his data and he was seeing parts of yours.

The bad thing is that both of you deleted some of each other’s things that you saw in CPanel/FTP. We’ll need to try to get that from backups.

I guess he deleted my databases and I deleted his subdomains. Haha… Anyway, they have successfully retrieved my databases from backups. So my blog’s back. Thank God! Nothing lost… Really learnt my lesson. Shall be faithful in manually backing-up all my entries from now on.