
[edited at 11.46pm]
I suddenly realised that my ringtone is quite ironic. It’s like before I actually hear my mum’s voice nagging me to go home, I already get the message. Hahaha… :laugh:

Ladies and gentlemen, may I present to you…Kuro-chan!

No, I do not have a habit of naming my belongings. I happened to fiddle around with the phone and found this option for “bluetooth profile”. The default was the model number which is kinda uncool. So I decided to name it “kuro-chan”. Duh…coz the phone is black. The good thing is, this new phone can be used in Japan. Essential since our family has sort of made Japan our yearly holiday destination. It will be used to keep in contact with each other should we move around on our own.

I couldn’t bear to leave my Osaka Kaiyukan handphone strap on my old phone. The handphone strap with the hearts was my birthday gift from Joyce. Right now, Gaki-san has the honour of being my handphone wallpaper. Previously it was Ai-chan but I thought Gaki-san looked cuter. The picture coming from her second photobook. Ringtone is set to ∞SAKAおばちゃんROCK…although it doesn’t really make a difference coz the ringing seems to be shorter so I only get to hear Hina yelling his “他所は他所! 家は家!” bit and beginnings of the song.

Haven’t gotten the photos Cas and Xiuwei took at Yingwei and Clare’s wedding. I’ll post some up and talk about it once I get them. Gonna have to wait some time though coz Cas’s computer is down.

I missed the results for this week’s round of SuperBand. Too tired so went to lie down for awhile, not knowing that I’ll actually sleep for at least 2 hours. Anyway, Sis told me it was down to Lucify and 馒头. And Lucify made it. From now on, it’s going to be a tough fight…

Psycho number 1 has decided to wage war against Sis. Haha…think we’re scared? I say, BRING IT ON!!! Personally, I think you’re damn FAKE. Your so-called friendships are built upon your whims and fancies. One day you feel like being chummy, the next you’ve thrown your “friends” to one side and probably use every bad word under the sun to describe them. And you think we’ll come running to you, begging you not to leave us? DREAM ON. *rolls eyes* Gawd, rolling my eyes doesn’t even come close to how I view this whole situation. More like digging my eyes out and rolling them on the table like dice. You act as if you own them. Honey, they are humans not objects. They have every right to make their own decisions. Seriously, I pity you for having such behaviour.

italy made it

Wasn’t really interested since Brazil got knocked out at the quarter-finals. I wasn’t even sure I was going to watch the finals until Sis pulled me to the tv to watch it with her. Kinda ironic coz she fell asleep and I was watching it all the way later. :laugh:

Zidane’s head butt into the chest of the Italian was a stupid stupid act. To get it caught on camera was worse. The referee didn’t catch that but how to even bluff when it’s caught on camera? To get sent off the field at such a crucial time…*sigh* Oh well…World Cup 2006 belongs to Italy now. He’ll have to wait another 4 years to redeem himself.

And I can’t make it now…the bed calls out to me… :sleep:

the need to shop

“You will find me when it’s silent, listen closely…listen closely. Let the blood flow through all the spaces…of the universe…”

I’m happy coz I got my hair trimmed. Ermz…only the fringe but that was what I wanted so yea…*beams*

Finally didn’t go shopping for a dress. Guess I’ll just make-do with whatever’s in my cupboard now. But really, I need to go shopping soon.

Hokkaido fair at TM…wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…

I’m a little annoyed over something but what to do…get angry over it also like that. Don’t get angry also like that. *sigh* 算了吧。。。 

avex to H!P to JE

AAA is soon releasing their new double A-side single, Soul Edge Boy/Kimono Jet Girl. Yep, you can guess from the titles that the guys and girls have split to sing one song each. I’ve got both PVs and I must say I prefer “Soul Edge Boy”. “Kimono Jet Girl” sounds a little weird. “Soul Edge Boy” has well, a much edgier feel to it.

And thank God, Shinjiro decided to grow out his hair and not pin it up like he did in the previous single. From his boy-boy haircut in the earlier single “Dragon Fire” to his horrible pinned up hair in “Hurricane Riri, Boston Mari” to his cool hairstyle in “Soul Edge Boy”. Now, who cares about Nissy when you have かっこいい Shinjiro. :laugh:

So I was watching the PV for the new MM song, Ambitious! 野心的でいいじゃん。It seems Tsunku is trying to groom Reina as the new star for MM. Or perhaps it’s a sign that Reina is gaining popularity. Anyhow, you always know which girl is the favourite for a period of time coz she stands at the front, in the middle. I was a little mad though. Reina totally blocked Ai-chan in the PV. :angry:

Talking about Ai-chan, she no longer sports dolly bangs. Her fringe is now grown long and side-swept. As I watched the PV, I suddenly realised that Ai-chan’s new image makes her look a lot like Hilary Duff. Here’s some proof…

As for Gaki-san, somehow I don’t like her new image for the PV. The curls at the side of her face makes her face look puny. But it seems she gained a little weight back since SEXY BOY. Her huge weight loss made her face look so small with her hair framing it.

This will probably be Kon Kon’s last song with MM as she will be graduating from H!P soon. She’s leaving to pursue her studies.

On to JE…got these memes from Ryoko’s blog.

Meme #1
1. Which J.E. boy would you eat?
Eat?! WHY?!

2. If you can turn back the hands of time, who would you stop from joining J.E.?
Toma – look where he is now…not appreciated.

3. What happened to you that is NewS’s fault today?
I adore Massu and his sunshine smile so much that Arashi is being thrown to one side. But I still love Arashi of course.

4. You’re alone in a dark alley. Someone crept up to you, brandishing a cucumber that he thought is a knife. He wants that bag of tomatoes you just bought in the supermart. You realise he is a JE boy, he is…..
Jin. Kuruma ebi = car shrimp…what a genius. *rolls eyes*

5. You sprained your ankle wearing that hot pair of heels you just bought. A J.E. boy rushes over. Who is he and what did he do?
Tacchon. I fall back, he catches me in time, looks into my eyes and makes me all doki doki. So drama right? Have you watched Cinderella ni Naritai?

6. You are Harry Potter and am valiantly resisting Voldemort’s effort to retrieve your blood for his revival. However, he gets hold of a J.E. boy and threatens to kill him. Which J.E. boy will you bleed for?
Massu? *blink blink*

7. You are a J.E. boy. You love your ghei stage outfits. In fact, you make them yourselves, adding even more ruffles, lace, sequins and fur. Who are you?
Any member of KAT-TUN.

8. You are stranded and alone. In fact, you are LOST on this island. Suddenly, a J.E. boy comes up to you and started to sing this, while doing the conga, “I like to move it, move it. You like to move it, move it. We like to, MOVE IT!!!” You think, ‘nifty dancesteps’ and started to dance along. Who is he?
Junno or Maru (K8) coz they are not called baka and aho for nothing. :rofl:

9. You live with this J.E. boy, and he has this most annoying habit that despite his hotness, drives you all crazy and makes you want to ditch him and move out. Who is he and what is that habit?
P. Well, let me get this straight…he used to be under my favourites list which makes him hot. But now, all I feel like doing is giving him a slap. His habit? Maybe flexing his muscles all the time and showing off his man-boobies.

10. It’s hard to make a perfect 10. Make up your own question and answer it.
Gonna skip this…

Meme #2
Top 5 JE boys:
1. Masuda Takahisa
2. Aiba Masaki
3. Maruyama Ryuhei
4. Ohkura Tadayoshi
5. Okada Junichi

JE boy you like least:
Jimmy Mackey but I think he left JE already.

JE boy you want as a best friend:
Yasuda Shota

JE boy you want to jump like its no one’s business:
Kusano or Maru (K8) coz I’m sure they’ll jump along.

Prettiest JE boy:

JE boy you want as a baby brother:
None. But if you really need an answer…Daiki. He’s got such a cute face. *pinch*

JE boy most like you:
Wouldn’t know…

JE boy you’d be most compatible with, dating:
Wouldn’t know…

Oldest JE guy you like:
Tsuyoshi Domoto

Youngest JE guy you like:
Fujigaya Taisuke

JE group you like most:

JE group you like least:
I’m sorry, I guess it’s KAT-TUN.

Fave Arashi song:

Fave K8 song:

Fave NEWS song:

JE pairings you support:
Tego x Massu. But certainly no ero ero stuff will be tolerated.

First JE boy you were introduced to:
Kimura Takuya

Aside from all the idol stuff. I need to go for a hair trim soon. I’m trying to accept my natural curls but I think I like my hair when it’s wet. When it’s dry, it’s all big, frizzy and messy. Total crap. :glare:

Still haven’t shopped for a new dress…*sigh*

when i get back my comp

[edited at 5.16am]
I removed the tagboard as said earlier. Everyone can now comment instead.

Haha…check out the mini conversation we’re having a few posts down. :rofl:

Feeling a little bored. Dad is using my computer and I’m using Sis’s since she’s sleeping. I hope I get mine back soon coz all my stuff is there…blah ah.

Went ktv-ing with Sis and Joyce today. Hell, Party World is getting a tad too expensive. :glare: Had dinner at Pepper Lunch Express. I can never get enough of the beef stew with rice. :laugh:

As soon as Dad “returns” me my computer, I’m going to remove the tagboard. The spam comments are annoying. Thanks Per for trying to push them down while I’m not around to delete them.

should i?

Should I remove the tagboard? Been getting quite a few unsightly spam. Plus I think it is the source of all the popups. Please comment. Silent readers, now’s your chance. Silence means consent.

And for a bit of randomness…be prepared coz I’m going on an uploading spree since Massu’s birthday is coming real soon. *squeals*


Lucify got through. *sigh of relief*

迷路兵 is out. But they will be competing in the revival round. Nic looked like he was going to cry. Ah…but he seems to be the kind who blames himself for small mistakes. No confidence?

馒头…another 打不死的蟑螂? Hmmm…they are better than 夏日风 but well, they simply aren’t the best. Besides, the lead singer seems to be the arrogant sort?

I don’t like the way the hosts phrase their statement. They say something like “tonight, someone’s musical dream will end.” Who says it will end if the band is voted out? If the band loves music so much, it will never end.

I don’t think I will be blogging about Da Vinci Code anymore. Somehow it doesn’t feel the same if I blog about it now. All I can say is that the movie was interesting. I don’t know how people can say it’s boring. It makes you question about your faith. Wondering whether what you’ve been believing all along is right. Church ministers are still humans and humans make errors. Humans can give in to temptation anytime. So what now is right or wrong? 

I believe I haven’t announced this. realistic-soul.net has another hostee…Don!!! Haha…my (crappy) poly classmate. I remember him for his jokes about giving discounts to his friends. Something like “this costs $5 but since you’re my friend, I’ll give you a discount…$4.99.” -_-||| And I still remember him helping me out with my DDAD project…the one that left me in tears coz I was panicking when I couldn’t figure it out. Programming has never and will never be my strongest suit.

I’m tired but I still have things to do… 🙁

3 days worth

Friday…went down to PS for that YES 93.3 event. Actually I was a little sianz to go all the way down since Lucify wasn’t going to perform a song. All the SuperBand finalists just performed the SuperBand theme song. They weren’t even singing. They all looked damn paiseh, just moving onstage and trying to look happy.

And we made uchiwas! Haha…mine looks like this.

Sis’s is just the word “Lucify” on one side and the other side is blank.

Per made one to support Tank. Yep, that was also one of the reasons why I was there. To keep Per company. But I think she succeeded in making me a Tank fan. Wait, I’m not a huge fan lahz.

Saturday…went to Tank’s autograph session at TM with Per. We met some nice Tank fans who offered to get us in for the Tank music showcase at Kbox later.

PK, hope you’re not regretting now. I did call you to ask whether you wanted me to help you get the cd…

Tank overdose. Tank songs have been replaying over and over again in my mind. Especially those songs he kept singing at all the events.

Today…no tickets for the SuperBand recording but still went down to Mediacorp. Vics went home early. Maybe he was sick… Haha…but had to fill the six photo slots. So I took photos with Ishi from Soul and Brods. *mutters* I’m so short…

I’m running out of creative captions. I’m running out of things to say. I still haven’t done a million things. Like upload stuff for people, blog about Da Vinci Code (SO overdued), pick up the Japanese mags, go shopping for a dress to attend Yingwei and Clare’s wedding etc.

And please excuse me now for I have to go drown in the bathroom…

wedding bells ring

Was getting a little impatient, wondering whether it got lost in the mail. Yingwei sms-ed me a week ago asking for my address to send an invitation. As everyone knows, I have short-term memory so I can’t remember dates and all. I was thinking that maybe the invitation was for Paige’s birthday. Then just a few days ago, I was surfing through Friendster, looking at random friends’ photos when I saw a photo of Clare in a wedding gown. Aha…so maybe the invitation is for their wedding?

And it arrived yesterday. Bingo. Wedding invitation. Sis immediately asked me what I was going to wear. She said I didn’t have anything more formal. Haha…so that gives me an excuse to go shopping! Hmmm…need to get a dress. 🙂

Cooked a packet of instant mee for lunch. Weird to say lunch here coz I don’t always eat lunch. I only eat when I’m really really hungry or if I’m out. Remember that irritating advertisement for it? The one that goes “1, 2, 3, 4, 5…5 new tastes, you must try. Indofood, taste of Asia. The premium dry noodles you must try.” Omg…I can’t believe I can actually remember it. Now you know why it’s irritating. Cooked the one that’s supposed to taste like Hong Kong duck noodles.

Nothing too wonderful about it. Doesn’t taste superbly like duck noodles. But the portion of noodles makes your money’s worth. The portion is more than the usual instant mee portion. Almost enough for 2 people to share.

This morning, my mind was ringing with random words from the movie. Words that would help me make my search on the internet a whole lot easier. Yes, I finally watched Da Vinci Code. Will talk more in the next entry. Gotta prepare for dinner now.

new kid on the block

realistic-soul.net has a new hostee – Lynn. Ah…she’s currently busy with her projects so nothing’s up yet. Just installed WordPress that’s all. Took the chance to update my version of WordPress as well. Yea…nothing better to do.

Ah…I forgot to add this in my previous entry. After the recording, Uncle Kel, Carol, Sis and I shared a cab home. We asked Uncle Kel whether he wanted to eat first or go straight home. He replied in this careful tone “我可以选择回家吗?” It sort of pained me (and Sis and Carol?) to hear that? Silly, of course you can choose. You HAVE the right to choose. We are not forcing you to do things you don’t want to. Friends don’t force each other to do things they don’t want to.

This brings us back to the whole “do we live to please others only or ourselves as well?” I know you want to make everyone happy but at the expense of your own happiness? It’s not being selfish. Yes, there are situations where you can make everyone happy but sometimes you just can’t. There’s a limit to everything.

I do not speak as if I know you that well. You make your own choices here.

Lucify got through this round of SuperBand. Yep, happy they got through. But the feeling isn’t scary anymore when I see them stand on the coloured boxes. Even if they didn’t get through, to have come this far, it’s good enough. Of course, if they get through the following rounds to come, it’ll be a bonus. But it’s the effort put into every performance that makes everything worth it.

Pity Qi:Nobe’s out though. Coz they wouldn’t be at the YES 93.3 event this Friday. They really make the crowd high each time they perform. This week’s performance for the competition wasn’t good though. Like everyone was just tired…

Alright, now let me rant. I was deciding whether to remove my tagboard since it’s just an extra feature here. Plus it causes pop-ups and I think there’s spyware and bots linked to it. And I saw it. This nasty comment left by an anonymous person. *rolls eyes* Let me paste the message here…

hey .. this blogg .. haiish .. usless =-= waste time ..”

Firstly, please learn to spell properly or at least type slower so you’ll make less typos. *grrr* Secondly, as I have replied, if you think my blog is useless and a waste of time, why the hell are you still reading it? Isn’t it wasting your (super precious) time? *rolls eyes* And if you have the guts to post such a comment, why don’t you have the guts to leave your name for everyone to see? Let me just LAUGH OUT LOUD in your face now. HAHAHA. :rofl: Thirdly, look whose turf you’re on now. I paid for the webspace. So it’s MY TURF you’re on…so WHAT DO YOU THINK?

People are welcome to their own opinions and views but this is definitely not trying to share your views. It’s just plain wanting to create trouble here. And no, you aren’t welcome here AT ALL.

Finally, let’s do some plugging here…check this out. It gave me a pretty start page. Was actually deciding between NewS and Arashi but finally went with NewS to match my wallpaper.