that final distance

[edited at 3.25am]
Yes, I’ve gone through the links and did the editing. Now the page looks less…ermz…crowded?

Re-added my mp3 list and pv/mtv list. I removed it sometime ago coz the whole copyright/downloading issue played up again. Did that for safety reasons. Well, it’s back up now. I don’t need to teach you guys on what to do if you’re interested in something in the list right?

Seriously, I think it’s stupid to try and wipe out everyone who downloads stuff. If I could watch all the Japanese stuff on tv, would I be downloading them? And by sharing stuff around, you can’t deny that you learn about new artistes. I’m the kind who downloads and still buy the originals ok.

Alright…I think my brain is shutting down. I might start blabbering already. Off to sleep now.

*does the Akira “kon-kon” thing* (I know Per does that as well coz she messaged me to tell me that she does it…that girl ar… -_-|||)

Yep yep…the layout’s done. The codes have been edited accordingly. *phew*

I guess I finally decided on something else. Hikki’s “Final Distance” holds so much emotion. Knowing why she sang it makes it all the more touching. Everything just flows together. The song just reminds me to treasure the people around me. Things happen everyday. One moment, someone dear could be here, the next moment gone forever…

I removed the radio blog and calendar. Felt there’s no use for them. I don’t think people really agree with my choice of music. I mean, how many readers actually go listen to the music I put up?

Next up…going to edit the links. Who am I kidding when I started linking every friend’s blog. Ok, being the kaypoh me, I used to look through every blog. The words are “USED TO”. So now I’m just going to link up to blogs and pages that I frequent. Don’t worry, for those who are going to disappear from my links, I haven’t forgotten about you. You will still be in my “Favorites” folder. I do visit your page occasionally, just not as much as those I’ve linked up. =)

no more

As from now, my private blog does not exist anymore.

Yes, I had one. But it hasn’t been updated for quite a long while and now I find that well…it isn’t of much use to keep it.

Word Press has password protect functions so that’s enough.

i can’t stand it feeling

Sourcing for good quality screenshots, that’s what I’ve been doing ever since after dinner. I’ve sort of decided what to do for my layout banners.

Can never find the time to do up my photo album and portfolio. Or rather I spend all the time downloading loads of stuff. Bleargh. Actually the script has been installed but the codes are just sitting there waiting to be edited. *shakes head*

Really feel like cutting my hair, re-rebonding it and dying it. But it’s kinda pointless to rebond it now since I have to tie it up for work.

Ever since I’ve spent more time with Per, her habit of spotting grammar/spelling mistakes has been passed on to me. I’m not saying that my English is perfect. God knows I might have made tons of mistakes in this entry but as long as they aren’t glaring mistakes, it’s quite fine. Right?

Anyway, it makes me have this “I can’t stand it” feeling to stare at the menu board at my workplace everyday and spot a mistake. The sticker pasted across the picture of the Unagi rice burger reads “temporary not available”. Ahhhhhhhhh…*stamps feet* It should be “temporarily not available” or “temporarily unavailable”. Also, the sticker pasted above the picture of the bear reads “this week offer”. It should be “this week‘s offer”.

This happened sometime ago. James asked me how to spell “unnecessary”. Now, I kinda hate words like that coz I get mixed-up on whether there are double “Cs” or not. You know that kinda thing. Took some time trying to figure it out then he figured it out first. Laughed at me for not knowing how to spell that word. Fine. The next moment I picked up the schedule to check out the time I’m working for the next day. I saw this sentence that made me have the “I can’t stand it” feeling. The sentence: “Do not extend hours of crew unnecessary.” Unnecessarily!!! Now tell me, who’s having the last laugh? >_< This is quite mild compared to what I saw on a poster in Poh Kim. "New realeafe"...which by the way is supposed to mean "new release". *pengz* Luckily the poster didn't stay too long up on the wall...

food hygiene

Woke up freakin’ early to attend the food hygiene course. Thought it would only take about 2-3 hours as Sis had said. Ended up sitting through like 6-7 hours of lecture and then doing the 1 hour, 20 MCQ questions paper. I only took like 10 minutes to finish the paper. Mostly all common sense…heh, coz you just have to pick the politically correct answer. I bet if we didn’t sit through the lecture and just went for the paper, we would have passed anyway.

This is like back in primary school where you took Health Education. Or like sitting for the exam for 好公民 in primary school and Civics & Moral Education in secondary school. Just picking the politically correct answers. Haha…it’s like impossible to fail. I remember everyone saying if you failed CME, you have no morals.

Getting quite impatient with Clubbox coz there’s like a ton of things to be downloaded but it’s so freakin’ slow. And I’m not at home during the prime time for download which is in the afternoon. But as long as I get my episodes for 1 Rittoru no Namida and Nobuta Produce, it ain’t that bad.

super aunties

Trying to decide who or what to feature on my next layout header. Thinking either Ayu or Yurina. Hmmm…

Argh. Sis went to tell James that I can do rice burgers so he put me at that station today. It’s like a big mistake. Firstly, the kitchen is terribly hot and I hate having my back all wet. Perspiration can roll down my face, neck, whatever…but I HATE HAVING MY BACK ALL WET! Secondly, as I have said, I can’t coordinate well. When there’s like tons of orders, I fumble quite a bit. Then I don’t know what to do and then everything just goes wrong. Thirdly, I lack confidence. I think people are just going to die of hunger while waiting for me to prepare their burgers.

But seriously, the aunties have a lot of patience and faith in me. Which makes me feel a little uneasy coz I’m afraid if something goes wrong, it’s like I’m going to let them down.

Oh yea…sorry to that person who ate the plain dog I prepared. Must have looked pretty gross. Couldn’t master the art of squeezing 6 zig-zags of tomato ketchup without breaking the line. I bet, I BET if I could do it, I would be taking my own sweet time and you would have died of hunger.

This proves that the aunties are super. *salute*

The teriyaki grill broke-down. Must be a sign…that I don’t belong in the kitchen. Put me back as cashier!!! No, I didn’t spoil it ok…although I dislike the management, I’m not so evil to go spoil their equipment. Bleargh.

*gasps* I have only got 6 hours of sleep left…better get going.

spotting the juniors

I was watching some clips, trying to clear the unwatched stuff in my folder this afternoon. Started watching this clip of Arashi performing on Music Station sometime in 2003. Performing a medley of Hanasanai, Koi wa Breaky and Kimi no Tame ni Boku ga Iru. Lo and behold…I spotted some familiar faces behind them. One of them got me rather excited. No prizes for correctly guessing who.

Dear dear Massu, forever so genki

Frankly, I don’t really care about Koyama.

Watching seniors’ performances can be quite entertaining as you can also spot familiar juniors dancing for them.

Oh oh…I got the recent Shounen Club that Massu produced. *dances around*

I’ve decided to reply to comments by directly editing them instead of adding a new comment each time. So now, my reply will be in italics.

Need to find the time to change layouts…hmmm… :/

momentary loss

I knew it was going since last night. Although the sore throat was gone, phlegm had sort of built up. My throat felt uncomfortable and as I talked, I could feel the strain. The feeling that my voice was going.

This morning, the voice sort of went. Suddenly I was talking in this very raspy tone. Tired, body aching a little, I knew I needed more rest. So called up and said I wasn’t coming in to work. I made the right choice coz now I’m feeling much better after resting the whole day. My voice decided to come back.


Met Per yesterday to pass her some stuff. Then today, something bad happened. *sigh* Whatever’s done is done so I guess just settle the problem and hope for the best.

Sometimes I wish I didn’t have the ability to eavesdrop that well. Not that I want to do it on purpose but sometimes it just happens. I have also said before that I don’t like to be suspicious of people but sometimes people leave me with no choice. I happened to catch a statement that I think was referring to me. To make things worse, it came from someone whom I dislike. I would be lying if I said it didn’t affect me.

I am trying. I really am. I know I have lousy coordination skills thus I am doing my job at the pace I am comfortable with. I make mistakes but I have learnt to reproach myself less, instead, keep calm and be more confident so that I do a better job. I seem to be ok with things most of the time but I have a fragile side as well. I believe everyone has their fragile moments.

You know how it’s like to be having that good feeling and then a sudden statement just strikes you down. Luckily it happened towards the end of the day and besides that person, nobody else said anything more to fuel it.

My hand is getting better…I guess…

customers who need a slap part 2

Sis reminded me of more examples of irritating customers. Let me add on to the list.

7) think I can read their mind. Specify what you want. Don’t just tell me “I want ice milk tea”. *sarcastic* Yes, and I can sense the vibes coming out of you that you want a regular cup or a large cup. Maybe I should just give you the largest cup to boost sales for that day.

8) keep flipping up the menu board on the counter top. Boy, you really have itchy fingers don’t you? Or maybe the pictures and words look clearer to you when you lift it up? Makes me feel like snatching the board and slapping your hands with it.

9) can’t seem to read and understand English. You “stare” so hard at the menu, point to the Unagi rice burger and tell me you want that. Can you also see the sticker with “temporarily not available” stuck across it? Or are you hallucinating that the sticker ain’t there?

Went to see the doctor about my hand wound coz it has gotten far more disgusting. Not going to post the photo in plain view again…might cause people to get nightmares. Got some cream and antibiotics coz doctor says it looks like it has gone a bit septic.

customers who need a slap

I finally got to watch Kanjani8’s Excite! concert. Went over to Per’s house on Sunday. Yes, you’ve heard this before but I’m going to say it again…Ohkura is so 帅!!!

I did this little quiz and omg…the results were making me high. There’s only one person that can make me high. Who is it? *strains to the hear the answer*

The burnt part of my hand is now damn disgusting. (Not going to post the photo in plain view lest everyone gets nightmares.) I know I shouldn’t have burst the bubble/blister but I have “itchy fingers”. Too late to regret now… It’s a little pain. But I am not going to make a big deal out of it. Hmmm…but the rest keep making a big deal out of it. Why? I really can’t understand. Ok, but they are saying it out of a good heart. Already 2-3 customers have asked about it. The really cute one being an ang moh.

Customer: What happened to your hand?
Me: Got burnt.
Customer: Today?
Me: No, a few days ago.
Customer: Oh my…it must be really painful.
Me: Not really. It’s ok.
Customer: Take care.
Me: *smiles*

If only I could serve such customers everyday instead of those really rude ones…
I can’t stand customers who:
1) Seem to have a really “black face”. What have I done to you? Nothing. Don’t make it seem like I owed you something.

2) Are damn impatient then start complaining. Why don’t you try working in my place or any of the other crews’ position? Then you will know what it’s like. Yes, we try to get your orders out as fast as possible but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be prepared at lightning speed. Unless you don’t mind half-cooked food. Get this straight. We only prepare the food when you order, that ensures the food is hot and fresh.

3) Can’t seem to understand English. When I ask “chilli or ketchup?”, don’t tell me “ya”. Does the “ya” mean “chilli” or “ketchup” or “both”? *sarcastic* I can’t read your mind ok. You are just testing my patience and I’ll just tick both. Hmmm…maybe I shan’t give you any.

4) Keep changing their mind. It’s very troublesome to keep changing orders coz of the system. Especially when I’ve already repeated your order, prepared your items then you open your mouth. You are just itching for a slap from me.

5) Don’t listen carefully when I repeat orders. Ah…don’t listen lahz. Then later when your order is wrong then come and complain. Just another one itching for a slap from me. No…this one needs to be stomped on. Doesn’t mean you’re on the phone, I’m going to wait patiently for you to finish your conversation. You will just have to tell the person on the line to hold on. I’m just going to repeat your order ONCE. Up to you to listen or not.

6) Hold up the whole queue just coz they can’t decide on what to eat. I suggest you stand to one side, decide on what you want then join the queue. You are only entitled to do that when there’s no queue, meaning you are the only customer. People might as well die of hunger while in the queue waiting for you to come to a decision.

If you are the kind of customer who falls into any of the above conditions, you had better reflect on yourself. Else, please please please DO NOT let me take your order. I will just feel like slapping the hell out of you.