jan ken pon

Trust me to be so boliao (nothing better to do) as to go find out what the Japanese say when they play scissor paper stone. I’ve heard it so many times but was never able to figure out what they say in the beginning. I only managed to catch “Jan Ken Pon” everytime. Caught “Acchi Muite Hoi” when I watched an episode of Urajani. That’s only used when you play the variation, the one with the finger pointing to a direction.

So how did this whole curiosity spark off today? Was watching a clip where Berryz Koubou played scissor paper stone. Yea…just give me the -_-||| look NOW.

Anyway, I did find out…HAHAHA…here’s something useful…


*prays hard* Please let James be on MC tomorrow as well…

Hurhur…my off-day today. Went down to Orchard to get a present for a friend, but I guess the present’s going to arrive a little late. *sigh* Not to worry. Good mood today, so got some stuff for Sis and myself. Went back to Tampines to wait for Sis to get off work so we can have dinner together. While waiting, I went to NTUC. Couldn’t resist the Meiji chocolates…haha… And rummaged through all the boxes of the 365 days Meiji birthday bears. Only managed to find Dad’s birthday.

Met Per and her family invited us to dinner. Her dad’s birthday today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY UNCLE!!!

that dream

Remember I said I wanted to post about my weird dream…it’s the one with NewS in it. Ok, to make it more interesting, I shall post the contents of my conversation with Per on MSN about it. Note: Like Per said, Massu makes me high.

Me: Ok ok…I quickly tell you my dream before going to sleep.
Me: Nothing wonderful…
Me: I dreamt that we were at a NewS concert.
Me: God knows where lahz.
Per: Who’s we? lol
Me: Looks like a school stage to me.
Me: Me and you and a few other people…can’t remember who.
Per: Haha so cool.
Me: Ok…I remember it’s a NewS concert but don’t know why I can’t remember seeing the other members’ faces all except for Koyama (pui pui pui) and Massu.
Me: Then suddenly this middle-aged guy comes to the front, unravels a banner and starts shouting at us.
Per: At us?!
Me: He tells us that we should all go home and stop wasting our parents’ money watching stupid idol concerts.
Per: Puuuuuuuu!?!
Per: Haha he also had to pay to go in whaaaat.
Me: Then someone from the back yells at him to go away or else he will call the police.
Per: Hahah
Me: Then the guy just starts to threaten don’t know what shit and everyone goes silent.
Per: Goes silent?! Why?!
Me: And all this time, Koyama is staring at him nervously.
Per: WAHAHAH why you go notice Koyama?!
Me: How I know…must be the siao goondu threaten to do something really bad.
Per: Lol!! Okay…
Me: Then finally the stupid fella is dragged away and the concert continues.
Per: Ahahahaha wth.
Me: But coz of all the time wasted, they only performed like 4-5 songs then that’s it.
Me: Like mini concert nia.
Per: What!
Me: Then everyone was like super pissed off.
Per: I bet that man was Tsunku.
Per: Wahahahahaha
Per: Cos he wants people to watch MM.
Me: Then that’s all…coz I woke up le.
Per: Ohhh I see.
Per: Wah no riot.
Me: Weird manz…too weird.
Per: This is a reminder to save money! So we can go to Japan again.
Me: Wah lau…don’t know why I can remember Koyama’s face so clearly some more.
Per: Hmmm
Per: Lol maybe Massu standing the other side.
Me: Massu…我对不起你了
Per: Where’s Ryo?! He would have so kicked Tsunku’s ass.
Me: Massu was behind Koyama but I remembered Koyama’s face more clearly.
Per: OH he was behind?!
Me: Stupid Koyama lahz…
Per: Wahaha!
Me: Aiyah…Massu should have just pushed Koyama to one side lahz…HAHAHA
Per: Haha why would he?!
Me: Wasted manz…
Per: Ryo would just…OI OMAE! KUROSUZO!
Me: Haha…too good liaoz…做好人
Per: Lol…
Per: Hao ren~~
Per: Smile too much lah
Me: Then can just “you are my sunshine, my only sunshine…you make me HAPPPPPYYYYY when skies are GREEEEYYYYYYYY”
Per: HAHAHAHAHA siao le siao le.
Per: High le.
Me: Ok…then must say “jikan gire”, then can shut up and go to sleep.
Me: Haha
Per: Hahaha…okays…Gdnites
Per: Sleep well ok~! <3
Me: Ok
Me: Nitez
Me: <3
Per: Byeeeee

The only other time I dreamt of Massu was when I (for some reason) was running away from him. He kept chasing me (for some reason). And he was yelling something in Japanese. I was yelling back “stop following me. I can’t understand what you’re saying, neither can you understand a word I’m saying.” Yea, I know…it’s really -_-|||

i feel like i am cinderella

Well, in a way. Ah yes, my off-day from work today. Here I am, sitting in front of my computer, furiously trying to get my hands on most of the stuff. Work leaves me really tired that I can’t have much time at my computer or some days I don’t even on my computer.

So, clubbox is on with a ton of stuff. Another download going on. Another window has an upload going on. I just finished watching the subbed version for the NewS Touch album dvd. I’m watching the damn thing for the fourth time. Just that now I know what they said. Finished a cup of Oolong-cha…empty cup sits beside me.

Ah! No more sunlight. My hidamaris aren’t shaking their heads. Damn the lousy weather. I swear watching my hidamaris shake their heads is really therepeutic. I even stuff the curtains into the window rungs so that they don’t cover my hidamaris.

Talking about the weather. It has been rather crazy these few days. One minute it’s fine, the next minute there’s thunder and the pouring rain. Not even a light shower, more like a full-blown storm.

I’m going further and further away from my topic which is to say that I feel like I’m experiencing freedom only for awhile. After today, it’s back to work. Back to feeling tired. Hell, I AM feeling physically tired even if I don’t feel sleepy. Back to worrying whether I am able to pay up for this webspace and domain with the lousy pay I’m getting.

i think i killed you guys

*sigh* I think I really killed you guys with the amount of posts on Massu and Maru. Look! No comments each time I post something on them. Can’t you guys just share my joy?!

I’m so sad now. I’m going to jump off the cliff. *drama*

Oh wait. Cannot. Still haven’t posted on my dream. Shall once again intoxicate you guys with my endless talk on Massu~~~ HAHAHA…*evil grinz*

in an instant

Feeling a little hungry? The kind people from Myojo have come up with a wonderful idea…

No no no…it’s not the usual prawn/seafood flavoured noodles. It’s supposed to taste like the actual prawn noodles that you can get at the hawker centre.

I was a little puzzled when Sis said she wanted to get that? I mean, what’s so different from the regular blue-coloured-sides packet? Aha! So I cooked a packet of it this afternoon to find out for myself. Cut open the packet. Pour out contents. Now, is this supposed to be noodles in soup or the dry kind coz there’s a packet of black sauce. Don’t be fooled. It’s supposed to be the soup kind.

Ok…taste…hmmm…the noodles are a little thicker and more bounce-y/spring-y. Good. Chilli oil, a bit too much, too overwhelming. Or maybe coz I don’t take spicy stuff so it’s a little too much for me. Overall taste…quite ok.

So what next? Fishball noodles in instant noodles form?

Pwen, do you miss Singapore now? Hehehe…

Per can’t wait for me to blog about Maru on Gimon coz he’s so damn funny and so she can explain her MSN nick to Pwen. Haha…soon…soon…

mediacorp staff are rude

Saturday, the long awaited day. Ok, I’m exaggerating. Got up early, met Joyce and Desmond at Novena, had lunch then…off to Mediacorp. Read the previous entry for more details. Met Per there.

Sis wanted to be earlier than the group from Jpopmusic forums. We reached there around 3pm. Hmmm…not many people. Thank God! There was a post with the poster of the event on the side and there were already a few people queuing up behind it so we thought might as well just join the queue. Read magazines and talked to pass the time.

While waiting, my eyes were tortured from seeing some girl’s (from the forum) buttcrack. And she didn’t even realise for a long long time till somebody went to tell her. That kind soul. Lesson for all girls…don’t try to be hiao (vain) and wear low cut jeans if you’re going to expose yourself in the end.

At about half an hour to the time to be let in, there were groups of people standing by the side. I knew what they meant to do later…to cut into the queue. I cautioned Sis about it. I was right…about 15 minutes before the time, the group of people standing by the side grew. Alarmed, the other people in the queue (including us), stood up. I don’t know what happened next but the whole group of forum girls went in front as well. Then came the shout for an orderly queue by the Mediacorp staff. Note: We were damn irritated by then coz these people were just trying to cut into the queue. Blardee hell.

So now, the staff decided to do something. *sarcastic* Finally! This Mediacorp staff, a lady, ordered everyone to form a queue, two by two. Of course, those of us who were already in the original queue had no problem about it. But it was those who were not in it that tried their best to squeeze/cut in. Note: I was damn irritated and spewing vulgarities by then.

There were these 2 guys who didn’t manage to squeeze in in front of us. And coz they were sticking out, the Mediacorp lady ordered them to get into the queue. Sis was so irritated that she just told the lady that these people are late and they weren’t in the queue and now they are going to cut in front of us. There was no way she’s going to let them. I was thinking to myself that this Mediacorp lady had the authority to ask latecomers to go to the back of the queue. OH NOOOOOO…I was wrong. This stupid lady just answered back fiercely saying that if we’re not going to cooperate, nobody will be let in. FUCK MANZ!!! I just stared at her in disbelief. WTH WTH WTH!!! I wanted to slap her silly there and then. Here we are, the early birds, in the queue for more than 2 hours just to ensure that we can get a good seat and there you go allowing stupid latecomers to cut in front of us. And you have the cheek to say we aren’t cooperating. WTF!

In the end, some stupid aunties at the back of us allowed them in. Why stupid aunties? Coz they were also the people who cut in and they still had the cheek to exclaim innocently that people are early so they can get a good seat. Not only that, those forum people who cut in front of us also just looked at us innocently like they didn’t do anything wrong. I had the urge to gorge their eyes out. I have a super bad impression of them now. To think that they are so-called fans, shouldn’t they be setting a good example?

We intend to write a letter of complaint. The management is so lousy. And it’s not like they haven’t got experience in handling such events. They have held even worse events with way more people than this. They seriously haven’t done ANYTHING to improve the situation. They should learn from Heeren/HMV. After one to two autograph sessions that saw tons of fans, they decided to give out number tags in the following autograph sessions. This ensured that the queue was an orderly one and that the autograph session was fast yet successful. Everyone went home happy getting their star’s signature. Only thing is that we were to furious with that Mediacorp lady to note down her name. So damn blardee rude.

Apart from that unhappy experience, we enjoyed the show. Sharon Au cracked lots of lame jokes…she just said a lot of stuff. Oh and her Japanese isn’t that wonderful. There were the taiko performances, dance performances, a video presentation and finally the V-u-den performance. They performed a total of 6 songs. Rika looks a little darker than in photos. Yui has lost weight. They tried to speak a little English but Rika forgot what she had to say. Haha…

After their performance came the lucky draw. There was this group of Japanese guys (fans) who were just so crazy. They wrote their ticket number really big on a piece of paper and started waving it. When their number wasn’t announced, they just sighed loudly. Per and I were laughing non-stop. This lucky girl won a pair of return tickets to Japan! Haha…

Photography wasn’t allowed during the event. I didn’t dare secretly take photos coz there were staff around. I only took after the event…

Per and I

Joyce pointing to her nose???

Later, someone (one of the forum people who was at the event) posted in the forum that she and another 2 girls managed to sneak and wait in the carpark for V-u-den to leave. They got in a cab to chase the van. It was reported that the van drove round and round, I think trying to shake them off but they just continued following. That was when the manager got off the van and scolded them. She said he scolded them that stalking in Japan is illegal and that nobody would want to come to Singapore if they did that.

I guess they haven’t experienced it before. In Japan, people don’t really do these kinda things. Besides, it’s too expensive to get into a cab just to chase stars.

Hmmmm…I got a call from the Mos Burger manager to go down to the Parkway outlet for orientation on Monday…which is…ermz…later.

japanese stars in singapore

It has always been a mystery to me how the group’s name is spelt. Biyuuden? Viyuden? V-u-den? Vu-den? Anyway, they are like the answer to my non-stop grouses on why no Japanese singers are willing to come to Singapore. Of course, I know that Singapore has a very small market compared to Taiwan and Hong Kong for Japanese music.

So finally! V-u-den (shall go with whatever’s on the poster) has reached Singapore. They are here for the Japan Music Fiesta 2005 Singapore. It is held tomorrow at Mediacorp TV Theatre. And we’ve got tickets!!! *waves the tickets in the air* Saw the advertisement in i周刊 about a week or two ago. Quickly emailed to try to get tickets and we (Sis, Joyce and I) got a pair each!

Someone in the Jpopmusic forums posted up photos and clips of them in the airport. Only thing was that the person filming sounded like she was having an orgasm. I guess she was just too excited. Haha…she should have watched the clips and edited out the embarassing sounds before posting them up.

Even if the whole of MM aren’t here, I think I’m contented. Oh really? Haha…I hope that one day NewS or Kanjani8 will come to Singapore. Yea…and I will probably be trampled by a million fangirls. In the meantime, I can just dream on…

The day’s activities for me was just going to a cooking class. Actually I’ve been to one before but I sort of wasn’t interested in cooking then. Now’s different. Anyway, please do not ask me to cook for you yet. Let me try out first…I don’t want to poison anyone.

why are you giving me that stare?

Oh gawd. I forgot what I wanted to blog about. I was just fiddling around with the comments for the previous entry a minute ago and now when I settle to blog, I can’t remember what I wanted to say. Dory syndrome is acting up again. *faints*

*thinks hard*

Aha! I remember now! *waves and does the aho dance*

Per sent me clips of NewS in Taiwan. This was when they released “NewS Nippon” not long. Gawd, I always crack up at the last part of that song. Coz they do this movement where they touch their forehead and then point down slowly. It so looks like they are giving the “LAME” sign. Which kinda fits coz that movement IS lame. And WHY IS YAMAP WEARING SHORTS when everyone else is wearing long pants?!

Sis and I went for a job interview today. Well, if everything goes well, we’ll get a job at the TM Mos Burger outlet. STOP IT! DO NOT give me that questioning look on why the hell am I working there. I know everyone has that “Why are you working there when you are a poly graduate with a Diploma in Internet Computing?! So wasted!” look on their faces now.
1. I want to be a slacker at the moment but tell me is THAT possible?
2. It’s only a temporary job. Why the hell are you freaking out? I’m the one who’s working here, not you.
3. If after reading reasons 1 and 2, you still have that stupid questioning look on your face, then 3 words “Go to hell”.

Since I already filled the form and submitted it, I shall not regret my actions. But seriously, I did consider working in the coming Comex fair. Was wondering if Ling got any lobang. Anyway, if I get the job at Mos Burger, it’ll be a part-time job. So I still got some spare time.

Talking about spare time, I hope to go study Japanese. I can’t freakin’ understand the clips I watch now…ok, maybe only 1% of it. Also, I hope to learn to cook. *sigh* At this age, I should be able to cook. All I can do now is cook rice, fry omelettes and heat up can food. I should think that all females should learn how to cook so they can cook for their families next time…and prepare bentos for their loved ones.

Went down to Orchard. Brought home some goodies from Kino and Mise.