mediacorp staff are rude

Saturday, the long awaited day. Ok, I’m exaggerating. Got up early, met Joyce and Desmond at Novena, had lunch then…off to Mediacorp. Read the previous entry for more details. Met Per there.

Sis wanted to be earlier than the group from Jpopmusic forums. We reached there around 3pm. Hmmm…not many people. Thank God! There was a post with the poster of the event on the side and there were already a few people queuing up behind it so we thought might as well just join the queue. Read magazines and talked to pass the time.

While waiting, my eyes were tortured from seeing some girl’s (from the forum) buttcrack. And she didn’t even realise for a long long time till somebody went to tell her. That kind soul. Lesson for all girls…don’t try to be hiao (vain) and wear low cut jeans if you’re going to expose yourself in the end.

At about half an hour to the time to be let in, there were groups of people standing by the side. I knew what they meant to do later…to cut into the queue. I cautioned Sis about it. I was right…about 15 minutes before the time, the group of people standing by the side grew. Alarmed, the other people in the queue (including us), stood up. I don’t know what happened next but the whole group of forum girls went in front as well. Then came the shout for an orderly queue by the Mediacorp staff. Note: We were damn irritated by then coz these people were just trying to cut into the queue. Blardee hell.

So now, the staff decided to do something. *sarcastic* Finally! This Mediacorp staff, a lady, ordered everyone to form a queue, two by two. Of course, those of us who were already in the original queue had no problem about it. But it was those who were not in it that tried their best to squeeze/cut in. Note: I was damn irritated and spewing vulgarities by then.

There were these 2 guys who didn’t manage to squeeze in in front of us. And coz they were sticking out, the Mediacorp lady ordered them to get into the queue. Sis was so irritated that she just told the lady that these people are late and they weren’t in the queue and now they are going to cut in front of us. There was no way she’s going to let them. I was thinking to myself that this Mediacorp lady had the authority to ask latecomers to go to the back of the queue. OH NOOOOOO…I was wrong. This stupid lady just answered back fiercely saying that if we’re not going to cooperate, nobody will be let in. FUCK MANZ!!! I just stared at her in disbelief. WTH WTH WTH!!! I wanted to slap her silly there and then. Here we are, the early birds, in the queue for more than 2 hours just to ensure that we can get a good seat and there you go allowing stupid latecomers to cut in front of us. And you have the cheek to say we aren’t cooperating. WTF!

In the end, some stupid aunties at the back of us allowed them in. Why stupid aunties? Coz they were also the people who cut in and they still had the cheek to exclaim innocently that people are early so they can get a good seat. Not only that, those forum people who cut in front of us also just looked at us innocently like they didn’t do anything wrong. I had the urge to gorge their eyes out. I have a super bad impression of them now. To think that they are so-called fans, shouldn’t they be setting a good example?

We intend to write a letter of complaint. The management is so lousy. And it’s not like they haven’t got experience in handling such events. They have held even worse events with way more people than this. They seriously haven’t done ANYTHING to improve the situation. They should learn from Heeren/HMV. After one to two autograph sessions that saw tons of fans, they decided to give out number tags in the following autograph sessions. This ensured that the queue was an orderly one and that the autograph session was fast yet successful. Everyone went home happy getting their star’s signature. Only thing is that we were to furious with that Mediacorp lady to note down her name. So damn blardee rude.

Apart from that unhappy experience, we enjoyed the show. Sharon Au cracked lots of lame jokes…she just said a lot of stuff. Oh and her Japanese isn’t that wonderful. There were the taiko performances, dance performances, a video presentation and finally the V-u-den performance. They performed a total of 6 songs. Rika looks a little darker than in photos. Yui has lost weight. They tried to speak a little English but Rika forgot what she had to say. Haha…

After their performance came the lucky draw. There was this group of Japanese guys (fans) who were just so crazy. They wrote their ticket number really big on a piece of paper and started waving it. When their number wasn’t announced, they just sighed loudly. Per and I were laughing non-stop. This lucky girl won a pair of return tickets to Japan! Haha…

Photography wasn’t allowed during the event. I didn’t dare secretly take photos coz there were staff around. I only took after the event…

Per and I

Joyce pointing to her nose???

Later, someone (one of the forum people who was at the event) posted in the forum that she and another 2 girls managed to sneak and wait in the carpark for V-u-den to leave. They got in a cab to chase the van. It was reported that the van drove round and round, I think trying to shake them off but they just continued following. That was when the manager got off the van and scolded them. She said he scolded them that stalking in Japan is illegal and that nobody would want to come to Singapore if they did that.

I guess they haven’t experienced it before. In Japan, people don’t really do these kinda things. Besides, it’s too expensive to get into a cab just to chase stars.

Hmmmm…I got a call from the Mos Burger manager to go down to the Parkway outlet for orientation on Monday…which is…ermz…later.

why are you giving me that stare?

Oh gawd. I forgot what I wanted to blog about. I was just fiddling around with the comments for the previous entry a minute ago and now when I settle to blog, I can’t remember what I wanted to say. Dory syndrome is acting up again. *faints*

*thinks hard*

Aha! I remember now! *waves and does the aho dance*

Per sent me clips of NewS in Taiwan. This was when they released “NewS Nippon” not long. Gawd, I always crack up at the last part of that song. Coz they do this movement where they touch their forehead and then point down slowly. It so looks like they are giving the “LAME” sign. Which kinda fits coz that movement IS lame. And WHY IS YAMAP WEARING SHORTS when everyone else is wearing long pants?!

Sis and I went for a job interview today. Well, if everything goes well, we’ll get a job at the TM Mos Burger outlet. STOP IT! DO NOT give me that questioning look on why the hell am I working there. I know everyone has that “Why are you working there when you are a poly graduate with a Diploma in Internet Computing?! So wasted!” look on their faces now.
1. I want to be a slacker at the moment but tell me is THAT possible?
2. It’s only a temporary job. Why the hell are you freaking out? I’m the one who’s working here, not you.
3. If after reading reasons 1 and 2, you still have that stupid questioning look on your face, then 3 words “Go to hell”.

Since I already filled the form and submitted it, I shall not regret my actions. But seriously, I did consider working in the coming Comex fair. Was wondering if Ling got any lobang. Anyway, if I get the job at Mos Burger, it’ll be a part-time job. So I still got some spare time.

Talking about spare time, I hope to go study Japanese. I can’t freakin’ understand the clips I watch now…ok, maybe only 1% of it. Also, I hope to learn to cook. *sigh* At this age, I should be able to cook. All I can do now is cook rice, fry omelettes and heat up can food. I should think that all females should learn how to cook so they can cook for their families next time…and prepare bentos for their loved ones.

Went down to Orchard. Brought home some goodies from Kino and Mise.

little girl voice

Too lazy to post about Natsu Matsuri now. Maybe later…after I record the aho dance tune and a bit Maple-ing. Don’t bother to ask me to join your little party now coz I’m still at beginner level, stuck on the beginner island, trying to train “Miuna” (my character’s name) to be a better fighter. Stupid me just realised yesterday that I could increase the levels for strength, intelligence blah blah… 5 points for every level up. And all along I was wondering why some people reached like level 8 and they could attack with over 10 points of damage with each strike. -_-|||

I’m beginning to like a few Ai Otsuka songs. After a persistant “I so don’t like her, she sounds so baby-ish”, it has now become “I like some of the songs, but I still don’t like her”. Really. I think her voice is all too high-pitched, sounding like a little girl, laced with sugar and spice and all things nice. For now, I like 2 of her songs most…”Sakuranbo” and “Kingyo Hanabi”.

Marux2 combi

Just saw a pic on Ling’s blog. A photo of her pinky dolls. She labelled each one. And one of them is supposed to look like me?! *pengz* Then there’s another which she labelled “109”. My gawd…she cannot fathom how the real one looks like. Recently I was watching one of the Gimon episodes…

This is one of the banba or commonly known as “109 辣妹”.

Tell me, in what way is this considered beauty?! *shocked…shocked…shocked*

The look on Uchi’s face is classic manz. That disgusted look the minute he saw the girls.

Talking about clips…I absolutely love the one where KAT-TUN and Kanjani8 act out romantic scenes. Especially the Marux2 combi. You can imagine what it’s like with Aho (Maruyama). I tell you, I really couldn’t stop laughing. Laughing so hard till I had to bang my fists on the arm rests of the chair.

Per was so nice! She translated the whole clip for me. So I’ll paste the Marux2 part…

Kame: Ah, next, Nakamaru-kun!
Hina: this is very much like some renai broadcast ne?
NMaru: Ah, so nervous! my partner is.. Maruyama-kun!~
Hina: Maru!
Uchi: Maru-chan!
Kame: Maru-maru combi desukedo
Hina: dunno blahblah what.. pls tell us the situation
Kame: Hai.. Nakamaru’s romantic scene is.. Getsumen! Moon’s surface..
Nmaru: no prob
Kame: what kind of a situation is it?
Nmaru: Oh it’s a setting where we go to the moon for a date and you can see the earth from the moon’s surface
Kame: Yoii starto!
*star wars music* HAHAHA
Maru: hai, nani?
Nmaru: look there… the earth is that gorgeous..~
Maru: aaaah (weird shriek) Yatta, ponnnnn~
Nmaru: pain!
Nmaru: (turns around) You’re more gorgeous than that earth’s surface!
Maru: Iyaaaaaaaaa~~~~~
*music plays*
Maru bounces up and dances accordingly
Hina: no no, Finished already lah! *smack*
*Kame smacks him too*

Nakamaru called Aho “Maruko”!!! OMG…*LAUGHS OUT LOUD* And dear “Maruko” answers in a high pitched voice…and…and…”she” shrieks!!! *LAUGHS OUT LOUD AGAIN*


*trying to suppress laughter* HAHAHA…

Then when the scene ends and the music comes on, Aho bounces up and starts dancing with a weird expression on his face. *LAUGHS EXTRA LOUD* OMG…I can just die of laughter.


*covers mouth* Ok ok…enough enough…

I updated the radio on the side. *points to the left* I cleared some, added 4 songs and of course left the NewS and Kanjani8 ones there. Haha…

Introduction of new songs…
1) Lene Marlin – How Would It Be
A new Lene Marlin song. It’s kinda stuck in my head at the moment. The whole song is like this big “if”. If this thing happened, how would it be like? I kinda start to think all sorts of “if” questions and start to wonder how would it be like then.

2) NANA starring Mika Nakashima – Glamorous Sky
Aha! I know Ling loves this song. Sung by Ozaki Nana (Mika Nakashima) in the movie. Still looking for the other song in the movie… Ling is really rubbing all her love for NANA over me.

3) NewS – Yume no Kazu Dake Ai ga Umareru
Yet another NewS song. One of my favourites. If I had to choose the top 5 NewS songs, I would choose “Zutto” as first. Then this song. Then “Cherish”. Then “Love Song” (I know it’s YamaP’s song lahz…) Then “Koi Yake”.

4) Sonim – Asunaro Ginga
The PV *promotional video* for this song is so sad. There’s a blog entry on it…here.

Kanjani8’s new single is releasing soon. Titled “好きやねん、大阪”. Should I get it?

love for NANA


I can’t believe I just cut something off my Myojo magazine. Some more it’s the one with NewS on the cover. Ling, you must kowtow to me 100 times for the NANA poster I cut out for you. *kidding* No lahz, you were just lucky that the back wasn’t…
1) NewS or Massu…coz I WILL WANT IT!!!
2) Kanjani8 or Ryo…coz maybe I will want it and it will be reserved for Per if she hasn’t got that copy.
3) KAT-TUN or Jin or Kame or Uchi…coz Sis will want it.

I re-read my previous entry to see what’s so Korean-y about it that Ling said I’m into Korean stuff now. Oh…the vcd prize? Haha, let me get this straight. I’m not crazy over Korean stuff. Just happen to like certain shows or certain singers. It’s not even like one quarter of my liking for Japanese stuff. HAHAHA…

So I met up with Ling and Xiu Wei today. We had (a super late) lunch with Mr D. Coz Ling…ahem ahem…was late as usual. I passed Ling all the NANA stuff I collected for her plus the poster. So I guess she’s thrilled with her stuff now…haha…

Rushed back home to go down to Orchard with Sis. Meeting Joyce for dinner. Dinner was at Pepper Lunch in Taka. The irritating thing that happened was a waitress kinda telling me how to cook the food. I know that the staff are just being nice, telling people how to go about cooking the food. But I think the way she said it was a little offensive. I was just pouring sauce over the beansprouts and making it cook faster while exclaiming to Sis that the beansprouts must be of top priority when cooking the food. The waitress saw it and went over saying “You must cook the meat first. Spread the butter and cook the meat. Then pour the sauce.” What the hell. I like to cook it this way…why? Cannot is it? I know I can’t really cook but that does not mean I’m stupid ok. I have a reason for doing my way. Beef can be eaten half-cooked. But lightly cooked beansprouts are not ok. They taste like grass. Not that I’ve tasted grass but you know, that green-y taste. And who’s eating the food? I’m the one. So tell me why can’t I cook it the way I want?

After dinner, went to Mise. Sis collected her Uchi uchiwa. And…*gasp* the Massu uchiwa is gone! The one from the Spring concert. Sold off! *sobz*

Per is kicking herself over the fact that she might have had a small chance of getting tickets for Kanjani8’s Zenyasai concert that was on during the time we were in Osaka. *sigh*

why so slow?

Why is the download for the subbed episodes of Dragon Sakura taking so damn long? Need more people with faster connections to come online…

Bloop. Bloop. Bloop.

I should be checking out the dates to sit for SATs.

There’s tons of files/clips waiting to be watched.

I’m on the first book for “Kagen no Tsuki”. Finished the first book for “NANA”. Slow reader.

happy birthday mummy dearest

*makes quick check of the time*

Left with one second…I don’t think I can post this within one second so even if Mum’s birthday is over, I will still say what I want to.


Happy birthday. I love you.

I could write you a long letter saying I love you and how I’m sorry for all the mistakes I’ve made. But I know I will keep making the same mistakes over and over again till the day I learn the lesson the hard way, so there’s no point in saying sorry. Even so, I know that no matter what, you love me with all your heart.

With love and kisses,

coming home from Japan

Finally got my lazy butt to work. Some of you would be eager to know about my latest trip to Japan. What?! Japan AGAIN?! Yes dears, Japan again. This time armed and prepared with the cash to bring home more stuff from the Johnny’s shops, more “friends” and more experiences. Of course the main objective was to experience the summer festival there. Well, I wouldn’t say it was a super happy trip since there were quarrels and misunderstandings along the way, but it was still a nice one. Well well well…get ready for a long entry with some photos squeezed in along the way.

Gawd. I need to reflect on my actions… I miss my blog so much during the trip. So much to write, emotions to pour out but no computer/internet connection around.

Let’s see…where to begin? Per came along on this trip. Her first time to Japan. Together we spent some happy moments running around looking for cheap and good food, retracing the steps of her dear Ryo *hehe*, meeting weird people…too weird I tell you. With my family, we went all over Osaka *our homebase*, Kyoto, Kobe and Nagoya. Experienced the summer festival, stayed at 2 ryokans, ate all the good food etc… And thanks to the Inada family for letting us stay in their apartment once again.

So how was Tenjin matsuri? Fantastic! Imagine being treated to 2 whole hours of almost non-stop fireworks. Oh but it was damn crowded as well. We made an effort to get ready a few hours before the time to leave, learning from our mistake at last year’s natsu matsuri in Singapore. Just overestimated ourselves again. *sigh* Again got stuck at tying the obi (sash for kimono/yukata), making poor Kenichi wait over 2 hours for us. Haha, but it’s good practise for patience for a guy which will prove useful in the future. DO NOT question why a female takes that long to dress up. It is by society’s standards that a female dolls up herself to be approved to be seen in public. Females cannot just do what some males are guilty of, throw on a tee and a pair of jeans, forget about the hair, just hide it under a cap. Depending on the occasion, the time taken to dress up will differ.

After hours of fumbling and getting on each others’ nerves. Yes! We are finally ready to step out of the house. Took a taxi to the venue. Walked among the crowd. Stopped now and then to get some food. Tamago senbei (egg on rice cracker) and tori karaage (fried chicken). Got to the shrine where we got some omamoris (amulets), prayed/wished, got our fortune read on 2 little pieces of paper which cost 100 yen. First time I get to do the whole throw a coin, clap your hands twice and then pray/wish “routine”.

Busy busy busy. Street lined with stalls for food or games for the festival.

Did some furious walking to the riverside to watch the fireworks. Jostled our way past the neverending crowd, finally getting a good spot among some bushes just behind a stall selling ice. Sidetrack for a moment…ice is a good dessert for summer. Summer in Japan is such a killer. Ok, Singapore isn’t much different since it’s summer all year round. But Per insists that it’s different. She says that in Japan, you can feel like 100% of the sun’s rays hitting you. Hmmm…maybe coz we have more trees to shade us in Singapore? Having summer all year round in Singapore, you would expect some cooler weather on a trip, but no, all I get is still THE SUN. I think I got darker coz of that…

Back to the fireworks. It was absolutely amazing to watch the sky being lit up with the fireworks for a whole 2 hours. Even this guy standing by our side was exclaiming so loudly how wonderful it was. This was what he exclaimed…”OH! WOOAAAAHHHH~~~WOAAAAHHHHHAHAHA~~~ SUGEI! SUGEIIIIIII~~~ MECCHA KIREI!” Which just meant “wonderful! wonderful~~~ super beautiful!” I got a few clips of it on my digicam. I particularly loved this set of fireworks which ended like a golden shower raining down on us.

The golden shower. Sorry for the lousy photography skills.

Finally ending the day with a late dinner…

美丽的三朵花 *HAHAHA…so 不要脸*

Had our first experience of staying in a ryokan in Kobe. Having a dip in the hotspring. So much like what we saw on Japan Hour but what we weren’t prepared for was the mosquitoes. After a dip in the hotspring, you probably earned a few mosquito bites.

It was also in Kobe that we made some new friends with a band. They were performing near the train station and sounded so good that we decided to purchase 3 mini albums from them. I hope that Oriental New Edge makes it big soon. That their hard work pays off.

With Oriental New Edge. Should have used flash for this one but everyone seemed in a hurry so I just left it at that.

Nagoya wasn’t too bad as well. And no, we weren’t there to go to the Aichi Expo. Too expensive. But Sis was really going crazy over the 2 mascots, Kiccoro and Morizo…especially Kiccoro, the smaller green bush?

Our second time staying at a ryokan. This time making friends with a 5 year old boy, Ryotaro. All of which started with us getting fascinated by his bug collection. 2 tanks of beetles…the ones with the horns. *shudders* Ryotaro has an older sister but due to their big age gap, he ends up with no playmates. So he got very excited when Per and Sis patiently sat through his endless chatter on his bug collection. It also goes to show that even if you don’t speak each other’s language, you can still make friends.

Ryotaro led us to the seaside as well. And we discovered this gross insect called funamushi which scales the walls. Here comes the gross part…they are like cockroaches, the moment they detect you near them, they scurry away…like cockroaches. There were like hundreds of them of different sizes scaling the walls.

At night, we played with the fireworks and sparklers we bought. Haha…in Singapore you can only play with sparklers… The meals we ate were HUGE. Some of the shellfish were personally dived for by Ryotaro’s grandma.

With Ryotaro’s family. His dad was out when we took the photo.

Back in Osaka, there were 2 days where Per and I went out together. We went to Tennoji area. Trying to retrace Ryo’s footsteps coz in the NewS dvd, we saw him pass by this area. And we think he got off at a particular station.

We think Ryo got off at this station.

This is also a famous street where there are lots of shops.

Ryo came here too!

See that huge fish balloon hanging over the shop? That means that the shop sells fugu. It’s a delicacy in Japan coz most parts of the fish is poisonous. Only a certain part can be eaten and only a skilled chef is allowed to prepare it. Of course, Per and I did try it. We found a restaurant that had good food sold at a relatively cheap rate. Food in Japan is not exactly cheap. You have to walk through smaller streets to discover food sold at cheaper rates.

Oh oh! It was also here that we spotted a salon called “Masuda”. Hahaha…

Maybe Massu’s family owns this shop. *kidding*

Although we prepared ourselves to watch all the shows we could catch on tv, ended up watching only the last bits of Honjani and Gimon. Caught an episode of Dragon Sakura (YamaP’s drama). Didn’t even catch a single episode of Ganbatte Ikimasshoi. As for radio programmes, my mp3 player can’t receive AM channels which meant that we couldn’t tune in to Recomen or Kikujani. And in Nagoya where we could tune in to Tokyo radio stations, we came back late so I missed Massu’s and Shige’s programmes.

And then there were the 2 most unfortunate events. Firstly, I think it’s due to the Uchi being suspended incident, the Kanjani8 appearance at Ashiya was cancelled. Secondly, all photos, uchiwas, posters of Uchi have been removed from the Johnny’s shops. Except for the few group photos. *sigh* Kinda saw that coming…

All in all, on this trip I managed to get what I wanted. That includes the Johnny’s goods (Summary concert Massu uchiwa, Massu poster, NewS poster, lots of photos – mostly NewS and Massu with one of Okada and one of aho *Maru*), Casshern dvd boxset, some NewS singles, Arashi “One” album limited edition, 2 more hidamaris *can’t get enough of them*. Also got 2 more newsboy caps and 3 pairs of socks (2 ankle socks, one long pair).

Per also got what she wanted…her fix of Kanjani8. Excite! concert dvd, Kanjani8 singles and albums, uchiwas of Ryo, Yoko and Okura and tons of Kanjani8 photos.

Hidamari no Mickey & Hidamari no Minnie

Omamoris. Per bought me the one on the right

And lastly, something to make Ling jealous. =P

Pass from NANA exhibition

The exhibition for the movie NANA was held in HEP Five. 600 yen for entrance fee. The clothes and accessories the actors/actresses wore were exhibited. As well as replicas of the bathtub, table, drumsets. Photos all round etc… Hopefully the movie will be shown in Singapore.

Now that I’m back home, I kinda miss the life there. Even though the Japanese lead rather busy lives, they seem to be rushing here and there always. Since taking a taxi is way too expensive (starting fare is 660 yen), their choice mode of transport are the subways and trains. Say you are from Osaka and need to get to Tokyo for work, most probably you’ll take the subway from near your home then get on to the Shinkansen. And mind you, there are a few private railways. So you gotta get used to it…rushing around, checking train schedules. Not only that, trains have what they call local, rapid, s.rapid etc. Local trains stop at every stop. Rapid trains stop at certain stops. You get the idea.

Ok…the part I miss most is that people are considerate. People waiting to get on the train WAIT for people to alight first then they step in. And they queue up. Tell me, do you see that in Singapore? On escalators, they all stand on the right. The left is kept free for people who need to rush up. Again, do you see that in Singapore? When you bump into someone or someone bumps into you, it doesn’t matter who bumps into who, the person just says sorry. DO YOU SEE THAT IN SINGAPORE? You’ll probably hear irritated noises coming from the person and then a cold hard stare.

What I won’t miss is the cicadas. In summer, everywhere, every tree there are cicadas chirping away. And they are HUGE. *cries* It is really deafening. And it’s their daily routine to start chirping at 5am in the morning. Your personal alarm clock in Japan. -_-|||

A lesson for anyone intending to visit Japan. It is crucial to know Japanese language or at least Mandarin to guess the kanji. Most people don’t speak English. Menus are mostly in Japanese as well. Don’t be like me, learning only hiragana in poly won’t get you far. I realised that most stuff are written in katakana. So the whole time, I had to rely on Per and Sis to help me read stuff. Bleargh.

still a little blue

Yesterday, I didn’t have the mood to blog. Got a hair trim…

It’s kinda “painful” to watch NewS or Kanjani8 clips now. Everytime, it reminds me of how Uchi made that stupid mistake.

If Johnny’s wanted to give him a painful punishment, I think they really succeeded. How? By making the others suffer too so that you feel you’ll never live down this guilt trip. The Shounen Club episode where Tegoshi is the producer and is supposed to air this week was replaced by an older episode. Of which, scenes with Uchi were either cut off or they put a mosaic over his face. It’s the dumbest thing to do coz as quoted from someone on Jpopmusic forums, it’s not like we don’t know that he’s there.

Per said that Kanjani8 has been affected as well.

Well, I don’t see why the others have to suffer too. Since Uchi is the one who made the decision, he has to face all consequences that follow. But I think that Johnny’s is also wasting a lot of their effort on doing stupid things. Like the whole mosaic issue for Shounen Club. WTH. Since the episode has been shot with him in it, just leave it as it is. Don’t go around wasting time doing insignificant things.

Ganbatte Ikimasshoi has to be rewritten as well coz right now, shooting is finished for only 7 episodes. Gawd. I wonder how it will be like coz Uchi had a rather big role in it. To write off a main character is kinda hard.

Really hope nothing else bad happens to Uchi. I think it is enough punishment already…

Pwen has left for Australia this morning. Per and I went to see her off at the airport. Her dad said she’ll be back at year end, for vacation. Yupz, till then, we’ll be missing you.