
Packing of my room continues. Suddenly, the room looks like a minefield.

Once I got tired of packing, Maru-chan became my companion among the mess.

My friend, THIS is called “messy”. Previously, the walkway next to my bed was almost totally covered but the stuff were in stacks so it wasn’t messy. I’m sitting here blogging away while the room is still in minefield state. I have an hour to clear it before jumping into bed. :sweat:

clearing the mountains

After today, I’m proud to say that I can see some floor at my side of the room! :yay: I spent some time clearing part of the mountains and I got one fifth…ermz…one sixth of it cleared. I need to clear everything in my room before I leave since my family will be moving my stuff for me.


maru-chan genki desu

Ever since Maru-chan could connect to the internet wirelessly at home, I have been thinking how good could my router be. James already found it strange that my router didn’t have any antennas. Alas, today was the chosen day to test it out.

Hahaha…I can connect to the net from my room! :laugh: Unfortunately, moo-moo has to become the cushion to prop up Maru-chan and the tissue box has become my makeshift mousepad.

I am so bored. I got tired while watching NANA and fell asleep. I feel like bringing Maru-chan out to meet the world but the bag is rather bulky and heavy…

food for the boy

お誕生日おめでとうマッス!!! I hope you have a good birthday with lots of food. Maybe surrounded by tons of 肉まん and 小笼包。Haha… :laugh: Although in Japan, you’re already considered an adult at 20 years of age but to most of the rest of the world, you’ve just reached adulthood. Welcome to the club. I hope with the increase of age, you’re also wiser. Please don’t go do something stupid for a moment’s pleasure and get yourself into trouble.

Continue reading


I have a new friend. I finally got a laptop. Been thinking of a name for this Fujitsu… It’s black but I can’t possibly name it kuro-chan coz that’s the name of my handphone. Haha, then I thought about getting a name which is JE related. Thought of aho Maru. :laugh: Maruko is supposed to be the girl version of him as mentioned in Shonen Club. But I don’t want my laptop to be a girl! やだ! :sweat: So maybe it’ll just be called Maru-chan?

I also finally watched the NANA 2 dvd I got from Amazon. It didn’t have subtitles but I’ve read the manga so I know how the story goes. I think the second part isn’t as great as the first. The whole story was focussed on the relationship between Hachi and Takumi. There was little mention of Nana and Ren or Reira and Shin. Come to think of it, the second part didn’t even start where the first part ended. The turn of events towards the ending was kinda fast too.

I think 市川由衣 is pretty but she’s not cute. 宮崎あおい was a much better Hachi. She is cute without being overly cute which totally fits the role.

are we good or evil?

Yes! I’ve completed watching Liar Game. The last episode was kinda exciting seeing how each person tried to outwit each other and become the greatest liar and winner. I was trying to fight myself from cheating and pushing the time slide to the end to find out the ending first. I fought the temptation and managed to watch the drama unfold bit by bit.

Ok, I admit I’m a sucker for romance. I was hoping Nao and Akiyama would end up a couple instead of a special friends??? The ending was not really expected but then again whoever believed that this world be rid of evil is too innocent…like Nao. Sure, I believe that there’s some good in everyone and I always hope that everyone would let their good side triumph over their evil side. But it’s hard to believe that everyone would just end up being good.

There’s this Chinese poem with the first line “人之初,性本善。” and it is by nurture that we learn to be evil. Hmmm…how about I complicate things by using the same logic of “egg first or chicken first?” What if we’re all born evil? Or are we just neither good nor evil at the beginning and cursed with the knowledge of it only to be discovered later? Afterall, Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil which kinda damned us all.

Ok, I’m really not making any sense here…

Aside from that, I am rather thrilled to know that there will be a Japanese drama version of 花ざかりの君たちへ。Even more thrilled that Toma will be acting in it. :yay: Only, I’m kinda disappointed at the choice of actress for the role of 瑞希。Why Horikita Maki?! I expected someone a bit more of a tomboy. See, the Taiwanese were smart to choose Ella for the role coz she’s all gungho yet cute in her own way. Horikita Maki is way too girly for the role. Just coz she’s rather popular now means she has to be casted in every drama. The choice of actor for the role of 泉 is also rather…hmmm…not quite sure about it. But hey, I’m not complaining coz it’s Oguri Shun. Hehe… :laugh:

to do list

How time flies. July is coming which means I’m only left with one month to wrap up everything. Meet with friends for the last time, shop for warm clothing and laptop, visit Grandma’s grave, pack my bags, pack all my things into boxes…

Talking about packing my things into boxes. I don’t even know how and where to begin. I have too much “rubbish”. I guess I can start from the magazines. *thinks* Can’t believe it. My family is moving without me and I don’t even get to enjoy my new room before I leave for studies.

Meeting friends can be quite a headache too. With 7ners it’s more or less settled. Wait for Pwen to come back then we’ll all meet up. But with the poly mates…*haiz* I checked with Raynor sometime back when are the Uni holidays. It’s vacation period for them and the school term only starts in August. However, he requested to meet up in the weekend as he is working. Hmmm…yea, I guess I’m the only one shaking legs here. I just messaged back that I’ll work out something.

Then again, why am I planning my own farewell party? *blink blink* *echo-ey voice: coz you’re the one who wants to see everyone before you leave~~~* でも…I think it’ll feel nice to have someone do the planning? *twiddles thumbs* We could have dinner それも…カラオケに行こう!!! Cash Studio, please! Hehehe…

PS: I’m writing all this on purpose…but I wonder if anyone will see it? *prays* 


In case anyone is interested to know, I got my student visa. *beams*

After reading Jo’s lastest blog entry on some ill-bred kids and their parents with lousy parenting skills, I have decided to share my experience.

This happened a few days ago while I was watching Spiderman 3 with my bestie, Xianglin. I guess every kid knows the character which makes their equally excited parents go “let’s have a family outing to the movies!” What these parents fail to realise is whether their kids are old enough to understand what is going on the big screen especially when the movie is not a cartoon.

These two related families brought their kids little brats to watch the movie. I think the general audience would be pretty tolerant when it comes to noise from kids coz afterall, kids are KIDS. And Singaporeans are rather tolerant when it comes to a fellow citizen forgetting to switch his phone to silent mode…we just make “lizard noises” to let the bugger know he is testing our patience.

Halfway through the movie, one parent decides to sms and in the process, let the whole cinema know she is sms-ing. Grrr…there is an option to switch off the keypress tone, you twit. Meanwhile, their kids are getting a little restless, asking all sorts of questions as to what was going on in the movie. Alright, patience is a virtue so we shall not show our displeasure yet.

Towards the end of the movie, said brats decided to give up watching the movie and started to play catching. Yes, right there in the cinema. Ok, patience is no longer a virtue. Everyone was going “shhhh” which was VERY audible but what did the parents do? Nothing. WTF. Now, everyone was staring at the brats AND the parents. What did the parents do? Still nothing. !%$^#%$^& My patience was wearing thin. If I could shoot laserbeams with my eyes, the parents would have been fried a long time ago. I was about to verbally tell the parents to REMOVE their brats from the cinema when someone beat me to it. That was when the parents decide to drag their kids out.

*shock shock shock* Disbelief. Sayless.

You mean people have to TELL you to take your kids out of the cinema. That doesn’t make you any better than your brats now does it? Thank God we didn’t have a violent person in our midst else that cinema would have become a bloody crime scene.

On the one hand, I want to defend the brats by saying that they were too young to understand the movie so it was the fault of their parents for bringing them to the cinema. On the other hand, I think it’s just a case of ill-bred children. What have I said about ill-bred children? There is NO excuse for ill-bred children.

I remember my first movie “Dennis, the Menace”. My mum was so excited about bringing us to the cinema for our first movie as a family. I was so bored. Did I go around making noises? No. Did I run around? No. I just sat through the movie with half-closed eyelids. I knew that if I made any noise or run around, I would so get it from Mum. See, good example of good parenting.

one can never be too careful

Still waiting for the Golf & Mike PV to complete downloading. While waiting, I’m checking out blogs and listening to 嵐 belt out “Love So Sweet” on winamp. Suddenly, I have the urge to blog.

Nyanyanya…I’m so not blogging about the Japan trip yet. *evil laugh*

Again, I left things to the last minute. Actually not on purpose but coz I didn’t freakin’ read ALL the contents in the envelope. By the time I realised I had to send back the orange form to get my I-20, I had wasted about 2+ months. So I sent it out quickly, figuring that clever me had got everything sorted out. Timing would be perfect. Go for Japan trip. Come home, open letter box and jajang! I-20 form sitting in the letter box.

Well, I would have been clever had I remind myself that “all things that can go wrong, WILL go wrong”. It states on the form that my first name is “Zai-yu” and middle name is “Elisia”. Wait a minute…I always thought my first name is “Elisia” and I don’t have a middle name. However, thinking that if I don’t put in my chinese name which is stated in my passport, the school might deny my attendance. So, I enrolled with first name “Elisia” and middle name “Zai-yu”. Of course my name would then be read as “Phua Elisia Zai-yu”, wrong order but at least all 3 names would be there. Anyway, I suppose the school must have looked at the photocopy of my passport and decided that “Zai-yu” is my first name since it reads “Phua Zai-yu Elisia”.

Best of all, I wouldn’t have freaked out that much but I read this article in the newspapers in Japan that a Japanese lady got barred from entering the States just coz she was still of engagement status when she applied for her visa and when she actually decided to step on US soil, she was of married status. Apparently, she did ask if she could get married while waiting for the visa to be done and was given the go ahead. Later on, officials actually said that she lied about her status. WTH. Small thing like that and she gets barred from stepping on US soil. So, can you imagine what I started to think about my own situation?

Then, I realised I have to fill in a number of forms and fix an appointment date to go for the interview at the embassy. I don’t even have the photo ready. They don’t take our usual passport size photos. Photo studio would need time to get the photos ready. One week? Can I even afford to waste one more week? STRESSSSSSSSSSSSS…never thought filling in a few forms could be THAT stressful. I even ended up unable to sleep last night just coz I was worrying whether I could get a time slot for the interview since I’m so late already. What if I get a time slot but they can’t get my visa done on time? What if they decide to pick on every single detail in my forms and finally deny me of the student visa? What if I’m going to be in deep shit? Ahhhhh…I’m going to die. *shoots myself*

My apologies to Man Ling. I sms-ed her in the middle of the night even knowing that she’s holidaying in Germany. I was just freaking out big time.

So now, I’ve got the forms filled out. I’m waiting for the school to email back with advice. I decided to go ahead with “Zai-yu” being my first name. I now hope that the school has not decided to change something. *crosses fingers and toes* That would mean I would have to wait for them to send another I-20 form. More time wasted. I fixed my embassy appointment date to be this Thursday. I found out that there’s a photo booth at the embassy where I can get my photo taken.

I’m not sure I can come out alive since it says that only the person getting his/her visa is allowed to enter the building. Which means that Mum won’t be able to accompany me through the interview. Of course I should be doing this on my own since at the end of the day I’m going to be in the States for 4 years without my immediate family. But just in case I hear bad news and need familiar hands to support me…

God, please please please let me get my student visa successfully. Please please please let things go smoothly. 😥

new songs for me to sing

Sing Sing Sing
Went CS-ing yesterday with Sis, Per and Joyce. So exciting! They updated the songs in the system so there were all the new songs. Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~ :heart:

I managed to sing NewS’ “星をめざして”!!! :heart: I also tried OLIVIA’s “Stars Shining Out”. I was a little afraid that I wouldn’t be able to manage it so I just kept silent while the first verse played. But I figured it was quite ok. 🙂 Only there’s this part that goes very very high-pitched, my already thin voice goes even thinner and Sis says I sound like I’m singing for the mosquitoes to hear. :rofl:

Yea, I once joked with Sis that if ever I join a group, I’ll just be the wall-flower of the group. Coz the wall-flower of the group doesn’t get to sing upfront due his/her weaker vocals. He/she sings most of the harmonising parts. Haha, but even so, that is totally impossible! Why? Coz I can’t dance. Don’t laugh, I’m serious. Maybe someone should invent the “stiff cardboard dance” or “wooden dance”…

Leggings and Shoes
I was flipping through May’s issue of Kera and I saw this model wearing the type of leggings I wanna get. Ya, you don’t have to bother about the rest of the clothes she’s wearing…haha…

Also, I decided to check out the website for this online shop that sells punk/rock shoes and boots. They also sell the rocking shoes. They do international orders but the shoes don’t come cheap. Hmmm…

Teacher of Technology
Our phones are of the same brand but different. Thank God the settings for Mum’s handphone is about the same as mine.

I was in the shower and Mum just asked me how to change the alert tone when there’s a sms. So, I gave her instructions there and then by memory.

Why does it happen to be only me in the family who knows all this technology stuff? I wonder if anyone really thought for a moment how did I learn how to do all this stuff. I too had to read the instruction manual or fiddle around with settings. I don’t just know things you know.


Ok, fine. I’m the same. I keep asking James to fix my internet connection when it goes wonky.

Slow vs. Ill-bred
Our family was having dinner at a hotel restaurant yesterday. 3 kids from a neighbouring table were running around and making a lot of noise. It’s very dangerous for kids to run around in a restaurant. Moreover, the noise they were making was getting on my nerves. All this while, the adults at their table didn’t even bother to stop them. :angry:

Grace said that she didn’t mind children who were slow at grasping facts but there’s no excuse for ill-bred children. I totally agree with her. Now, I’m really thanking Mum and my babysitter for whacking me when I was young. At least, I grew up knowing what is to have good manners.

Hurhur…now, I know of 2 who badly need smacking…