they scare me

I edited the previous entry to add some photos.

Yesterday, Per and I met Juliah for dinner. I’m sure Per didn’t tell me we were meeting for dinner in Tampines. But anyway, I thought we were having dinner in town so I settled with Per to meet her at the mrt station.

Per arrived in bermudas and tee. Uh oh…something’s wrong. *blink blink* We’re meeting for dinner in Tampines. Now, I felt like an idiot coz I was dressed and made-up to go to town. :glare:

We met Juliah and had dinner at BK. As usual, talk about JE. Don’t know how or what but we moved on to some scary topics. I knew it’ll scare the shit out of me but my curiosity got the better of me.

So now, I’m trying really really hard to block the stuff out of my mind. Last night, I slept in the study room with Sis. I know I’ll start thinking about it if I’m alone. 😥

Something from Cas’s blog…

  1. What is the phone brand?
    Samsung X430
  2. What are the last 3 digits of your mobile number?
  3. What does the 2nd message in your inbox say?
    No prob boss. =) happy 21st! (from CJ)
  4. Who’s the first person who comes up under the letter M?
    Ma Ma (my grandma)
  5. Who’s the last person you rang?
  6. Who was your last missed call from?
  7. Who’s the 2nd person who comes up under D?
  8. What does the last message in your inbox say?
    Mitsumeru tabi ni koi, kanjita mama hitomi…lalala..Cherish *raise hand in air* (from Sis, message is the lyrics of NewS – チェリッシュ)
  9. Who comes up under J?
    Jaclyn, James Fu, James Hoo, James Sng, Janice, Jasline, Jasmine, Jeffrey, Jeffrey Tan, Jennifer, Jiaxin, Jillene, Joanne, Joedell, Johnny, Jolyn, Joyce Leo, Joyce Lu, Joyce SADO, Joycelyn, Jun Rong, Junwei
  10. Go to your Sent Items – what does the 10th message say?
    My phone doesn’t automatically store sent messages.
  11. Who’s the 4th person who comes under S?
  12. Who’s your network provider?
  13. How many messages are currently in your inbox?
  14. What do you have as your background?
  15. Who’s the 2nd person who comes up under R?
    Rachel Zhong
  16. Who do you have on speed dial 3?
    No one.
  17. If you’re on Pay as you Go, how much credit do you have?
  18. Who’s the first person who comes up under C?
  19. How many bars of signal do you currently have?
    Full bar.
  20. What do you have as your main ringtone?
    Most of the time it’s on vibration mode. But the ringtone’s set to BoA – Jewel Song.

sweet surprise

Photo of the day…

Monday, 7ners held a surprise party for Nad at Cash Studio. I’m glad that everything went smoothly after all the planning and organising. She knew we were sort of giving her a surprise as in we weren’t letting her know where we were going for dinner and all coz goondu Junwei accidentally sms-ed her when the sms was meant for Per. But she didn’t know we were going to surprise her at the ktv. She really thought I had to pick something up for Sis at Chinatown.

I was still kinda worried that she would wonder how come we were meeting so early when all we’re having is dinner. So at the last moment, I sort of covered that up saying that PK needed to go home early or something so we’re having an early dinner. Knowing Nad isn’t easily fooled, was trying to be really careful with my words. Praying hard that JW hadn’t unknowingly let out our secret. By the way, he almost did when Per called him a few days ago. He said “Chinatown” out loud and when Per tried to shush him, he did a bad job of trying to cover up his mistake. -_-|||

I was telling Per that maybe what made my little “show” more believable was the fact that I got lost. Went to Apollo Centre only once and I’m the kind who needs to take notice of the way there or else I’ll get lost next time. That time when I went with Sis and Per, Sis led the way and I was just following so I didn’t really take notice of the route there. Ehz…I’m just bad with directions.

Walked up to the ktv door. Opened it. SURPRISE!!!

Everybody had a fun time. Singing all those English songs which were popular back when we were in secondary school. Some of us singing random Mandarin songs. Hurhur…me “forcing” Per to sing NEWSニッポン and 希望~Yell~ with me. :rofl:

Didn’t want to leave so we ditched our plans of having dinner at Kenny Rogers in Marina. Anyway, CJ said there was a Swensens at Chinatown Point. Haha…coz of Sis’s member card, we can extend ktv hours for free if the room is not booked after us.

After dinner at Swensens, Per and I met Juliah at City Hall. Talked for awhile before going home just in time to catch the results for SuperBand. Woohoo! Lucify managed to get in the first round. They have always been on the rather “dangerous” side so it was good to have a change.

I keep feeling that these few days seem to be a dream. This very surreal feeling? Like I can’t have a firm grasp of what I’m doing. I end up asking myself at the end of each day “what the hell have you been doing?” Everything seems to be moving too fast. Or am I the one who’s too slow?

she’s the man

Gonna do a little backtrack here. Back to Sunday.

Was supposed to go down to Orchard to be at the D’J Party. Japanese inspired dressing – black tee, skirt, long black socks, newsboy cap. Hah. Finally wore the black newsboy cap. It was sitting in my cupboard for so long with the tags still uncut.

While waiting for Per, went to Kino to get the mags. Proceeded to the second floor’s seating to wait. Got a few things settled while waiting. Replied to sms-es. Called up Cash Studio to book a place for Monday. Wait. Wait. Wait. It was one long wait. I was even wondering whether the Furla salespeople wondered how come this (strangely) dressed girl has been there for so long. Good thing I wore the cap. It gave me the privacy I needed when I didn’t want to have to see people looking at me.

Per finally arrived. Hallelujah! Went to get dinner since I calculated that we still had time to eat before the last band which I wanted to see most. Omu rice for dinner. :heart:

Walked over to the Youth Park. Uh oh. Everyone’s leaving. People are taking down the banners. But it’s only 8.30pm!!! I checked online the night before and the last band’s at 9.40pm. What’s going on?!

Since it was so obvious that we missed it, we decided to catch a movie instead. Da Vinci Code’s closing soon and we still haven’t caught it. Even Shige’s parents have watched it! Unfortunately, tickets for the timing we wanted were sold out and the next time slot was too late so we settled for something else. “She’s The Man“.

The movie was hilarious! Yea…can’t really go wrong with chick flicks.

After the movie, met Sis back at the 24-hour Mac which was rather packed. Soccer somehow unites all the guys. The tv in Mac was tuned to the World Cup matches. It’s so funny to see everyone just stand up and yell “GOAL!” in unison. Anyway, we called Yew Seng to join us for supper and spent a few hours there until Dad called to hurry us home. 

Sis borrowed my digicam so I couldn’t take a photo of Per and I…

one night only

Coolest tattoo in town…

Haha, just kidding. That’s just the stamp from the i-weekly birthday bash held yesterday at Sentosa.

Scream! Make some noise! Jump around like never before. All for one night, let your hair down and unleash that crazed fan in you.

As the concert began, I couldn’t switch myself to the “feel high” mode. I was beginning to really believe that maybe I’ve passed that phase. I was proven wrong by the time Qi:Nobe performed. Then, the moment I was waiting for came. Lucify performed the song they performed for the revival round of SuperBand, Energy and 小猪’s “一起走吧”. By then, I was jumping up and down and screaming the lyrics.

Omg. And Kel was wearing his cap AGAIN. 超かっこいい!!! :woot:

Let me try to summarise the whole evening in this way:

Number of 帅哥s: 5
1) 洪俊扬 – Aiyah, can’t deny it lahz. He is 帅。Oh, but he isn’t that tall either.
2) D from JuzB – Malay 帅哥。
3) Bryan aka Brods 弟弟 from Brods
4) Andy from Soul – Actually the whole of Soul looked good with their silver and black outfits. I know Per is going to say that Andy looks like Arnold Schwerzenegger. AND WHEN DID I SAY I AM ISHI’S FAN?! I just said he looked good in the beginning of SuperBand. Per grabbed my hand and started waving it while screaming for Ishi’s attention. -_-|||
5) (Uncle) Kel from Lucify – Just coz he was wearing his cap which made him looked good. Aiyoh…please don’t let your head swell just coz I said you’re 帅 horz. It’s not permanent. Oopz…now, did I just burst your bubble? Hahaha…

Number of cute guys: 1
1) Tank – 帅 but in a different way. Smiles a lot and got that boyish charm.
Hurhur…Per is going to strangle me coz I didn’t mention anyone from 迷路兵…

Number of Massu lookalikes: 2
1) Awi from Soul – His pearly whites should score him a toothpaste endorsement. Throughout Soul’s performance, he was just grinning from end to end. Can’t understand what he’s so happy about. Maybe he’s taking the same type of happy pills as Massu…
2) Tank – Another guy who smiled A LOT.

Number of Rain lookalikes: 1
1) 伍洛毅 – One of the hosts for the concert. He does look a little like korean superstar, Rain.

Number of sound system screw-ups (that pissed me off): 4
1) 馒头’s bassist – I think the mic for his bass wasn’t working properly at one point?
2) Nic from 迷路兵 – No sound from his mic.
3) Yanto from Qi:Nobe – His problem was during sound check. Mic for his instrument wasn’t working.
4) Misaki from Lucify – No sound from his mic. WTH. Couldn’t hear his rap lorz. The sound crew ought to be shot. :glare:

Number of lip-synchers: 1
1) 潘嘉丽 – We’re all guessing she wasn’t singing live…

Number of irritating hosts: 1
1) 伍洛毅 – This one wanted to share the limelight with the artistes. Tried to act cool and made everyone call him “Rain”. Please lorz…try harder next time. Oh wait, don’t even try at all. *rolls eyes*

Number of performers who cried: 1
1) Renfred – From Campus Superstar fame. We were wondering whether he teared coz he was upset when the crowd didn’t pay attention to him and started screaming for Qi:Nobe coz they were getting ready behind while the hosts were asking Renfred some questions. Later we concluded that he teared coz of the smoke which might have irritated his eyes.

Number of times the (stupid) smoke-machine expelled smoke: countless
Nothing to say except the smoke STINKS! Left me gasping for air when it kept expelling smoke during Lucify’s performance. Irritating. Made it hard to see who’s performing on stage.

Not going to post up any photos coz the quality are all lousy. Blurry and all blah.

Cost of ticket: $2
Cost of entrance to Sentosa: $3
Cost to see Per get all high: Priceless

Haha…quite shocking actually. Per was like screaming for everybody and anybody.

finally out

夏日风 is out!!! WOOHOO! Finally manz! I bet their comments board is flooded with comments. Haha…even if they get through, their comments board will still be flooded with comments. It’s just a matter of type of comment.

Since Sis went to tell Kel, I have nothing to lose now. My image is already gone. *laughs madly* I was going “UNCLE KEL! UNCLE KEL!” at the tv screen when he appeared. Coz he looked good with the cap. I :heart: newsboy caps. I have 3…though I seldom wear them now. His was the squarish type.

I got distracted. Continued working on the layout. Sliced the images and all. Then I got distracted with other things so I guess it won’t be up today. Probably in a few days time.

japanese artiste coming to town

Argh. Aikawa Nanase is coming to Singapore for some Singapore Arts Festival activity at Fort Canning but it’s not free admission. Damnit. $25. I’m not going to pay that much just to see her. It’s a programme with other artistes as well. Not that I’m a big fan of hers but at least she’s a Japanese artiste whom I know of. :glare:

Went to the airport to keep Per company as she waited for her parents to arrive home. Her mum gave her the wrong info so she was there too early. We had dinner at Pasta Fresca. I was a tad disappointed coz the pasta was just so-so.

Nothing much to blog about now. Bloop bloop bloop…*bounces away*


Too caught up in my thoughts and the recent SuperBand fever that I’ve left out quite a few things.

  1. Haven’t visted JpopMusic forums for a long long time.
  2. Forget to visit Binan no Nikki and friends’ blogs.
  3. Haven’t blogged on certain things.
  4. Haven’t made screenshots from Kanjani8 Spirits! dvd.

Point 1. I’m trying hard not to go there too coz there’s just too many temptations there. Too many things to download. Still haven’t cleared out my harddrive. I’m seriously lagging behind. Haven’t even downloaded the new dramas. Bleargh.

Point 2. I somehow forget to check on Binan no Nikki. Always end up having to go back at least 2-3 pages to read the entries. Ryo and Tacchon went to watch Da Vinci Code. So cool~~~ And I haven’t watched it. Shige talks about English and Computer class. He has bad luck manz. The computer he uses always hangs while he’s doing his quiz. I had a really bad thought. Imagine him getting the blue screen of death one of these days. Muahahahahaha… Friends’ blogs aren’t that bad…coz there’s usually not much to catch up.

Point 3. Fancy me talking about wanting to blog about Xiuwei’s party. Actually I don’t really have the mood to blog about it anymore. And I actually missed out with all the birthday wishes. So whoever I haven’t wished in my blog yet. Happy belated birthday to you guys! May all your dreams come true. 🙂

Point 4. Meant to make a screenshot of aho Maru in his “aunty” costume. To make an avatar out of it. Need to get it done soon so I can return the dvd to Per. By the way, Per, is my Summary concert vcd with you? Or is it just somewhere (lost) in my house? Can’t seem to find it.

Recently, my posters are all falling off the door/wall/cupboard. First it was my S.H.E poster, then the Arashi one, then the Ayu , and just yesterday, the Eriko one. It’s a sign that it’s high-time I change them. The plastic is all warped already. The big Ayu A Ballads poster on the wall just above my bed decided to drop in the middle of the night. Thank God it made a noise loud enough to wake me up before it actually dropped. Imagine waking up to an Ayu poster covering my face. But I don’t really want to change the plastic and all that coz it won’t be long before we move. So there’s no point at all. Maybe I’ll just change the blu-tack.

Just visited the SuperBand blogs. I must say that people can be quite stupid. Yes, it takes some guts to post a not-so-nice sounding comment. But please consider what might follow. Say your not-so-nice comment in blog A (belonging to a not-so-good group), that’s still ok considering the number of other people who are also posting their not-so-nice comments. But if you go post your not-so-nice comment in blog B (belonging to a popular group), I think you’re just digging your own grave. Simply coz the number of fans outnumber you and I don’t think the fans are just going to take all your “valuable” comments sitting down.

Be smart. Post in your own blog. Like ME…HAHAHAHA… Coz it belongs to you so you more or less have full control. :laugh:

Ok…got to go now. Going to watch X-Men…lalala…


Recently I’ve been receiving spam as blog comments. I don’t mean just one or 2. 20-30 per day. Luckily I adjusted the settings to put any comment with more than one link on hold for approval. This sort of works coz the spam comments usually contain links.

Until today. I find Pwen’s comment thrown into the same area for approval as well. Now, this is worrying. For the last few days, I could have deleted a valid comment without knowing.

Why do I always get these unfortunate kinda things thrown at me? ARGH! :angry: :angry: :angry:

yoso wa yoso, uchi wa uchi

“他所は他所 家は家!!!”

I bet my mum would have said that if she was Japanese. Hina says this line in a very おばちゃん manner at the beginning of “∞SAKAおばちゃんROCK”. It sounds so funny. Direct translation: “Somewhere else is somewhere else, home is home!!!” Per said it’s probably a common saying for mums when they scold their kids. Like when their kids always come home late.

Oh…I have quite a few things to blog about. From the previous entry, the meme that made me so high… Haha…some people should know why. Give you a hint…Ma___. :woot: It was a meme rin-chan posted in the forum.

Who do you like: Massu :heart:
Who likes you: Shige
Where will you meet the one you like: KFC (Why am I not surprised? KFC = food = Massu) :rofl:
Who do you marry: Shige
Who loves you for real: Shige
What is your ending: have twins

The first line already made me go “AKIRA SHOCK!”

Second, Tacchon’s birthday. HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY, TACCHON! Per and I met up with Cindi and Julia again to celebrate Tacchon’s birthday on Tuesday. They couldn’t find a green cake again. Some explanation here…light green is Tacchon’s ranger colour. We ended up ordering desserts that were green in colour. With one exception, the red bean ice-cream which has a kanji (小倉) that almost looks like Tacchon’s surname (大倉).

Red bean ice-cream, some green tea mousse (can’t really remember the name of it) and warabi mochi with green tea ice-cream

The green tea mousse came with this cage-like cover…

After the dinner, I went to meet Sis at the airport to welcome Yui and Ryoko back from their trip to Japan. Haven’t read their report on the KAT-TUN concert which they went to watch.

Today, went to ktv with Sis and Per. Cash Studio at Apollo Centre. Good place if you want to sing Japanese songs coz they have this whole book of Japanese songs, almost phonebook thick. I think the only bonus for me, the one being the worst at Japanese, were the NewS songs. We were singing NEWSニッポン and 希望~Yell~ so loudly. :laugh: I can only manage songs that I have partly memorised or have lyrics almost all in hiragana and must be pretty slow coz I read pretty slowly. Which is why Per has been “reprimanding” me that I should go study Japanese. Too lazy lahz…hehe…

Oh. Mum just called me to go bathe. Shall end here. Thanks Per for sending me the radio rip of “∞SAKAおばちゃんROCK”. It goes on repeat mode everytime I listen to it. :rofl: