“Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, we are the K.A.T.T.U.N. It’s SHOWTIME!”

KAT-TUN has finally officially debuted! おめでとう!!! You guys have waited so long for this day to come. Although I’m not like a big fan but I’m happy for you guys. No more classified under Johnny’s Jr.

I wanted to post this earlier but a lot of things came up. Then Sis started asking me to post something. I am, I am… =P

Sis is like playing every KAT-TUN song there is now. She’s so happy that her 亀くん and her 仁仁 have debuted. She blasted the “Real Face” PV just now when it hit 11pm (12am Japan time). And then everyone started “spamming” the KAT-TUN thread in the forum.

Per told me this and then I went to the Kanjani8 LiveJournal to read. This American girl went on Recomen! (a radio programme hosted by Kanjani8’s Yoko and Hina) UWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! She teaches English in Japan. This is like a chance of a lifetime. I’m so happy for her!!! *dances around* I couldn’t stop saying OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG to Per on MSN after reading her post.

This blog is like becoming a blog about JE boys. Heehee~~~

Oh oh…it’s also sensei’s birthday ne. お誕生日おめでとう!!! *throws confetti*

And then I’m like trying to send Nad some stuff as well.

See what I mean that so many things are happening today? So excited until I have no time to watch the dramas I just downloaded. =P


Bad news. My supposed supervisor was supposed to hand in the request for temporary staff to the director’s office. He didn’t know so anyway, he finally did. And bad news. The director did not approve, saying that their department has enough temporary staff and coz of the budget, no more new temporary staff at the moment. Which means, I can’t work in my mum’s office. Which also means, I’m jobless now.

Way to go manz. So now I have to get another job. I’m going to leave going back to Mos last coz the pay is very little.

Good news. I just recorded my voice message greeting. So now if I miss the call, you guys get to hear “Sukiyanen, Osaka”. Isn’t that better than hearing that boring Singtel greeting all the time? Quality’s crapz though.

101 reasons

“I am feeling hot, need to take a bath.”

“My throat is feeling dry, need to drink water.”

“Mummy, mummyyyyyyyy…I want to eat chicken chop for tomorrow’s dinner.”

“Wah…what the hell is that cat face?”

“Eh…you very eng hor?”

“What thing? What thing? I want to see it too!”



No doubt about it. Number 1 procrastinator.

did you think it was forever?

We wanted to go ice-skating on Saturday. Per said there’s a package for four people so Per, James, Tristan (Per’s friend) and I decided on it. Went all the way to Jurong just to find that the ice-hockey competition was going on and that the rink would be closed to the public for the whole day. Worse, we found out that that was the last day of the competition. Imagine how dui we were. T_T

Mum got me a temporary job at her office again. At first, the news came a little too sudden. I know I’ve been complaining about my current workplace a lot, saying things like I want out. But suddenly, I feel attached to the place. I’ve grown to find that the place is not too bad after all. Working with the aunties, learning new skills but not really having the time to improve and master them. Yet I know that this is the chance to move on and earn a little more. After having little talks with Dad and Per, I felt much better. Hence, I informed Reena about me working till the end of this week.

With that, I guess it’ll be a change of scenery come next Monday. Also, James has some freelance lobang for web design. I agreed but really am still not too confident about it. I did warn him that if he were to find my design unsuitable, he can always change it and I wouldn’t insist in getting anything out of it. Afterall, this is my first freelance job.

I talked to Dad about school and stuff. He gave me an idea of what I might want to pursue. Glad I talked to him about it.


Oh yea…I burned my hand again. Corn soup again. But hey, 我学乖了。 This time I immediately went to soak my hand and asked for the cream to apply. So it ain’t that bad. This is like my third time getting burnt. The first was the worse. The whole hand was like going to 烂掉。The second time was with the deep fryer basket. Just a line near my elbow. Half the scab is off. Waiting for the other part to be fully healed then can peel off the scab.

I haven’t blogged for some time. I know there’s a lot to blog about but after days have passed, I feel so lazy and blah to talk about it. I guess I shall list the main events and talk a LITTLE bit.

  • Pwen went back to Australia.
  • Jo’s 21st birthday.
  • I hate customers who look down on our job.

How time flies. Pwen came home to spend one month with family and friends. Now it’s back to studying for her. Per and I went to see her off at the airport.

Jo’s 21st birthday party was held in Downtown East. 7ners got to stay over. Privileged bunch…hahaha. The first night was spent playing games on the Xbox. Some racing game and X-Men Legends. Per and I ended up staying awake while the rest were sleeping. Haha…this is like déjà vu. We were the only 2 awake on the bus trip to Ipoh some time ago. Anyway, we finally got our hands on the xbox controllers.

So we played the racing game. Now this is so damn funny. Trust me, the cars weren’t easy to control. Jab the little control to much to the side, your car turns by A LOT. Bang your car too hard, the wheels come off. No kidding. When the wheels come off, you’re totally stuck. No button to press to get the driver out to fix them back on. So the aim of the game was whatever happens to your car, DO NOT let the wheels come off. The first few moments were tragic. We had to restart the game a lot. Trying to control our laughter in the wee hours of the morning. This was truly where the abbreviation “rofl” (rolling on the floor with laughter) described the total situation. So instead of racing like we should be, our mission ended up being “Whatever you do, don’t let your car wheels come off.”

I think I am like the WORST driver. So reckless. Look at what happened to my car…


Let’s just face it. I’m crap at playing arcade games. Which is also why I don’t like playing arcade games. HAHAHA…

The day was spent with Jo unwrapping her presents from us and doing forfeits. Her presents from us were a little tiara and 1000-piece Noah’s Ark jigsaw puzzle. We wasted no time in starting to piece the puzzle since it would hold more meaning if all the 7ners pieced it together. Hmmm…although 7ners was not complete since Pwen and CJ weren’t there.

Night came. The real celebration. No BBQ. Jo’s aunt cooked the food which was good by the way. But Jo was so busy running up and down trying to settle the food and stuff and trying to spend time with her guests which consisted of relatives and friends.

Per and I didn’t stay for the second night.

No big celebration like that for my 21st. Maybe I should spend the whole day sleeping. HAHAHA…just kidding. I don’t know. I guess it’ll be spent like the past birthdays. Once with friends, have a meal together that kinda thing and then once with family whom I have forced to buy me a black forest cake. HAHAHA…

Now for the third point. Recently I served 2 office ladies. They were at the next counter looking at the menu, trying to decide what to eat. I was serving another customer. When I was done, another couple who came later stepped up. I was about to tell the office ladies to come over since they were there first. Before I could say anything, one of them said in an annoyed tone “We were here FIRST.” So alright, I served them FIRST.

The whole time I was taking their order, I could sense this unfriendliness in their tone. The message that was given off was like they think they are so damn superior just coz they are working in a comfy air-conditioned office while we are stuck in a hot and greasy place and we earn a measly pay. What? Don’t treat us like we’re some lowly shit ok. Like we’re some insignificant organism. Whether we work in a posh place or a crappy one, we’re all the same. We’re all HUMANS. Just like a sweeper or a labourer, I wouldn’t look down on them. Without them, who else is willing to do the job? Anyway, the (crap) ladies had better believe in karma. What goes around comes around.

All I gotta say is that this job teaches you patience. Many times I’m like rolling my eyes (which is damn unhealthy) and holding myself back from spitting out some words which ain’t going to sound nice. It’s so fake. You have to act so nice when yet you’re raging inside and you just want to reach across the counter to slap that person.

bare butts

I was tagged by Per to do this whole JE bare butt meme.

  1. Who was your first JE butt?
  2. I can’t remember if I’ve seen any pictures but I do remember seeing P’s butt.

  3. What situation was it?
  4. It was a short clip from a drama.

  5. Any other JE butts you’ve seen?
  6. Like I said, I don’t remember. Maybe I did but I was too traumatised to remember. HAHAHA…

  7. Any JE butts you WANNA see?
  8. Omg…why the hell would I want to see anyone’s butt?

  9. JE butts that you would rather dig out your eyes than see.
  10. Johnny’s…HAHAHA…

Ermz…I don’t know who would want to continue doing this meme but anyway, just do it if you want to or know what the hell we’re talking about.

Per got her new i-mode phone. Apart for a certain function, we feel it pales in comparison to Japan’s i-mode service. And the main thing is that, the menu is different so it’s not possible to subscribe to JWeb. Let’s hope that the service improves and that more service providers provide this feature. Currently only Starhub offers it.

I haven’t actually seen the phone but I think this is something I’ll like and want to get. Except that it’s too expensive right now (in my parent’s terms). Behold the Samsung Z140


Too hooked on Maple. So much so that I created a new character on Bootes server. I tried every Berryz Koubou girl’s name and only Maasa’s was available. Nahz. Didn’t like that name. Every other MM girl’s name was too common so it was unavailable. Finally I tried “Sonim” and it worked. She (the character) looks very much like Miuna except she’s got brown hair and she uses an axe unlike Miuna who initially used a sword. Anyway, I’m training her as a warrior as well. Except I won’t make the same mistake of letting her level up past level 10 on the newbie island.

The hairstyles available are pathetic. Only 3 hairstyles to choose from. Trust me, this is the best.

Playing as a beginner is a little frustrating though. Coz you can’t tackle more “dangerous” monsters with one swipe. Oh…that also brings me to the point that I like playing the game at odd hours so there are less people online. Can’t stand it when some high-level person comes along and takes a swipe at the monster I’m trying to tackle and successfully kills it. Hello, don’t think coz you’re a pro means you can be smug about it. Can you leave something for us low-level people to kill? Go attack the bigger monsters lahz.

Then, the real Sonim…

Maple aside. Valentine’s day was well…just like any other day. No gifts whatsoever. Still had to work. It is really like how Emily Strange puts it, “Love Me Not Day”. Haha…

Today, work made me rather pissed off towards the end of my shift. My work hours were extended till 7pm. *sigh* Always lack of staff. Gawd, some people can really test my patience. Oh and those new crew…manz, they really need a good talking to. 3 of them, all friends. One disappear, all disappear. Their last minute excuses are pathetic. I suspect they are lying when they say they have some school thing to see to that’s why they can’t work. If you wanna lie, make sure it’s fool-proof. They really should try harder. And they don’t have the courtesy to inform the manager even if it’s last minute. The manager has to “chase” after them when they don’t appear for work.

Look, take pride in your work ok. If you don’t want to work, nobody’s forcing you. You can quit if you want. Please don’t do this kinda thing, turn up one day, next few days go MIA. People have to cover up your sorry asses and it ain’t pretty.

お誕生日おめでとう草野! Though I wish it didn’t happen, the hands of time can’t be wound back. We await for your and Uchi’s return. We look forward to a better NewS when you guys resume your activities as a group. I guess for now you can concentrate on your studies since you have just been accepted into university.


I am in serious need of clearing my hard drive. Too many things, too little space. The rate at which I download stuff is too great…can you say “AKIRA SHOCK!” I gotta start watching the dramas soon so I can burn them into discs and then get a little more space.

I’m insane. I’m thinking of buying credits for Maple so I can buy items and change Miuna’s (my character) hairstyle. Someone please talk me out of it.

Then, the real Miuna…


Work today was ok. Tiring as always when I work in the kitchen. Met 3 friends. Per and Pwen came to say hello but couldn’t talk to them coz was busy. It’s crazy. Sometimes there’s totally nobody and then suddenly there’s a crowd. It just proves that my theory is correct. Sometimes a crowd just grows coz of each person’s kaypoh-ness. It’s like they don’t really want to eat our food but just coz they see a queue, they have to kaypoh and queue as well. Of course, finally they sort of tell themselves that they’re going to eat something and they actually buy something.

Saw Bianca as well.

I’m hooked on Maple again. Omg…in their latest game update, they have added the feature where players can actually get married. Is this hilarious of what… And they added those tikam machines. Wahahahaha…

8 points

Haven’t had much to write about for the past 2 days except that we celebrated Dad’s birthday and watched the Jet Li movie, “Fearless“.

I’ve been tagged by Nadine.
# the tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of their perfect lover.
# need to mention the sex of the target.
# Tag 8 victims to join this game & leave a comment on their comments saying they’ve been tagged.
# If tagged a 2nd time; no need to post

Target: Male

  1. non-smoker
  2. able to trust
  3. offer me hugs when I’m upset
  4. willing to dry my hair for me
  5. able to hold intellectual conversations
  6. thoughtful
  7. family oriented
  8. observant

Who I tag: Ling and anybody else who wants to do this.


And then let me explain my points.

Point 2:
I believe trust is a very important thing in relationships. I’m not going to have someone make me report my movements 24/7 just coz he thinks I’m going to run off with someone else. I still want to maintain my friendships. If you are going to suspect my love for you then why are we even together?

Point 3:
Hehe…he must not be stingy with his hugs. Must also offer me a shoulder to cry on.

Point 4:
This may seem a small matter to everyone but it means a lot to me.

Point 5:
I cannot stand people who talk rubbish or shoot off random words and then think they are so damn funny. When you do that, you’re telling me that you have no intelligence. I like people who are able to talk about different things, give opinions to certain issues, tell me what you think about something, share with me your ideas etc.

Point 6:
I don’t need him to shower me with expensive gifts. Simple things to show that he cares is fine.

Point 7:
He must respect his family and elders. He doesn’t have to go to the extent of being a mummy’s boy though.

Point 8:
He knows what I like or don’t like. Don’t need to know EVERYTHING but at least know the important things, that I don’t like cheese, butter, milk, cream etc. Surprise me by knowing little things like, I do not like ice-cream floats. Even some of my friends know that. (Right, Nad?)