mtv/pv list

The mtv/pv list is done. Under “Fun”. I didn’t know I had that many mtvs/pvs until I listed them out and took a look. Haha…mostly Japanese.

Next to sort out would be CMs. Tons to be renamed.

I sorted out Sis’s printer problems. You see, I couldn’t install it coz it needed the driver and I don’t know where the cd-rom went. Kinda procrastinated for awhile. So I fixed it once and for all. Yay for me.

done with the past

YES! I’m done with backing up my past entries at diaryland. So now it’s permanently goodbye to diaryland. *waves goodbye*

We were supposed to go to Botanic Gardens to watch Cheng Huat play with his school (VJC) band. However due to the bad weather, we decided to stay home. We did go out for dinner though. Dinner was at Mushroom Pot in Orchard Point.


Yesterday, supposed to meet Per and James for dinner. But dear Per fell asleep so ended up James, Sis and I had dinner at Pasta Mania. After which, James and I headed for her house. Going there to install some stuff in her computer. Decided to walk there since James wanted to grab something from Subway which is near the stadium. Bad idea. HAHAHA…coz I’m lousy at directions. We got lost. Till now, I cannot really picture how we can get lost. In my mind, everything is set out in blocks so I really can’t understand certain parts unless someone tells me that the path we walked was a bend. It just looked like a straight path so I really have no idea how we ended up near the police post. Shall consult the street directory later. No use in someone telling me.

Anyway, this really confirms that I cannot learn to drive. Coz I will end up getting lost. The kind where this situation might just pop up…

Me gets lost and calls friend.
Me: I’m lost.
Friend: Where are you? Which area are you in?
Me: I don’t know.
Friend: Describe to me the area. Any landmarks?
Me: Ehz…I don’t know. Just trees and blocks. *pause* And a road ahead.
Friend: How I know where are you? *pengz*

Finally Per met us and brought us to her house.

Went home really late. Sis and I couldn’t sleep and ended up talking all the way till Mum came to talk about the Japan trip. So we finally got the tickets. Then Per asked whether we wanted to have breakfast since we weren’t asleep yet.

Had breakkie at Mac. Hung around till around noon then went home to sleep. By then I was really tired and well, just wanted to go home. Had things on my mind.

Never thought I would sleep till 6pm. But it felt good to escape reality for awhile. And now I’m back.


I suddenly realised I got my priorities wrong. Since yesterday or even before that, I have been trying to compile a list of all my mp3s and mtvs to put up here. Got this idea after visiting a Tackey & Tsubasa site and then requesting the webmistress to send me some clips. It’s like sharing all the goodies you have. Anyway, coz of that, I haven’t been continuing the ardous process of backing up my diaryland entries. Which I must coz probably in a month’s time, diaryland will just delete my account coz I am not blogging with them anymore.

Per just sent me a url of some lucky girl’s site. Why lucky? Coz she managed to talk to some of the NewS members. *faints faints faints* I told Per that if I ever EVER get to meet any of them, I think I will just be silent after “hello”. Like just TOTAL SILENCE. Why? Coz I can’t speak Japanese. I only know like what…a few random words, not enough to string proper sentences. *thinks* But then again, I seem to be quite quiet around people I don’t really know. Then they all think I am a very quiet person. Sorry manz, you gotta know me well to know that I ain’t THAT quiet. HAHAHA…

In less than 24 hours, the IOC will decide which country will be hosting the 2012 Olympics. Hope London wins the bid. Haha…coz I signed to support them. Stupid reason huh? Singapore will never get to be host country coz our country is so freakin’ small. If some Europeans can think that we are part of China, that just goes to show how insignificant our country is in terms of size. Probably the number of tourists who visit the country for the Olympics is enough to fill our whole country. Then where are our people going to stay? Underground…HAHAHA…

the official first entry

[edited at 2.36pm]
I know I have to back up my entries at diaryland but I’m feeling so lazy. It is a long process. I only managed to back up half of January 2004’s entries last night. And I realised that the page gets really long coz the space for the entries is small. Grrr…

This is where I post my (so-called) first official entry. Ok…with Word Press that is.

Actually I’m not exactly in a good mood now coz I’m trying to reformat Sis’s computer, half wondering why that freaking thing takes so damn long to load and half tolerating the irritating sister.

Still in the midst of backing up my old entries at diaryland. They are too dear to just let go. About a year and more of entries…can’t bear to see it all go. Coz they ARE a part of me. Diaryland was down last night after I finished most of the layout here so I couldn’t start on it.

Today, I have to get busy with Sis’s computer. And I realise I have no freaking patience with “computer idiots”. All they do is sit there, complain till thy kingdom come that there’s a problem and someone’s gotta fix it. C’mon, I ain’t no expert but I try all I can to help myself ok. Whether be it looking up the net for articles and help or actually finding where I can get some expert’s help.

This just doesn’t sound good for a first entry but what the hell…

Did you see that? The “Hello World!” entry is GONE! Nyahahahahahaha… It was just a test entry…which some of you went to comment on. Haha… Ok ok, I’m sorry. Just re-comment?

the last entry

I guess this should be my so-called last entry in diaryland. Since tomorrow is July already and I wanted to start afresh in my blog so that the archives wouldn’t be so messy.

Everything’s almost done there. I need to back up all my entries here and transfer them there. Certain links have to be done up as well.

I’m thinking of adding my list of PVs and songs for people to request for download. Having been getting lots of stuff off people’s sites so it’s time I contribute something.

Wanted to blog yesterday but diaryland was down. Watched “Initial D” with James. It was also to get back my router. Many thanks to him for helping me run down to the company to get it checked.

Haha…now I know why Ling said the female lead’s voice is irritating. Coz it is irritating. The voice-over for Suzuki Anne is horrible. I don’t understand why just coz she’s a female, she has to have a darn high pitched voice. It’s the same for anime. Sometimes it’s so unnaturally high.

Anyway, there should be a part 2 for the movie. Haha…

The Massu site is down. Darn. Now I only have the first episode of Kinpachi Sensei. Per knows that I get high when I manage to download something with Massu in it. HAHAHA. Of course…it’s like how she gets that high feeling when she downloads something with Ryo or Kanjani8. But I must agree that Honjani episodes seem really funny where you’ll just laugh your head off. Judging from the translations and screencaps on this website that Per found.

away for the weekend

Realised I haven’t blog in awhile.

Was away in Ipoh for the weekend. Per’s mum couldn’t go so they had a spare bus ticket. I was quite surprised that Mum allowed me to go. This is after all my first trip with a friend.

The whole bus ride there, Per and I were the only ones awake and talking. Haha…

Didn’t buy anything there for myself. Although I did see a pair of shoes but pity they didn’t have my size. Well, ok I did. Just some munchies for the family.

Oh shucks! I just realised I haven’t called Singtel to cut off the auto-roaming for my handphone.

Anyway, I’m busy working my main blog page. More or less everything up. Just a bit more and the total backup of all my blog entries here.

flipping through the papers

Been fixing my blog bit by bit.

Yesterday I was dying to share my thoughts on 2 issues but Sis was using the computer and Per was busy.

I was flipping through 2 days worth of Newpaper just to read about the body found at the river. Anyway, in the newspaper, there was also an article about that Singaporean girl blogger who recently got (in)famous by posting nude shots of herself on her blog.

By the time I finished reading the article, I was rolling my eyes. What she commented sounded like she really didn’t want the attention. But her actions showed otherwise. Stop contradicting yourself. If you think you enjoy basking in all the attention given to you, then just admit it. We all want a little attention sometimes, even I do. Well, let’s just say it reminded me of someone I knew.

Flipping through newspapers and magazines these days can be quite a “traumatic” thing for me. For one, they like to publish tons of chatline advertisements along with it. So much so that I wonder whether I’m actually getting my money’s worth of news and articles.

Anyway, that’s not the point. The point is that these chatline advertisements use pictures of Japanese stars. What? You think I don’t know is it? It makes me feel like they are just out to cheat people. Hell yea. Maybe they ARE out to cheat people. Some lonely bugger (as what CJ terms these people) out there sees your advertisement, thinks they can talk to such a pretty girl or handsome guy, when maybe all you can offer are average looking people. Hey, isn’t that how sex predators look for their prey? Someone pretends to be some good looking person when in actual fact he is just a pot-bellied, 40-something year old man with a receding hairline.

So far, they have been using the Morning Musume girls. Alright, these girls are around the legal age. Then I see a Berryz Koubou girl?! What the hell. She’s just about 12 years old! Ok ok…not to kick up a big fuss. But what else do I see? Akanishi Jin from Johnny’s entertainment’s KAT-TUN?! *fumes*

Per told me before that Johnny’s entertainment is very particular about how the pictures are published. Unless it is a magazine or website approved by the company itself, no other magazine or website is allowed to publish their photos. Even if say one of the Johnny’s boys act in a drama and there is an official website for that drama. They can put up every other actors’ or actresses’ photos except that Johnny’s boy’s. Hello. They have to make money ok. If not, why do they sell tons of official photos?

So…these chatline companies had better watch out. If they get caught, they could be sued…it’s really a deep shit situation we’re talking about here.

the converse shoes and the adidas shoes

*stares at old Converse shoes* Goodbye, my comfy shoes. For the past 2 years, you have brought comfort to my feet, walking wherever I went. You got dirty through time but you didn’t mind it.

It is hard to part with my first pair of Converse shoes. Coz it feels so comfy after having worn it for 2 years. But it is time to go coz the heel part has worn out. It is so dirty. The side design cracked. Hole appearing. *sigh*

*stares at new Adidas shoes* Hi, new shoes. You’ll stick with me for the next 2 years or more. You had better appreciate it coz I quarrelled with Sis over you today.

Nahz. Sis and I got pissed off with each other. Coz we were supposed to go out but she didn’t tell me what time she wanted to go. So I was watching vcds the whole time and suddenly she announces “Let’s go”. I haven’t worn the new shoes yet so I haven’t adjusted the laces. And she couldn’t really wait. So I had to angrily tell her to go off first.

Oh well, the shoes are fine except it needs to be worn a few times to season it such that it reaches the super comfy level.

the voice at the station

Haha…looks like I will still be blogging here for some time since I haven’t figured out WordPress fully. Haven’t even finished with the header. But you can expect someone’s face on it. Hahaha…you should know who by now.

Had a wonderful time today. Met up with Xianglin. Had a really full meal at NYDC then we walked around. I’m so sad to say that the Japanese section in the music stores are getting smaller and smaller. I couldn’t even find one Kanjani8 single anywhere. Anyway, we talked a lot about what’s happening now. Feeling nostalgic about the past. Agreed that a lot of things have changed.

Walked around Kino a bit while waiting for Per to arrive. By then Xianglin had gone home.

We flipped through the latest issue of Kansai Walker to check out on natsu matsuri and the fireworks festival. After which, I had dinner at the omu rice stall AGAIN. Can’t get enough of it. She talked about the clips she downloaded of Kanjani8.

Went to Heeren to check if any shop sold the Pony shoes she wanted. Passed by Mise S*Clusive. Started talking to the salesgirl (Hiromi). She knows so much about Johnny’s artistes. I received the information I needed regarding the Johnny’s concerts. The 3 of us just talked on and on without realising that time was really flying past. Hurhur…actually it was more of her and Per talking while I’m just agreeing or disagreeing. *sheepish look*

By the time we actually stopped talking and left, it was past 11pm! We talked for like past an hour! But it feels good to talk about this kinda stuff so freely.

Laughed on the mrt about some message that was played in the station. Hahaha…coz she said that the tone often determines how people will react. Like if someone said “Earthquake!” in a terried and hurried tone, people will definitely scream and run. But if you changed to a calm tone, people won’t be as panicky. So we were thinking, what if the voice at the station said “The last train has just left. Good night and get lost. If you don’t go home, it’s not my business.” And I added “Otherwise you can jump off the platform.” Per added “Always wanted to fly?” I added “Now’s your chance. Good luck!” I think if I heard that, I’ll be shocked for a moment and then start laughing uncontrollably.