
I’m back from pandaland (as Per calls it). Yes, China.

My mind is in a whirl now coz I realise I have tons to keep up with since the past 2 weeks of being offline. TCGs to keep up. New songs to download. Emails to look through. Blogs to be visited. Updating my own blog. Getting my photos in order so they can be printed on time before grandpa starts hounding everybody. And not to mention the J-music forum where I get my daily dose of Japanese stuff downloaded from.

There’s lots to be told about my trip but I’ll save it for the next entry. Right now I shall just say that it was wonderful meeting up with Per and Pwen yesterday. Checking out the yukatas, tees, shoes, hats and caps at Bugis. Per decided to try on almost every cap or hat on me but it was kinda the wrong day since I tied up my hair and my ponytail was in the way.

Then we went to the mickey shop. Trying to find the same mickey cap Masuda picked up in the NewS dvd. Had a light snack in My Secret Garden while waiting for Pwen to knock off from work.

At last, Pwen arrives and we settle down to show her some stuff we found. Had dinner at Pasta Mania.

They headed for home. I headed for Orchard to meet Sis and Desmond. Bought some stuff at Mise S*Clusive. 2 uchiwas! One Aiba, the another Masuda. They are having this sale for certain items. Buy one get one free. Yay~~~

7ners chalet

Back from the chalet. Our steamboat dinner was also successful with a lot of leftovers. Initially I was afraid that the food would not be enough.

Checked in on Sunday which was also Mother’s Day. All the hustle and bustle, afternoon spending time with my family and then getting home in a hurry to pack up for the chalet. Afraid I didn’t feel my best making Mum feel at the top of the world. But yea, I love you, Mummy. I know how it is to be politically correct to say sorry for all the bad things I have done. But I know I will still do more bad things and then say sorry the next year and it just goes on and on. So I shan’t say sorry but just that I’m trying my best to make you feel proud of me and that you will always have the biggest place in my heart.

So off I went to the chalet. Had dinner out on the first night. Played mahjong. Haha…managed to win once. I’m still a beginner anyway. Stayed up late as usual. Per, CJ, Jo and Up sitting around talking. Up doing his card love life telling again. Strumming his guitar, telling jokes. Got a little sleep in the rather cramped bed.

Next day, a few of the 7ners went canoeing. Pwen, Jo and I went cycling with Nad on her rollerblades. After which, we lazed around till evening. Encountered a problem. The meat didn’t thaw out so dinner was quite late. Quite weird to see smoke from BBQs all round and at our chalet, 11 people huddled around a table having steamboat instead. Like I said, too much food. Per went to feed the leftover fishballs to the cats around.

And then the saboh started. It was to make up for not saboh-ing me on my birthday. Per did say anyway. PK warned me beforehand not to bathe yet. I thought they were going to dump me in the sea so actually I was anticipating that the whole afternoon. Forgot about it during steamboat dinner. Then while watching tv after dinner, Pwen suddenly asked if I was going to bathe soon. Which was a weird, out-of-the-blue question. Too suspicious. Knew it was coming.

So they hid clues and I was supposed to go “treasure hunting”. Thought then that it was something bad at the end where I had to do which would get myself dirty. Last clue was to look around the big dustbin outside the chalet. I knew then that the saboh was to bomb me with water bombs. Coz…

  1. I knew it was coming. Asking me to look around a dustbin with no clues. I knew you guys wouldn’t ask me to do something stupid like sifting through the rubbish for a clue.
  2. From the corner of my eye, I saw you guys holding stuff behind you. You cannot get away looking so damn innocent.
  3. I told you I have good eavesdropping skills. While coming out of the bedroom, I heard you guys rushing around trying to ask each other to hurry up. Same while I was looking around the bin, all trying to hurry each other up and yet not let the cat out of the bag.

Well, I knew I couldn’t run away. I was outnumbered, resisting it would be stupid. Since you can’t win, might as well join in. Got to their stash of water bombs, PK desperately trying to run away with them. Pelting each other with water bombs. Getting wet. Of course, I got totally wet but it was fun. Per tried putting ice down my back later but seriously it was no use. I mean, the water from the bombs was already cold so it makes no difference putting ice down my back.

After my bath, we just sat around, talking. Then played card games. Then talked some more till the early hours of morning. Left the chalet at around 10.15am. Went to Mac at Parkway for breakfast. Then went home.

For some weird reason, I expected to see Mum at home. Maybe I missed her. When I reached home and didn’t see her shoes at the shoe rack, it dawned on me that it was a weekday and she was at work. I unpacked everything and then went to sleep.

Wasn’t in a good mood in the evening since Sis was being unreasonable. Trying to “pull” me out of bed to go buy dinner. I tried to bargain that she left me alone and I’ll buy dinner the next 2 days. She just insisted. That got me mad. C’mon, just let me have my sleep alright?!

As you guys know, when I don’t get enough sleep, I get cranky as well. So I was almost in tears when walking downstairs. I didn’t care if I banged the door shut. Maybe God was fair, coz the stall was closed. Sis called Mum and then it was decided that everyone would walk to TM to have dinner. Worst, Sis acted like nothing happened while I was fuming away. Like stop acting so damn cute when you know I’m so mad at you.

Hmmm…so that’s an account of what happened from Sunday till yesterday. Tomorrow midnight, I’ll be leaving for China with my family. So it’ll be 2 weeks of no updates.

the love of your life

I like it when we have a light-hearted chat like that. Even if most of it is nonsensical. From discussing Namie’s new boyfriend which by the way is Ken Miyake from V6…either she bak jiu tak stamp or she just likes baby-faced, mickey mouse sounding guys. Anyway, from discussing that to bishonen to YamaP looking lem bek to Hyde’s new look etc etc.

That was the msn conversation I had with Per yesterday night.

Have you guys seen the Mother’s Day Johnson & Johnson’s advertisement. The baby is so cute! And the tagline for it. “You always went for the tall, dark and handsome. Who would have thought that the love of your life would be short and bald.” Something like that. It makes me smile.

i see me

So…went to the IT show at Suntec yesterday and today. Yesterday was just to check out stuff and compare prices. Went with Per and Pwen.

Looked for Ling…she was working at the Kingston counter. Saw Benjamin too, working at the Acer counter. Later in the night, Sis told me Esther was working at the NEC counter.

We checked out the UK education fair as well. The minute I stepped into the hall, I felt kinda lost. Seeing people walk into there, asking questions to the people at the booth of a particular school, and me? What was I there for? Nothing. Just to accompany Per who wanted to check out a certain school. I don’t even know what I want to study.

Well, but my presence there did help London a little. We signed in their bid for being the next host country for the Olympics. After Beijing. Oh…and I did a survey by the British Council. Haha…

Per took a Samsung pamphlet this guy was giving out. And there was this huge error staring right in her face. If you can spot it, yay for you. Else, *disgusted look*

“Visit Samsung Roadshow at Suntec City Convention Hall 602 for fanstastic deals.”

Today, I got myself a webcam from the IT show. $29…Ranger Vcam365. Don’t need an extremely good one since it’s just for fun. It has a built-in microphone too.

Today was with Jo and later Per joined us. And today was worse. More people. Human-jam.

Later, went shoe shopping with Jo. She needed a pair of slippers badly.

I think the highlight was on our way home in the MRT. Per took out the free copy of Reader’s Digest she got and we started reading the jokes. This one’s really funny. No offence to Christians and God-loving people. It’s just a joke.

“Morning sermon: Jesus walks on water. Evening sermon: Searching for Jesus.”


Oh…and a moth took a liking to Per’s jeans and decided to hitch-hike. Jo and I on the otherhand didn’t want to be near Per coz of our dear little moth. No creepy crawlies manz. Haha…

snake-y issues

Happy Deepavali! And…Happy Birthday, CJ! Hope you are having a fun one despite all the mugging for your exams.

Tomorrow will be my last day of work. Free from the boring net-less computer, the chance of bumping into Mr Snake-y in the toilet and letting my eyes see some gruesome murder *aka a squashed toad*.

Not that I did bump into a snake in the toilet anyway. But I did see one outside the office, near the drain. It was black…and it was a cobra. Iqbal saw it first since he was going out. And the rest of us just kaypoh-ed. To which the cobra decided to make a quick escape via the drain pipe outlet. Smart move. Else he’ll probably end up…dead.

Second time I’ve seen a snake other than in the zoo. The first being a rather small one trying to cross the road just outside PS and ended up flapping in the wind after some car rolled over it.

But yea…sensei, I guess this would come close to “exciting wildlife” since I replied that there weren’t any monkeys in Botanic Gardens. Haha…

Mum told me that there are pythons around too. She said the last time they caught one around my office area too. But by the time she went to kaypoh, the poor snake was already chopped up into pieces, ready to be brought home to be cooked. And yes, the chinese do eat every darn thing. *A general statement. I’m definitely not included since I’m darn picky when it comes to food.* Snake soup is supposed to be full of nutrients or something.

check out her blog

One of the reasons why I love to read Per’s blog. Check this out. I expected an entry of such to pop up on her blog. 🙂 Well, either her blog or Pwen’s.

Checked out the specifications of the laptop. NParks is under the Friends of IBM Programme and currently there’s a sale for 2 particular models of laptops. Mum asked me if I’m interested in it.

Mum cooked fish bread for dinner! *claps hands* It’s just fish paste spread on bread and then deep-fried but it’s yummy.

Had a nice chat with an ex-colleague. When I asked him how were the rest of colleagues doing, he told me that one colleague was sent to India for 3 weeks. And she’s upset about it.

I know that this isn’t news one would jump for joy for *most wouldn’t anyway*. But think about it, if everyone refuses to go then who will? So I guess one should feel honoured that she is going on this business trip coz the company values her skills?

On the other hand, at this moment, India isn’t exactly one of the safest countries. In fact, none are. Political unrest and stuff. War on terrorism. Who knows when your country is the next target? It’s easy to talk about peace but hard to exercise it.

Who knows if some drunkard on the street is racist and decides to attack you? Especially when you’re in the land where people of your race is the minority. Scary.

Say I’m paranoid but it isn’t uncommon these days.

Anyway, I’ll wish her all the best. Have a safe journey there and back. And hopefully the 3 weeks pass by quickly.

analyse and decide

I feel the need to cut my hair. Short, but not too short. Shoulder-length? Slightly shorter than that? *shrugs*

Wednesday was cool. Celebrated Pwen’s and Sof’s birthdays. Went to Le Meridien’s Feathers & Fins. Not too pricey place with good food. Recommended by Nad since she worked there before.

Highlight was the unwrapping of presents part. Held this mini competition to see who could open their present first. Not THAT simple since…

Sof’s present was wrapped like this. Present + wrapping + scotch-tape all round, criss-crossed manner + layers of newspaper wrapping + top layer.

Pwen’s present was wrapped like this. Present + wrapping + hard-to-tear plastic + 2 layers of papier mache + layers of newspaper wrapping + top layer.

If you think scotch-tape is easy to remove, you’re wrong. This comes from experience of buying Japanese magazines from Kino. Since they put scotch-tape, criss-crossed over the plastic to prevent people from tearing out stuff from the magazine. It is very hard to tear through the scotch-tape.

Bits of newspaper wrapping were flying everywhere. I’m not kidding you. While the rest of us were laughing away. Sof jumping up and down, exclaiming that she was having a tough time opening it.

Pwen lost in the end. And then came the forfeit part. Thanks to this little bottle of vinegar on the table. The vinegar was in this spray bottle. Those cosmetic spray-type bottles that can be bought from Watsons or Guardian. Weird to be used to put vinegar in. So each of us 7ners had a go at squirting vinegar into her mouth. I’m sure she had a memorable birthday celebration. *lol*

Friday…was kinda pissed off since somebody took my umbrella. I know it’s just a freakin’ umbrella but it’s the monsoon period so it rains everyday. And it rains quite unpredictably. One minute it’s all sunny and the next it’s raining cats and dogs. And it doesn’t help that I’m working in an area that is some distance from the main office.

That day it rained in the morning so I put my umbrella just outside the office to dry. Everyone else in the office does that since there’s no space in the office. There was also some training sessions conducted on that day. So there were other people using the other rooms. And they too put their umbrellas outside.

The next moment I stepped out to go to the toilet, my umbrella was missing. I thought someone borrowed it and may have left it outside the other rooms. Turned and looked at the far corners. No sign of my umbrella. Never mind. Maybe that person who borrowed it might put it back at the end of the day.

End of the day. Still no sign of my umbrella. Blardee pissed off. I know my umbrella is silver…quite common. But it’s extra light and is a bit worn. The person who took it must be obviously blind. Can’t even recognise your own belongings?!

Mum bought me another. I told her to buy something unique since I didn’t want to risk my umbrella being mistaken for somebody else’s again. Well, she did buy something unique…too unique. A light green one…almost like lime green. -_-|||

Woohoo! Chrissy-poo finally got voted out from Singapore Idol.

Who do you think will win Singapore Idol and represent Singapore in World Idol? Or rather, who would you want to win and represent Singapore in World Idol? Yea, I know Sylvester is cute and all, has the most supporters, picks the right songs to sing, has an original style but one thing…he needs to improve on his pronunciation by leaps and bounds if he wants to win. Besides he isn’t a very versatile singer. Unlike Olinda who can almost tackle all genres with much ease. She has a strong singing voice too. Well, I would have wanted Jessea to win but since she’s voted out already *damn all those people who are tone-deaf and wasted their votes on Chrissy-poo and Jerry*. So I guess among the contestants who are not yet voted out, Olinda is the one and only good singer. I would want her to represent us in World Idol.

Daphne has a too sweet-until-I-can-die-from-the-overdose-of-sugar voice. Something I can’t really stand. Oh and she’s rich. Not that I have anything against the fact that she’s wealthy. But Sis and I were both wondering if in any case she won, would it be coz of unfair voting? Her grandfather *note: owner of Goodwood Park hotel* could have asked all his workers to vote for her. And then again, she isn’t much of a versatile singer either. Same case for Leandra and Taufik…the versatile singer part.

Taufik…his plus point would be he’s a good performer. What with all his cool moves and all. But it’s really no use to be a good performer but not too good singer right?

Woke up early yesterday. Was helping out for JAS’s openhouse. Most of us were helping out with the foodstalls. I assisted one chef with the cha-han (fried rice) and spaghetti stall. Not many customers though. I think the okonomiyaki (Japanese pizza), yaki soba (fried soba noodles) and ramen stalls had the most customers.

And one thing sucked about helping out with the stalls. You don’t get to taste the food. I was totally craving for the taste of the ramen. Not that I haven’t tasted the ramen before since I have been to the openhouse last year. But I just love ramen. Not Ajisen’s though. Coz Ajisen uses stick ramen…not fresh ramen.

We got meal coupons as volunteers. Could exchange for a bento and drink. Bento included tori karaage (fried chicken), salmon, potato salad and fruits. Was too full to eat ramen by the time I finished the bento. However, I bought yaki soba and okonomiyaki for Sis.

Sidenote…I think I really should learn how to cook so I can make my own bento for myself and future guy. Possibly my best and close friends too. I think it’s sheer bliss to make bentos for the people you love.

truths and lies

A bit nervous about tomorrow’s interview. After talking to Sis, she did manage to take away a little of my fear. But I really wonder am I up to it. Believe…

Sof, hope the play went ok. I’m sure you did fine. 🙂 *smilez*

I wonder if that was for me. If it was, I’m disappointed. Have I ever lied to you? I dare you to look me square in the eye and answer me. If your answer is a “yes” then I have nothing more to say except that you chose to listen to hear-says.

Watched “Confessions Of A Teenage Drama Queen”. Hmmm…Lindsay Lohan getting quite popular I say. Coming up is “Mean Girls” which Lindsay also stars in. We almost finished this whole tub of popcorn. Popcorn overdose.

lazy butt

[edited at 2.14am]
*lol* Having fun checking through all my media files I downloaded. Discovered this one by Power98. The one where they did Star Wars in Hokkien. It’s as funny as the Wu Jian Dao CDPro2 one.

[edited at 1.34am]
Haha. Per made icons for the 7ners. So cute. *rofl* 7ners, you can download it at her blog.

Thanks for the compliments though I think this layout isn’t that great. Still got a lot to improve.

Heh…I’ve just got my lazy butt to work. Spent time today to backup the stuff on my computer. Getting ready to reformat.

Not really lazy lahz. Spent the last few nights doing some vcd watching and sewing. Almost done with the piece I’m sewing.