
Lucify got through. *sigh of relief*

迷路兵 is out. But they will be competing in the revival round. Nic looked like he was going to cry. Ah…but he seems to be the kind who blames himself for small mistakes. No confidence?

馒头…another 打不死的蟑螂? Hmmm…they are better than 夏日风 but well, they simply aren’t the best. Besides, the lead singer seems to be the arrogant sort?

I don’t like the way the hosts phrase their statement. They say something like “tonight, someone’s musical dream will end.” Who says it will end if the band is voted out? If the band loves music so much, it will never end.

I don’t think I will be blogging about Da Vinci Code anymore. Somehow it doesn’t feel the same if I blog about it now. All I can say is that the movie was interesting. I don’t know how people can say it’s boring. It makes you question about your faith. Wondering whether what you’ve been believing all along is right. Church ministers are still humans and humans make errors. Humans can give in to temptation anytime. So what now is right or wrong? 

I believe I haven’t announced this. has another hostee…Don!!! Haha…my (crappy) poly classmate. I remember him for his jokes about giving discounts to his friends. Something like “this costs $5 but since you’re my friend, I’ll give you a discount…$4.99.” -_-||| And I still remember him helping me out with my DDAD project…the one that left me in tears coz I was panicking when I couldn’t figure it out. Programming has never and will never be my strongest suit.

I’m tired but I still have things to do… 🙁

new kid on the block has a new hostee – Lynn. Ah…she’s currently busy with her projects so nothing’s up yet. Just installed WordPress that’s all. Took the chance to update my version of WordPress as well. Yea…nothing better to do.

Ah…I forgot to add this in my previous entry. After the recording, Uncle Kel, Carol, Sis and I shared a cab home. We asked Uncle Kel whether he wanted to eat first or go straight home. He replied in this careful tone “我可以选择回家吗?” It sort of pained me (and Sis and Carol?) to hear that? Silly, of course you can choose. You HAVE the right to choose. We are not forcing you to do things you don’t want to. Friends don’t force each other to do things they don’t want to.

This brings us back to the whole “do we live to please others only or ourselves as well?” I know you want to make everyone happy but at the expense of your own happiness? It’s not being selfish. Yes, there are situations where you can make everyone happy but sometimes you just can’t. There’s a limit to everything.

I do not speak as if I know you that well. You make your own choices here.

Lucify got through this round of SuperBand. Yep, happy they got through. But the feeling isn’t scary anymore when I see them stand on the coloured boxes. Even if they didn’t get through, to have come this far, it’s good enough. Of course, if they get through the following rounds to come, it’ll be a bonus. But it’s the effort put into every performance that makes everything worth it.

Pity Qi:Nobe’s out though. Coz they wouldn’t be at the YES 93.3 event this Friday. They really make the crowd high each time they perform. This week’s performance for the competition wasn’t good though. Like everyone was just tired…

Alright, now let me rant. I was deciding whether to remove my tagboard since it’s just an extra feature here. Plus it causes pop-ups and I think there’s spyware and bots linked to it. And I saw it. This nasty comment left by an anonymous person. *rolls eyes* Let me paste the message here…

hey .. this blogg .. haiish .. usless =-= waste time ..”

Firstly, please learn to spell properly or at least type slower so you’ll make less typos. *grrr* Secondly, as I have replied, if you think my blog is useless and a waste of time, why the hell are you still reading it? Isn’t it wasting your (super precious) time? *rolls eyes* And if you have the guts to post such a comment, why don’t you have the guts to leave your name for everyone to see? Let me just LAUGH OUT LOUD in your face now. HAHAHA. :rofl: Thirdly, look whose turf you’re on now. I paid for the webspace. So it’s MY TURF you’re on…so WHAT DO YOU THINK?

People are welcome to their own opinions and views but this is definitely not trying to share your views. It’s just plain wanting to create trouble here. And no, you aren’t welcome here AT ALL.

Finally, let’s do some plugging here…check this out. It gave me a pretty start page. Was actually deciding between NewS and Arashi but finally went with NewS to match my wallpaper.

the air at mediacorp

Photo of the day…

Nope. Didn’t have tickets for the recording but went to Mediacorp nonetheless. To celebrate Uncle Kel’s birthday. Ahhhh…now that explains the cake in the photo above.

I know Per is going to tsukomi me after I say this. While waiting to take photos with the guys at the reception area, it happened again. Suddenly the noise gets to me. My brain does it again – trying to seperate out sounds. Then I get the feeling like I’m just standing there and everyone is just rushing past me. It’s like I’m too slow and everyone’s just too fast?

There is something about the air at Mediacorp. It makes Kuek go “ting tong“. He makes a dash for downstairs everytime he comes out from the studio. It’s like as if he has his escape route carefully planned out. At first, he’s fine. He responds to questions. After awhile, when a lot more people come down to take photos with him, he suddenly switches to “ting tong” mode and paces around on the driveway making random sounds at random moments.

If I were to seriously discuss this behaviour, I’ll say that it’s his reaction to being mobbed by fans. Imagine people walking all round you, asking questions, expecting you to answer them. Cameras flashing in your face. You can’t breathe…there’s no personal space. Sad ain’t it? But that’s the price of fame. Anyway, I’m just guessing here…

Sis told me that if I want a chance to take photos with the guys, I have to just go up, stand next to whoever while saying “take photo! take photo!” I’m thinking isn’t that kinda rude? You don’t just stick yourself next to someone and make them take photos with you. Hmmm…shouldn’t you ask the person first whether it’s ok to take photos? They are humans with feelings, not exhibits.

Everytime I talk things like these, I should prepare myself of getting bashed up…

Shinya’s girlfriend, Wawa is so cute. 🙂 She got so excited when she saw the guys coming out from the studio. Her face just lit up. It’s the simple things like this between couples that make you feel so happy for them…

Lastly, a picture that paints a thousand words…a lasting memory…

sweet surprise

Photo of the day…

Monday, 7ners held a surprise party for Nad at Cash Studio. I’m glad that everything went smoothly after all the planning and organising. She knew we were sort of giving her a surprise as in we weren’t letting her know where we were going for dinner and all coz goondu Junwei accidentally sms-ed her when the sms was meant for Per. But she didn’t know we were going to surprise her at the ktv. She really thought I had to pick something up for Sis at Chinatown.

I was still kinda worried that she would wonder how come we were meeting so early when all we’re having is dinner. So at the last moment, I sort of covered that up saying that PK needed to go home early or something so we’re having an early dinner. Knowing Nad isn’t easily fooled, was trying to be really careful with my words. Praying hard that JW hadn’t unknowingly let out our secret. By the way, he almost did when Per called him a few days ago. He said “Chinatown” out loud and when Per tried to shush him, he did a bad job of trying to cover up his mistake. -_-|||

I was telling Per that maybe what made my little “show” more believable was the fact that I got lost. Went to Apollo Centre only once and I’m the kind who needs to take notice of the way there or else I’ll get lost next time. That time when I went with Sis and Per, Sis led the way and I was just following so I didn’t really take notice of the route there. Ehz…I’m just bad with directions.

Walked up to the ktv door. Opened it. SURPRISE!!!

Everybody had a fun time. Singing all those English songs which were popular back when we were in secondary school. Some of us singing random Mandarin songs. Hurhur…me “forcing” Per to sing NEWSニッポン and 希望~Yell~ with me. :rofl:

Didn’t want to leave so we ditched our plans of having dinner at Kenny Rogers in Marina. Anyway, CJ said there was a Swensens at Chinatown Point. Haha…coz of Sis’s member card, we can extend ktv hours for free if the room is not booked after us.

After dinner at Swensens, Per and I met Juliah at City Hall. Talked for awhile before going home just in time to catch the results for SuperBand. Woohoo! Lucify managed to get in the first round. They have always been on the rather “dangerous” side so it was good to have a change.

I keep feeling that these few days seem to be a dream. This very surreal feeling? Like I can’t have a firm grasp of what I’m doing. I end up asking myself at the end of each day “what the hell have you been doing?” Everything seems to be moving too fast. Or am I the one who’s too slow?

nad’s 21st

8th June – Nad’s birthday. お誕生日おめでとう!!! Recently, I’ve been very slackish on birthdays and all. I never post my birthday wishes on time on my blog. Anyhow, I hope you had a wonderful birthday.

My mind is now battling between sleep and actually going through the day’s happenings here. The latter is losing though. I think I should just go sleep. :sleep:

Ah, maybe before I go… Once again, NewS has taken over my desktop. Massu~~~ :love: Rin-chan actually refers to Massu as my lover boy. Hahaha…she’s so cute. :heart:

attack (back)

Went to watch that FOCUS First Cuts movie we got free tickets for. “Love Story”. This is one movie that for once I can’t figure out. But I did tell Sis that films that make you scratch your head the most are usually the ones that are rated the best and have won awards.

The only remotely possible conclusion I can come up with for the movie is how the question, “what is love?” is being made the focus. A writer who claims to write love stories lives his life in a mixture of make-believe and reality. Him battling with his inner demons, struggling to separate fact from fiction and vice versa. Getting so confused and tormented by his own thoughts.

The above paragraph is my interpretation of the movie. Really want to know the real meaning behind it. *sigh*

Oh, the title for the entry…the movie has nothing to do with it. Coz Sis was looking through the comments left on the SuperBand blog for Lucify. She came across this rather mean one and started reading it out to me. Got me a little agitated but I’m smart not to leave a reply to that comment there. I’m going to leave it here. Coz this is MY blog. Everything here goes according to MY wishes, MY fancy, MY terms.

So…a person going by the pseudonym of “Grossed out” left 2 nasty comments. The second one read…

“Hmmm… lets see… Are you better off by leaving good comments on the band you like? Dude, grow up. Heard they are imitating the Jap band Alice nine right? OMG!!! Stop disgracing yourselves pucified!!! Thinking that by dressing like a bunch of shit heads and rambling like lunatics can get you the title of a super band? Lets see… NOT IN A MILLION YEARS.”

Now, I really cannot understand why people have so much time and energy to waste on leaving nasty messages for a band they so obviously hate. I guess the person must be really naive to think that by doing so, maybe fans will start to question their liking for the band. Have you heard of reverse psychology? Your nasty comments only make fans grow stronger, their love for the band deeper. And you’re obviously digging your own grave here. If fans were to find out who you are…all I can say is good luck manz. I really want to say that you’re the one who needs to grow up, fancy all the name-calling and vulgarities. But this time, I’m going to prove to you…so you say we need to grow up? You think we’re juvenile? Fine. Shall show you how juvenile I can be. Two words. FUCK OFF. 

when we question about life

Following the link from Pwen’s blog, I got to this site which is very interesting. Didn’t believe I would read all 27 chapters of it but yea, I did. It talks about the Chernobyl disaster and life in that area after that.

This sentence in Chapter 2 made strong thoughts form in my mind. I was actually bursting to tell someone about it. But the people who would discuss this were either a) asleep, b) talking on the phone and c) well, just not around. So what to do? Pick someone at random on MSN. Yew Seng…who ended up…not answering me. -_-|||

Quote “In keeping with a long tradition of Soviet justice, they imprisoned all the people who worked on that shift – regardless of their guilt. The man who tried to stop the chain reaction in a last desperate attempt to avoid the meltdown was sentenced to 14 years in prison. He died 3 weeks later.”

My thoughts:
Humans are fuckin’ stupid. Why the fuck go sentence the guy to 14 years imprisonment when he’s probably going to die of radiation in a matter of days? Like he’s not suffering already. Yea, way to go manz. *rolls eyes*

Open the room door. YES! Dad’s still awake. Finally, someone whom I know will discuss this with me. *teary eyes*

He said that’s coz they need to make someone the scapegoat. Whatever happens, SOMEONE needs to shoulder the responsibility or rather, be blamed for it. I didn’t quite get what he meant at first but upon further questioning… It’s like how the boss never gets the blame but the small frys get the worst. So I said, “like the government?” Which was precisely what he meant.

I came to the later chapters which described this town where all the people were evacuated. It’s practically a ghost town.

Quote “This town might be an attractive place for tourists. Some tourists companies have been trying to arrange tours in this town, but the first group of tourists found the silence unnerving and downright SPOOKY. And it is. They charged 1200 hryvnas for a 2 hour excursion and after some 15 minutes, they wanted to flee to the outside world. The silence here is deafening.”

Reading on and looking at all the photos, it IS kinda spooky since time really seemed to stand still for this town. Calendars hung on walls are from some 20 years ago. Decorations put up to celebrate Labour Day…a day which never came for this town.

The town would only be ready to be re-populated after 600 years. But by then, the people who are going to live there probably won’t feel anything much for the town and its sad memories. Simply coz the people aren’t descendants of the original population. In case you’re wondering why, the original population would have died of radiation. Even if they did reproduce their next generation, how long would this go on? Their children would either be born deformed or have a short life.

I told Dad my thoughts. We need experiments to learn about things. Whatever those people were trying to do, they were doing it to learn something new. To prove a theory. If you don’t try, how would you know? But the sad thing is, failure does happen at times. And in this case, this failure cost the lives of thousands of people. Sad isn’t it?

I went on to tell him about what Per and I talked about some time ago. The lack of friends to discuss matters like these. No offence to anybody but I do have friends who refuse to discuss such stuff. Partly coz they find it profound? But I don’t understand why people refuse to think and question? Is it so hard to do so? To me, it’s just linking thoughts with events happening around the world. If we don’t question then how do we learn? Which is why I get pretty frustrated when people watch certain “thinking” movies just for pure entertainment value and later say it’s boring. Why do you think it’s boring? Coz there’s not enough action? Not enough blood and gore? Not enough romance? It does not follow the usual storyline – introduction, problem, happily ever after?

Dad presented his theory. Don’t laugh ok…I’m sure everyone has little theories of their own.

He said people can be classified under 10 different levels. 1 being the “earthy” people. With their nose to the ground, like hogs sniffing out truffles. They only worry whether they have a roof over their head, when their next meal is and how much money to make. 10 being the saints. Eyes fixed on the skies. They only think about their next life and reaching heaven. The last they worry about is food and money. Then there are the people who are in-between. Those are the ones who think and question about all sorts of things. People like us (him and me).

Per, you gotta give it up to my 老爸 for this little theory of his. Haha…I love my dad when we discuss such matters. He always gives me answers or new things to think about when I ask him questions. :laugh:

it’s complicated

I thought of blogging about Xiuwei’s birthday party but after I stepped out of the bathroom, an article on the newspaper caught my eye.

Well, it’s about Dan Brown’s “The Da Vinci Code”. Like why am I not surprised? As they say, religion is a very sensitive (and dangerous) topic. Trust me, I’ve been said to have given a figurative slap to the person I was debating with on some religious thinkings. Anyway, I knew that Catholics and Christians would somehow get annoyed by the book/movie. Afterall, it does question on certain things in the religion.

I’m rather curious to know why do people have to make things so complicated. It’s just a book/movie. It’s just Dan Brown’s perception of things. If you believe it, then so be it. If you don’t, then just as well, so be it. Why go create an uproar and make yourself so unhappy over it? Oh…and in turn make other people angry with you?

But that’s just it. I can’t stand some Christians who act so self-righteous. I mean talk about learning God’s way and the next minute you’re condemning someone and saying that he/she will burn in hell. Talk about going to church every Sunday and the next minute you’re spreading rumours and backstabbing someone. *breaks into song* It’s the rumour weeeeeeeeeeeed… Ah sorry, that Veggie Tales song just popped into my mind.

Burn in hell? Who are you to judge me? If God thinks I should burn in hell, that’s for Him to decide, not you. If you think I’m bad, by saying such things, you’re already stooping to my level isn’t it?

Haha…having said the above, I should prepare myself of getting bashed up… :laugh:

i can afford it

Something’s different about today. While everyone is blogging about how they spent Mother’s Day, our family did nothing. As in, we went about doing things like it was just a normal day. I haven’t asked Dad why we didn’t celebrate since the past Mother’s Days we go out for a meal at a nice restaurant.

Hmmm…I didn’t buy Mum anything. Or maybe I haven’t really gone out to look for something. No effort being made? But of course I don’t believe in buying something for the sake of it. It must be something chosen with much thought.

I went to Per’s degree show instead. The last 20 minutes of it. And helped her take down everything. After she had a small celebration with her friends, we went down to Mise to collect Sis’s magazines that she reserved. Walked down to Wheelock to have dinner at Nooch. But the place was gone so we settled for this Japanese restaurant.

I don’t know if I’m being too sensitive but sometimes I think some service staff look at us differently. Like stereotype. Just coz we look like students, they think we have no money. They have this “are you sure you can afford eating here?” kinda look which irritates me a lot. If I can’t afford it, I wouldn’t be stepping in here already. I would have chosen to eat at Mac or something. :angry: :angry: :angry: By the way, the food at Mac isn’t getting cheaper. So don’t think you’ve won or something. *rolls eyes*

Makes me feel like taking a wad of $50 bills and slapping them in the face with it. Except that I don’t have that kind of money. HAHAHA… But the point is, whether I look like a student or not, I’m still your customer.

Thinking about it. My sense can’t be wrong. Just like the time I asked sensei about something to confirm that I’m right about it. He said that I might be wrong but time proved that I was right. It’s just women and their “sixth sense”.


“The council has spoken…”

*chuckles* :laugh:

For the next 4 years, PAP will be our government. I was more interested by what the analysts had to say about the Opposition. Anyway, it’s time for PAP to eat humble pie. As the saying goes “Pride comes before a fall.” And don’t try to threaten us coz all I can say is “BRING IT ON!”

But really, I was amused by the number of people who spoilt their votes. Can I say that I kinda salute these people for knowing what they really want? That nothing is good enough just coz?

Well, that isn’t much of what the purpose of this blog entry is. But, it is a little then. I’ve been thinking about this for a few days now. With all that has been going on, people telling me things, me reading things… If everything is based on perception, what then is wrong or right?

I did try to offer myself a solution by saying that maybe this IS how the way things are. That maybe you don’t want to question such things so that you don’t just make yourself more confused. That you just have to accept what you already know (or at least what society tells you). That what is right…IS always right. And what is wrong…IS always wrong.

I got an answer from Dad when I asked him that. He gave me a pretty much logical answer too. Not going to print it out here coz I want to know what you guys think. I want your initial thoughts…