Following the link from Pwen’s blog, I got to this site which is very interesting. Didn’t believe I would read all 27 chapters of it but yea, I did. It talks about the Chernobyl disaster and life in that area after that.
This sentence in Chapter 2 made strong thoughts form in my mind. I was actually bursting to tell someone about it. But the people who would discuss this were either a) asleep, b) talking on the phone and c) well, just not around. So what to do? Pick someone at random on MSN. Yew Seng…who ended up…not answering me. -_-|||
Quote “In keeping with a long tradition of Soviet justice, they imprisoned all the people who worked on that shift – regardless of their guilt. The man who tried to stop the chain reaction in a last desperate attempt to avoid the meltdown was sentenced to 14 years in prison. He died 3 weeks later.”
My thoughts:
Humans are fuckin’ stupid. Why the fuck go sentence the guy to 14 years imprisonment when he’s probably going to die of radiation in a matter of days? Like he’s not suffering already. Yea, way to go manz. *rolls eyes*
Open the room door. YES! Dad’s still awake. Finally, someone whom I know will discuss this with me. *teary eyes*
He said that’s coz they need to make someone the scapegoat. Whatever happens, SOMEONE needs to shoulder the responsibility or rather, be blamed for it. I didn’t quite get what he meant at first but upon further questioning… It’s like how the boss never gets the blame but the small frys get the worst. So I said, “like the government?” Which was precisely what he meant.
I came to the later chapters which described this town where all the people were evacuated. It’s practically a ghost town.
Quote “This town might be an attractive place for tourists. Some tourists companies have been trying to arrange tours in this town, but the first group of tourists found the silence unnerving and downright SPOOKY. And it is. They charged 1200 hryvnas for a 2 hour excursion and after some 15 minutes, they wanted to flee to the outside world. The silence here is deafening.”
Reading on and looking at all the photos, it IS kinda spooky since time really seemed to stand still for this town. Calendars hung on walls are from some 20 years ago. Decorations put up to celebrate Labour Day…a day which never came for this town.
The town would only be ready to be re-populated after 600 years. But by then, the people who are going to live there probably won’t feel anything much for the town and its sad memories. Simply coz the people aren’t descendants of the original population. In case you’re wondering why, the original population would have died of radiation. Even if they did reproduce their next generation, how long would this go on? Their children would either be born deformed or have a short life.
I told Dad my thoughts. We need experiments to learn about things. Whatever those people were trying to do, they were doing it to learn something new. To prove a theory. If you don’t try, how would you know? But the sad thing is, failure does happen at times. And in this case, this failure cost the lives of thousands of people. Sad isn’t it?
I went on to tell him about what Per and I talked about some time ago. The lack of friends to discuss matters like these. No offence to anybody but I do have friends who refuse to discuss such stuff. Partly coz they find it profound? But I don’t understand why people refuse to think and question? Is it so hard to do so? To me, it’s just linking thoughts with events happening around the world. If we don’t question then how do we learn? Which is why I get pretty frustrated when people watch certain “thinking” movies just for pure entertainment value and later say it’s boring. Why do you think it’s boring? Coz there’s not enough action? Not enough blood and gore? Not enough romance? It does not follow the usual storyline – introduction, problem, happily ever after?
Dad presented his theory. Don’t laugh ok…I’m sure everyone has little theories of their own.
He said people can be classified under 10 different levels. 1 being the “earthy” people. With their nose to the ground, like hogs sniffing out truffles. They only worry whether they have a roof over their head, when their next meal is and how much money to make. 10 being the saints. Eyes fixed on the skies. They only think about their next life and reaching heaven. The last they worry about is food and money. Then there are the people who are in-between. Those are the ones who think and question about all sorts of things. People like us (him and me).
Per, you gotta give it up to my è€çˆ¸ for this little theory of his. Haha…I love my dad when we discuss such matters. He always gives me answers or new things to think about when I ask him questions. :laugh: