tickling my funny bone


Life has gotten much more funny after I downloaded MSN Plus which comes with pre-recorded sounds. I always thought the “Evil Laugh” and “Dangerous” ones were the most interesting ones until Per clicked on the one labelled “Bye”.

The last few words got me rolling on the floor with laughter. I haven’t laughed so hard in a long long while. We were trying to decipher what were the last 3 words that sounded like “ching chow chey” or “ching chow tei” or “qing tao gey”.

Ok…another thing to blog about. I love the Omu rice in Taka basement foodcourt. Thought of going there quite some time ago but never had the chance until yesterday. UMAI~~~ So much so that we went back today (as in Sunday).

the guys and girls

Hurhur, I think I kinda ditched the idea to blog about my trip. Nothing much to say except that stuff was cheap, food was salty and oily and we visited a lot of temples and so-and-so’s house from the past.

Thursday, Sis and I celebrated Joyce’s birthday at Sushi Tei in Paragon. After dinner, we went to Mise S*Clusive. AGAIN. And AGAIN, I couldn’t resist the charm of Masuda and NewS. Let’s just say I’m planning to stay home for the next 1-2 weeks.

Yesterday, watched Madagascar with Sis, Desmond and Desmond’s sister, Michelle. It was a hilarious cartoon. “I like to move it, move it. You like to move it, move it. I like to move it, move it. You like to…MOVE IT!”

Met up with Xiu Wei, Cas, Don, Raynor, Chee Wee, Zhihao, Albin, Clare and Yingwei to celebrate Raynor’s and Clare’s birthday. Went to this little restaurant in Clarke Quay. After which, we sat around at a bar to talk while the guys drank.

While Raynor was driving some of us home, the whole guys and girls thing popped up. Yingwei said that if a guy is driving and he gets lost, the girl shouldn’t ask “Are you lost?” coz it gets the guy mad. It’s the whole ego thing lahz. I think it’s like guys think when the girl asks like that, she’s like looking down on him or something? But in actual fact I think she’s just trying to help?

Another thing that was discussed during 7ners chalet. When there’s a problem, the guy would want to sweep it under the rug, the further the better. Until one day when the problem snowballs into a mountain then we’ll talk about it. Whereas the girl would want to solve it now so it doesn’t repeat. And they finally discuss it, the guy would think that the girl is just getting so heated up over a small matter. But the girl is like thinking “What small matter?! Get yourself in this mess still dare say!”

That’s the difference between guys and girls. Perhaps guys should get down from their little pedestal once in a while. It’s not always about you and your ego. Girls should…well, just be more understanding that guys will always have their pride.

Like how one of the contestants in Miss Universe said, guys lack sensitivity.

One more thing CJ mentioned, both guys and girls tend to want to talk emotional stuff with girls.

hidamari no tami craze

I didn’t even realise the ticket sales started on 16 April. Got the news of the Energy when I was in China and that was coz Desmond was checking out tickets for the Kylie concert (which has been cancelled) and he happened to see it.

So I made a mental note to check out the seating when I was back. Wasn’t hopeful since it’s about a month since ticket sales started. And I forgot till today. Well, I’m right. The good seats have been snapped up. So, I don’t think I’ll be going for it.

*consoles myself* That way you can save up money to “go crazy” in the Johnny’s shop in Japan.

Oh oh…I just checked out the Tomy website regarding the Hidamari no Tami. Recently, saw a new one. The Odoru! Hidamari no Tami. Lo and behold, I found more cute stuff. Hidamari no Mickey, Hidamari no Minnie and Hidamari no Pooh. My goodness. I’m going crazy over them now. Check out my wishlist under the links to see the picture.

I saw a new Flip Flap as well. A flower bud but it’s not as cute as the seedling one I’ve got.

more NewS

*sing-song voice* genki…yuki…koyama. *frowns and begins all over* genki…yuki…masuda. *smiles*

This has become the associative few words whenever NewS is mentioned. I remembered vaguely that it was in the first NewS vcd. Then Per kept reciting it at the chalet. And now it’s permanently stuck in my head. It was only about a week ago that I discovered the phrase was in NewS’ “NEWS Nippon”. *big smack on forehead*

Also, commented on the J-music forums about my feelings after watching the dvd that came with NewS “Touch” album.

I need a translator desperately!

Heez…this is like another entry on NewS but I really can’t help it.

I know that it’s hard for people to understand my liking for Japanese stuff unless they like it too. That’s why I’m thankful that Sis and Per are big fans of Japanese stuff as well. So I can talk all this stuff and know that someone understands my liking.

I really want to blog about my trip but everytime I find myself not having enough time to really sit down and think through. Partly coz computer time is now shared with Sis (until her computer is cleared out and reformatted) and partly coz my grandparents are around so we can’t hang around too long in the study room. They sleep early.


I’m back from pandaland (as Per calls it). Yes, China.

My mind is in a whirl now coz I realise I have tons to keep up with since the past 2 weeks of being offline. TCGs to keep up. New songs to download. Emails to look through. Blogs to be visited. Updating my own blog. Getting my photos in order so they can be printed on time before grandpa starts hounding everybody. And not to mention the J-music forum where I get my daily dose of Japanese stuff downloaded from.

There’s lots to be told about my trip but I’ll save it for the next entry. Right now I shall just say that it was wonderful meeting up with Per and Pwen yesterday. Checking out the yukatas, tees, shoes, hats and caps at Bugis. Per decided to try on almost every cap or hat on me but it was kinda the wrong day since I tied up my hair and my ponytail was in the way.

Then we went to the mickey shop. Trying to find the same mickey cap Masuda picked up in the NewS dvd. Had a light snack in My Secret Garden while waiting for Pwen to knock off from work.

At last, Pwen arrives and we settle down to show her some stuff we found. Had dinner at Pasta Mania.

They headed for home. I headed for Orchard to meet Sis and Desmond. Bought some stuff at Mise S*Clusive. 2 uchiwas! One Aiba, the another Masuda. They are having this sale for certain items. Buy one get one free. Yay~~~

life at this point

These days it’s just me and my computer. That’s how I live everyday. Night becomes day, day becomes night. Seriously becoming an owl.

I have been working on my portfolio site. After exclaiming that I can’t figure out the script, I sat myself down and told myself I could do it. And I started to figure things out a little. It’s strange how we often tell ourselves we can’t do it but end up doing it in the end. Now, don’t get me wrong, I still think I lack flair in designing.

Yesterday, I was thinking of what I was going to get in the Johnny’s shop in Osaka. Now with an added Masuda to the list of Johnny’s artistes I like, I think I’m going to spend quite a lot. Meikan, uchiwas, photos etc etc…

Moreover, Sis found out the address for the Morning Musume shop in Osaka. So, hmmm…is this bad or what?

itching to go shopping

Aiyoh…itching to get NewS’s album le. Itching to go to Mise S*clusive. Itching to get a new bag. Damn. I need money to fall from the sky.

Stressing on settling the food for the steamboat for 7ners chalet. Costs. The size of the fridge. Argh.

the love of your life

I like it when we have a light-hearted chat like that. Even if most of it is nonsensical. From discussing Namie’s new boyfriend which by the way is Ken Miyake from V6…either she bak jiu tak stamp or she just likes baby-faced, mickey mouse sounding guys. Anyway, from discussing that to bishonen to YamaP looking lem bek to Hyde’s new look etc etc.

That was the msn conversation I had with Per yesterday night.

Have you guys seen the Mother’s Day Johnson & Johnson’s advertisement. The baby is so cute! And the tagline for it. “You always went for the tall, dark and handsome. Who would have thought that the love of your life would be short and bald.” Something like that. It makes me smile.

back with hilary

realistic-soul.net is back. After a few days of trouble with diaryland *their server broke down* and then having trouble with the cache and all *still am*…I’m back.

Actually I did up everything days ago but was having trouble with the cache, css yada yada… And I figured, what the heck. So if you see the links portion, the scrollbar is white, it’s not my fault. My tcg page is lime green, it’s not my fault. I asked Vince for help and after some testing, he concluded that it was netrillium’s fault. The old css is stuck in the server cache or something.

I know this layout takes some time to load…sorry, I got to carried away with slicing. Heez. I doubt this layout will stay up long. I have ideas for a new one already!

Tomorrow will be back to school again to continue work on the project. *sigh* Just back from Malaysia, a little holiday and there’s work right in my face already.

Went to Malaysia to celebrate my paternal grandpa’s 80th birthday. There was all this big hoo-ha. Everyone getting flustered and all. Sis and I were going “but it’s just a birthday celebration.” And Mum came back with the reply “wait till you reach 80-years-old.” That shut us up.

Oh oh…and my little cousin-once-removed, Lee Ann is so adorable. She looks like a little doll.

Alrighty…need to take a bath now. Will be back with more.

the dimmer side

I am almost done with the layouts and all. Just that I have a small problem with the cache. Now I really wonder why. In school, it seems that when I update a page, all I have to do is click on the refresh button twice and I see the changes.

Back at home, no matter how many times I refresh the page, I still get the old one. Don’t tell me to empty the cache and change the settings to “every visit to the page”. Done that.

This is rather frustrating.

Anyway, I’m going to Malaysia tomorrow. Going to celebrate my paternal grandpa’s 80th birthday. Today we just celebrated my maternal grandpa’s birthday in advance.

Work on the portal isn’t going too great. It takes a long time to load each result page. If 2 or more people start to search, the whole portal lags and hangs like nobody’s business. Zhihao says that it might not work even if we were to upload it to the school server. And we only have until next Wednesday to work on it.

Haha…we joked that maybe the whole portal might end up exclusively for Ms Tan’s use only. Wahahahahaha…