food for the boy

お誕生日おめでとうマッス!!! I hope you have a good birthday with lots of food. Maybe surrounded by tons of 肉まん and 小笼包。Haha… :laugh: Although in Japan, you’re already considered an adult at 20 years of age but to most of the rest of the world, you’ve just reached adulthood. Welcome to the club. I hope with the increase of age, you’re also wiser. Please don’t go do something stupid for a moment’s pleasure and get yourself into trouble.

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are we good or evil?

Yes! I’ve completed watching Liar Game. The last episode was kinda exciting seeing how each person tried to outwit each other and become the greatest liar and winner. I was trying to fight myself from cheating and pushing the time slide to the end to find out the ending first. I fought the temptation and managed to watch the drama unfold bit by bit.

Ok, I admit I’m a sucker for romance. I was hoping Nao and Akiyama would end up a couple instead of a special friends??? The ending was not really expected but then again whoever believed that this world be rid of evil is too innocent…like Nao. Sure, I believe that there’s some good in everyone and I always hope that everyone would let their good side triumph over their evil side. But it’s hard to believe that everyone would just end up being good.

There’s this Chinese poem with the first line “人之初,性本善。” and it is by nurture that we learn to be evil. Hmmm…how about I complicate things by using the same logic of “egg first or chicken first?” What if we’re all born evil? Or are we just neither good nor evil at the beginning and cursed with the knowledge of it only to be discovered later? Afterall, Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil which kinda damned us all.

Ok, I’m really not making any sense here…

Aside from that, I am rather thrilled to know that there will be a Japanese drama version of 花ざかりの君たちへ。Even more thrilled that Toma will be acting in it. :yay: Only, I’m kinda disappointed at the choice of actress for the role of 瑞希。Why Horikita Maki?! I expected someone a bit more of a tomboy. See, the Taiwanese were smart to choose Ella for the role coz she’s all gungho yet cute in her own way. Horikita Maki is way too girly for the role. Just coz she’s rather popular now means she has to be casted in every drama. The choice of actor for the role of 泉 is also rather…hmmm…not quite sure about it. But hey, I’m not complaining coz it’s Oguri Shun. Hehe… :laugh:

new songs for me to sing

Sing Sing Sing
Went CS-ing yesterday with Sis, Per and Joyce. So exciting! They updated the songs in the system so there were all the new songs. Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~ :heart:

I managed to sing NewS’ “星をめざして”!!! :heart: I also tried OLIVIA’s “Stars Shining Out”. I was a little afraid that I wouldn’t be able to manage it so I just kept silent while the first verse played. But I figured it was quite ok. 🙂 Only there’s this part that goes very very high-pitched, my already thin voice goes even thinner and Sis says I sound like I’m singing for the mosquitoes to hear. :rofl:

Yea, I once joked with Sis that if ever I join a group, I’ll just be the wall-flower of the group. Coz the wall-flower of the group doesn’t get to sing upfront due his/her weaker vocals. He/she sings most of the harmonising parts. Haha, but even so, that is totally impossible! Why? Coz I can’t dance. Don’t laugh, I’m serious. Maybe someone should invent the “stiff cardboard dance” or “wooden dance”…

Leggings and Shoes
I was flipping through May’s issue of Kera and I saw this model wearing the type of leggings I wanna get. Ya, you don’t have to bother about the rest of the clothes she’s wearing…haha…

Also, I decided to check out the website for this online shop that sells punk/rock shoes and boots. They also sell the rocking shoes. They do international orders but the shoes don’t come cheap. Hmmm…

Teacher of Technology
Our phones are of the same brand but different. Thank God the settings for Mum’s handphone is about the same as mine.

I was in the shower and Mum just asked me how to change the alert tone when there’s a sms. So, I gave her instructions there and then by memory.

Why does it happen to be only me in the family who knows all this technology stuff? I wonder if anyone really thought for a moment how did I learn how to do all this stuff. I too had to read the instruction manual or fiddle around with settings. I don’t just know things you know.


Ok, fine. I’m the same. I keep asking James to fix my internet connection when it goes wonky.

Slow vs. Ill-bred
Our family was having dinner at a hotel restaurant yesterday. 3 kids from a neighbouring table were running around and making a lot of noise. It’s very dangerous for kids to run around in a restaurant. Moreover, the noise they were making was getting on my nerves. All this while, the adults at their table didn’t even bother to stop them. :angry:

Grace said that she didn’t mind children who were slow at grasping facts but there’s no excuse for ill-bred children. I totally agree with her. Now, I’m really thanking Mum and my babysitter for whacking me when I was young. At least, I grew up knowing what is to have good manners.

Hurhur…now, I know of 2 who badly need smacking…

bye bye, grandma

It was too cruel to see the flames engulf her. It was even more weird to see her body being reduced to just a pile of ashes. Yet a part of me knew that her soul had been released and she would be going to a good place.

At the last moments of her funeral, the only words that were imprinted in my mind were: ‘人总是在失去了才懂得珍惜。’

just 4 hours

“Car crashes, tv shows. A drunkard on the side of the road. People runnin’. Fantasy or reality. Analysis and theories. What does matter really? — Standfast ‘Car Crashes’ “

Just 4 hours and everything has changed.

The feeling is just surreal. It’s like a movie being played. Except that everything is just fast-forwarded to the sad ending. A scene keeps playing in my head: “I reach out to grasp something but I hold nothing in my hands. It’s like everything is just an illusion, nothing is real.”

It’s karma. For all the unkind thoughts/words/behaviour…I will be damned now.


2 days of freedom and a million messages (sms, friendster etc) later…


I really felt like Cinderella.

PS: Ok, ‘million’ would be exaggerating. Anyway, thanks for the birthday messages.

where do we go from now?

“Where do we go from now?”

Today will be the 4th day Sis is in hospital. I don’t know what or how to feel. But that’s how I am. Sis always said I am kinda unfeeling. I wonder if it’s true. I neither cry nor brood over such matters, even it’s bad news like someone has passed on. It’s like I have to cry but I can’t. My brain just goes “oh.” and then nothing more. To me, life has to go on whether we like it or not.

I thought about it. I thought about how Sis said she’s on the verge of giving up. For once, I seriously thought about what if Sis really went away. A sudden fear crept up. What would I do? No, I don’t want Sis to go. As much as we quarrel over small little things, I will always look up to her and love her.

How do you give someone hope when she feels life is meaningless? What are we actually living for?

I am ok. Perhaps this is the strength that God has given me. That I know how to pick myself up and move on. Please don’t ask me if I’m ok or whether I want to talk about it. Explaining is tiring. I will talk when I want to. I know I have quite a few silent readers including relatives. Please don’t start asking my parents about it or insist on visiting Sis. Leave her to heal by herself.

Perhaps the only thing you can do now is to pray for her.