yes i do

Woohoo! I can get to watch “The Passion of Christ”. It’s not R(A). First saw the advertisement for this movie on Mum’s copy of Catholic News. Sis just confirmed that the movie is not R(A).

I don’t know whether to feel happy for the couple or to laugh. Yesterday, I visited Jo’s blog…Diary-X blog. A pink page popped up instead of her blog layout. Thought she changed her layout.

After reading the first few lines, I thought this person hacked into the diary-x system. And that page was some virus. However, I checked the link to the girl’s blog and decided that it’s not a hoax.

You see…the contents on that page was actually a proposal. For all the curious and kaypoh people. Yes…you can view the page here. And the girl blogged her answer. She said yes.

To which, 70+ people commented on that entry. Many to congratulate them. Some felt that it’s not right. Marriage is a life-long commitment. Saying “I do” means that you promise to love each other, cherish each other, care for each other, go through the good and bad together and lots more.

Well, that’s why the wedding vows existed right? I often wonder whether couples understand and mean what they recite or they just recite for the sake of getting on with the ceremony. Coz why do you make a vow…a promise only to break it in the end? Then is that vow that you made worth anything anymore?

Well, that’s just my 2-cents worth on marriage.

Today is Kelvin sensei’s birthday. Louis’s famous words keep flashing in my mind…”worst”. Can’t believe I didn’t even know. How can I not know it’s sensei’s birthday. He sms-ed me while I was sleeping at home. Asked if I’m joining them for lunch. I wonder if it had anything to do with his birthday. Damn damn damn…*stabs myself*

I only knew about it during the break before ADID lab. When Cas called coz they got him a slice of cake and a card. Wanted to surprise him.

IN3D presentation was ok. Nervous as usual. I dislike presentations. Get so nervous. And I tend to stumble over my words or forget stuff whenever I get nervous. Don’t even know whether I was loud enough…bleargh. I bet I’ll be pretty nervous for the OSIP interview tomorrow. -_-|||

Last night Mum passed us some money. Dad got a bonus at work so he shared it out with the whole family. Proud of my Dad. *beams*

oh dear…

Slept pretty early yesterday. Midnight. Well, I normally sleep around 2+am so midnight’s early. Was tired. Had a long day with no nap in between.

Was in school till 5pm. Finishing off the ER diagram. However, I think some parts we did wrongly. It’s more like a mind map than ER diagram. My group members don’t seem to realise it. And I find it difficult to explain. Oh well…we’re approaching our tutor so I guess she’ll point that out and have a better explanation.

Had Shrooms burger for dinner again. Sis wanted to eat that. So KFC again. In a hurry anyway.

Got ready to go to the Shakespeare play. And then the most terrible thing happened. Sis took out the tickets to check and to her horror, it was for 3pm, not 8pm. Apparently, Mum did ask for the 8pm show but the Sistic counter girl made a mistake. Mum didn’t check the tickets. So there. Desmond called up Sistic to find out if there could be any exchange or refund.

Had to settle for a movie instead. Wanted to watch “My Girl” at TM at 9.10pm. Whoa…long queue at the cinema. Ended up watching “20 30 40” at Century Square at 9.15pm.

Okie dokie…need to get work done.


[edited at 11.16pm]
Shucks! I think last week was the last episode for the season of CSI. Bleargh.

On a brighter note, Buffy’s BACK!

Grandparents left for home *Malaysia* today.

IN3D is tough but pretty cool in a way too. Tough coz we gotta do a short animation for project 2. Gotta model the characters all by ourselves.

Cool coz you can even model real stuff. Like today’s lab exercise was to model a can of Sunmaid raisins. Complete with the label. 🙂 The other time was a vitamin bottle. Nature’s Way Royal Jelly I think.

Since Mum and Sis were going to the hairdresser in town, decided to make a trip down too. For dinner. Went to Kino first. Bought a few magazines. Almost got my hands on Elizabeth Wurtzel’s “More, Now, Again”. The book I picked up was a little dog-earred at the bottom of the cover. Asked if they had a new copy. The one I was holding was the only copy left. Didn’t buy it in the end.

Moral of the story: Elisia likes her books nice and new. No dog-earred covers or pages, thank you very much.

like normal

Ahhh…finally able to blog like normal, although I anticipate a few days of no entries in the days to come due to the on-going projects.

Having some problem with Haloscan. It’s pretty irritating when the important entries do not have a comments box. Boooooooooo…

Oh yea…I’ve handed in my application for OSIP. Decided to heed Mr Douglas’s advice and try out. No harm trying. There is a very slim chance I’ll get in anyway. Even if I don’t get it, at least I’ll be contented that I did try.

Sis might be slipping into her depression problem again. She woke up today feeling all wrong. Mum took leave to make sure she was alright.

Went to school an hour earlier. Needed to prepare the STMD tutorial.

There was HR Management tutorial. Mrs Tay returned our PBL Problem 1 report. Our group didn’t do too well. 68%. I looked through it and was rather horrified. That was why I said I didn’t really trust Joel. Instead of organising the stuff and retyping it, he just took whatever information we passed to him and put it in. Oh well…

Was supposed to meet Nad after her work at Tampines MRT station to pass her the LIME Celebrity Double Search at Zouk invitation. Forgot about it until I was bathing. Checked my handphone. *phew* She just messaged to say she’s on the way. In the end, I asked if she could come to my house instead. Apologies to Nad.

saturday’s entry

Couldn’t make it for the make-up IN3D lecture at 8am coz I was really very tired. Thanks Xiu Wei!

Went to school a little later to help out with the JCG drama screening. Poor response once again. Only me, Qi Yuan, Shi Ming and Darwin. Heh…all JCG members. I left at 1pm…a little earlier.

Met Sis, Da Ge and Zhi Hao. All meeting up to go to the IT Show. At the bus stop, Raynor, Cas and Xiu Wei joined. At the interchange, Sis left to meet Mum for lunch. I went on.

Met Yingwei and Clare at City Hall MRT station. Whoa…the crowd moving towards Suntec. All going to the IT Show. At the IT Show, worse. Met Shaz halfway. Thought I saw Meliza helping out.

After about 2 hours at the IT Show, I left while they got a drink. Going to ACS Institution at Dover Road for S.H.E’s mini concert. Thought there might be a really long queue. Not too bad actually when I reached there.

The concert lasted for about an hour. Managed to take a few shots and 2 short video clips. Yay!

Called Sis. She was in Orchard with Desmond. They too haven’t had dinner. So I went to meet them for dinner at Taka.

While walking to Taka, at the carpark outside Somerset MRT station, saw this couple. The guy was holding the umbrella *it was raining*. Suddenly, must be some dispute, he just let the umbrella fall to the side and he started pulling the girl by her hand.

I hate guys who get violent with girls. What the hell. Just coz males are the so-called stronger gender, that gives them the right to get violent? That’s why girls cannot be too girly. Must be able to fight back to protect themselves. Must be able to stand up for themselves.

Reached home feeling tired and achy all over again.

My grandparents are staying in our house till Wednesday.

80 years

Went down to school a little earlier coz PK was in TP. She dropped by for a little visit. She was really excited. For what reason, I really don’t know. Perhaps studying in TP for almost 2 years already, makes TP just normal and boring.

Had lunch with PK and Jo at Design school canteen. Saw Mr Douglas. Had a quick chat with him.

And us 3 girls gained the experience of having a cockroach crawl around our feet. It happened too fast for us to even scream. I’m amazed…truly I am. Anyway, die you blasted cockroach…die.

I went off for IN3D lab. The other 2 went to watch “Big Fish”. Rajes and I were delighted to finish our lab a little earlier. Rajes asked Michael Shaw to let us off earlier since we’re done with the exercise. The amused Mr Shaw let us go after a little thinking. Haha…

Went to my grandparent’s house. To celebrate grandma’s 80th birthday. Dinner was soya sauce chicken. Grandma’s favourite.


Ame…is “rain” in Japanese. Yupz, it’s been raining all day already.

I guess since half a semester has gone by without much projects, they are taking the opportunity to make up for it in the second half of the semester. ORDS, STMD, ADID, IN3D, HR MGT… Time is running out. Gotta get out of slacker mode.

Rajes had a good surprise for me. Since I skipped HR tutorial last week, I didn’t get to see my term test paper for HR. She told me I got 35/40 which is the highest in the class! *jumps up and down* I couldn’t believe my ears coz it was last minute studying and the last question on On-The-Job Training, I didn’t study that so I just crapped whatever I could.

Mum decided to cook dinner today. And whoa…did she cook a good spread. She tried cooking nestum prawns but it turned out a little too buttery. I love Mum’s cooking simply coz she knows what we like and what we don’t like.

PK has entered the pillow fight pic for the digital photo competition. I suggested she entered that one. So exciting! Ermz Jo…hope you don’t mind. I know you took that photo for us but the digicam’s PK’s… Anyway, to view the pic, click here. *encourages* You guys all go try and take part ok? No harm trying…


[edited at 2.17am]
Wahahahaha…*rofl* I was looking at Sis’s cookbooks. Came to one with a title in cursive. Looking upside-down, it looked like “nutritional food”. I quickly glanced up and saw it was a book by “Reader’s Digest”. My slow mind decided to put the 2 set of words together and I went “oh…it’s by Reader’s Digestion!” to my Sis. As soon as those words escaped my lips, I realised my mistake and started laughing so hard that tears formed in my eyes.

[edited at 12.20am]
Getting a little frustrated… These days my computer keeps giving me problems. Either it doesn’t start up right so I gotta restart a few times. Or else I can’t install some program coz the program has encountered an error and has to close. Like I need to use Apache for STMD but it refuses to work. Super duper bleargh. Don’t tell me I need to defrag my computer again?

[edited at 10.08pm]
Had dinner at Mac with Mum. We were looking for a light meal coz ate too much for lunch.

Finally talked to Dad about going pubbing. He said he knew about it coz Sis told him already. Anyway, he was cool about it. Yupz…that’s what I like about Dad. He allows me to make my own decisions. Not saying that he doesn’t worry for me, he does caution me about the dangers but he lets me try things on my own instead of saying no straightaway.

Just saw someone’s quit message in IRC #jpop. “The greatest pain is not to die but to be forgotten and ignored”. I’ll agree with that. Heh.

Woot. Heavy rain now.

I was commenting a few days ago on Raynor’s blog about how I’ve learnt some time ago that most of the time, we do things to please others when it is said that we should do things to please ourselves.

Well, classic example came along in Wan Ping’s blog. I think she was doing badly for cheena all along and she got a B3 in the A’s. Something wonderful right? So, excited her called her mum to tell the good news. Yea…and all her mum said was “oh ok” and then hang up the phone. By the way, her mum expected an A.

Enough said. I don’t think I need to cite anymore examples. And besides, doing things to please ourselves would be deemed as being selfish right?

Cheng Huat decided to unlock his blog and put back his tagboard. For the benefit of all his readers… And the tagboard’s again plagued with those super bo liao people again. Hmmm…I even wonder if it’s just one person.

Anyway, it’s funny how these people waste their time. And none of his friends are posting on the tagboard to defend him. I think they’re all watching the “show”. Laughing at how these people waste their time trying to make Cheng Huat look like a fool when in actual fact, these people are making fools out of themselves.

doing the opposite

[edited at 2.13pm]
The IT fair is back. IT SHOW 2004 at Suntec from 11-14 March. There are 3 things on my mind. A new digicam…since there are problems sharing it with Sis. Plus I still have battery problems. Not sure whether it’s the digicam or the batteries. Anyway, if Mum doesn’t agree on this then I’ll probably save up some money to get one.

Laptop. Hmmm…not exactly a die die must get but still worth giving it a thought.

Thumbdrive. I think my zip drive’s spoilt. And I don’t wanna risk more zip disks getting spoilt. Every new zip disk is $15. I’ve actually thrown away about $45. You do the math. A thumbdrive is also not a die die must get. I’m actually deciding whether to get my zip drive checked, replacing it and then forgetting about getting a thumbdrive.

PK…you bought your digicam at the fair before right? And you were saying that you got a good bargain out of it right?

Anyway, those interested in the fair. Details here. I’m planning to go. Anybody wanna join me?

A certain thought just crossed my mind. Sometimes we act the total opposite to hide what we really feel. I guess it’s a way to give yourself more confidence or it could be plain deceiving yourself.

I realised I was acting in an all crappy manner at home a few days ago. That was coz I was feeling nervous about something. Well, I started acting like a siao char bor. Laughing out loud at all the slightest things. Although I found it weird, I couldn’t stop.

I see the same thing with Sis. Mum was the one who pointed it out to me. When Sis gets stressed or her sanity is hanging on a thin line, she starts acting like a siao char bor too.

Not saying that whenever I act like a siao char bo means I’m nervous or insecure about something. There are times when I simply am just like that.

Anyway, that day when I was acting funny, Desmond was telling us about how there are monkeys near his camp. Then Mum joined in saying that yea…these monkeys even have gangs. I found that very hilarious. And a picture of 2 monkey gangs appeared in my mind. You know how staring incidents are right? So…

Monkey gang 1: *stares at monkey gang 2*
Monkey gang 2 leader: Wah lau. Stare stare for what? See their faces already buay song. Come! Long zong hoot ah!

*and both gangs start fighting*

Typical staring incident.

I skipped HR tutorial this morning. Too sleepy.

I wonder how’s Xianglin and her results. PK…CJ…all the other A’level students. Hope everything goes fine.

Some would laugh. Others would cry. Some or a particular few would jump out of their chair so hard that their watch would fly about a metre away *tsk tsk…Dorothy at O’level results day* *rofl* Anyway, just accept whatever there is. Look and work towards a better future.

God bless.


Thought that the fullstop might be drawn tomorrow. But I guess it was meant to be drawn today.

And with that, another chapter ends. I had to make a decision fast. And I believe that when a decision/choice is made, don’t turn back. I do not regret anything. There is no room for regrets, only to look forward to what’s to come from now on. Whether good or bad, life still has to go on.

Remember the wallpaper before this? The Ayu one? The words “Some things are meant to be left unsaid”. Some things were truly left unsaid. But by the simple actions, all was said. Actions really speak louder than words.

Alrighty now…Elisia-chan, ganbare!

I went to TM after school with the hope of checking out clothes. Feel like adding on to my cupboard of clothes. Ended up feeling lazy since I bought dinner. Didn’t want to carry my food all round. That didn’t mean I went home empty handed. I bought a few more colour pens. Mehehehe…colour pens make me happy. Have like tons all around the house but who cares. Seeing those colours and using them to decorate this and that makes me happy. Call me weird if you like…I oh-so don’t care.

Woot…today’s episode of CSI left me a little sayless *a word invented by Nad to replace “speechless”*. To think an 8-year-old girl can murder an old lady. Stabbed her with a pen. And the girl wasn’t even sorry for what she did. She had this pretty scary hateful look on her face. Her words reeked with hate. And all she wanted was the old lady’s cat.

Someday I should take a photo of our storeroom. The purpose of a storeroom is to store all the bits and pieces that do not exactly belong or fit into the other rooms. Or the stuff that’s seldom used. I think our family makes FULL use of it. There’s hardly any walking space left. And should anybody need something from the cupboards, they yell for me aka spiderman to climb to get stuff. -_-|||

Haha…Sis and I often laugh about it. Remember those programmes? The ones where they come and makeover your house for free? Or the ones that compete to win an award for best house or something? Wahahahahaha…they’ll NEVER choose ours. We have TOO MUCH junk! *rofl*